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2003 Drug Raid on Stratford High School

Yogi says...

>> ^cracanata:

Government exercising crowd control on students?
Becoming a thug, drug seller or user after being treated like one, just because looks cool or out of spite?
Government didn't get the memo about psychological/social consequences of such an action?
I would like to know what lead to such an inept action and how are those students doing today, I really do.

The students are all either now on antidepressants or ADD drugs.

Mitt Romney's America

deathcow says...

I sure hope Romney wins. Thats really what America needs, is having corporately owned millionaires in control of everything. They talk about defunding all these programs like it is a bad thing, but that means more money to pump into defense and big pharma, which will keep us all safe from scary foreigners, and help to level all our uneven temperaments with a steady supply of government approved antidepressents.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (October 29th 2011)

Xaielao says...

It was a 'really' good episode. The part about the mushrooms and acid was spot on. There are so many antidepressants and antipsychotics out there that are fucking people up more than fixing them. I had some mind-altering experiences with Acid and mushrooms in my 20's and I truly do believe I'm a wiser and more open person today because of them.

Granted I also once had a bad trip on some particularly nasty eye drops and woke up naked the next morning at a big party. But what the hell!

Spice was Invented by The War On Drugs

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^vaire2ube:

I'd prefer to have a personally selected/grown strain of cannabis processed into edible items, or vaporized, but the reason i tried the JWH was because I could not get such a reliable source of cannabis.
The reason I am glad I found JWH, is because it supplements the antidepressant im on. The RX medication "works", but it dulls me. This stuff (and cannabis too) really helps with the side effects, including sexual dysfunction, thankfully.. thats the one side effect that makes you REALLY need an antidepressant lol.. hmmm.
It was sketchy for sure, though, and I did have to reach a certain point of frustration to take the dive into experimenting with ingesting powder from the internet. I crossed through that door late one evening after trying to figure out how to best get it to "work", and work it did. I don't endorse such an activity either, but my freedom to make my own decision worked out ok for me this time. It could have ended very badly and that is a commentary on my frustration level i suppose.

I'm just glad you found something that works for you.

I've been through the anti-depressant causing depressing side effects door also.

Spice was Invented by The War On Drugs

vaire2ube says...

I'd prefer to have a personally selected/grown strain of cannabis processed into edible items, or vaporized, but the reason i tried the JWH was because I could not get such a reliable source of cannabis.

The reason I am glad I found JWH, is because it supplements the antidepressant im on. The RX medication "works", but it dulls me. This stuff (and cannabis too) really helps with the side effects, including sexual dysfunction, thankfully.. thats the one side effect that makes you REALLY need an antidepressant lol.. hmmm.

It was sketchy for sure, though, and I did have to reach a certain point of frustration to take the dive into experimenting with ingesting powder from the internet. I crossed through that door late one evening after trying to figure out how to best get it to "work", and work it did. I don't endorse such an activity either, but my freedom to make my own decision worked out ok for me this time. It could have ended very badly and that is a commentary on my frustration level i suppose.

hpqp (Member Profile)

longde says...

I seriously thought you may have some connection to Hewlett Packard (stock symbol: HPQ)

In reply to this comment by hpqp:
1. One of my earliest memories is being on a boat between Japan and Korea during a sea storm. Rolling around in the room as the boat was rocked was terrible fun to the 3-year-old I was.

2. I been to more countries then I care to mention. People are really all the same all over. I hate big cities.

3. Played in a mine field for a whole afternoon. The next day a farmer died there. For the year we lived on Croatia's border we could hear/feel the bombs shake the house.

4. Am often told I do not act my gender. Sometimes I play it up on purpose.

5. Am not afraid of nor particularly moved by death. This causes me problems with my family when relatives/siblings die.

6. Am a pretty good shot with both ARs and handguns, even won a few medals in my teens. Stopped shooting because the atmosphere at the club was sexist/macho. At least I'm ready for the Zombie Apocalypse, and can take photos without a tripod at 1" exposure.

7. Like to use quotes from an opponent in a debate to attack their argument. Like to debate in general. i can be argumentative just for the sake of being contrary.

8. I dreamed of being multi-lingual as a child. I'm better at writing than talking. I was the first (and only) in my family to go to University.

9. Grew up in a fundie christian family. Read the Bible innumerable amount of times, learned verses and whole chapters by heart. Am now atheist and antitheist, like most of my family.

10. Been diagnosed schizoide, borderline, bipolar, etc. Take antidepressants to avoid incapacitating breakdowns.

11. 90% of my waking life has been spent procrastinating. VS is my latest fix, and the only online community I've ever become a part of.

12. I love dreaming. Most of my best memories are from my dreams. I daydream often, but retain full situational awareness. Lucid dreaming is awesome.

13. All of the major injuries I've sustained were self-inflicted, albeit by accident. Never broke a bone, but my body is always sore (and not always in a good way).

14. Originally left-handed, but forced to be right-handed during childhood because left-handedness is of the devil. Leftie is now my primary masturbation hand <img src="" class="smiley" />

15. I watch porn at least once a week. Consider myself a feminist.

16. Grew up around boys. I don't really count my first time as my first time. Hardly any one I know knows about my first time.

17. Have never been in a successful relationship. Longest and most enjoyable was as someone's lover/fuckbuddy.

18. I have no patience for stupid people.

19. I've never even been tempted to try drugs, cigarettes. Stopped drinking before turning 18. I have little enough control of my brain and emotions as is.

20. I love cinema, I think cinema is humanity reflected, our dreams, desires, hopes, fears and experiences. When watching a movie, I am frequently the only person laughing.

21. I don't really like being the center of attention.

22. My profile name is not an acronym. When I started using the webs I wanted a username that was anonymous and meaningless to all but myself. It is supposed to be an obscurely emoticon-ish version of Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet.

23. Forbidden Planet freaked me out when I first saw it as a kid. It is still one of my favourite sci-fi movies. I would like to write an SF novel, but fear I lack the discipline and talent.

24. Like to think I'm special/unique, but know that I'm not. Some of this list is copy-pasta'd from others' posts, but also applies for me. (can you find which parts? : )

25. I still have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

hpqp says...

1. One of my earliest memories is being on a boat between Japan and Korea during a sea storm. Rolling around in the room as the boat was rocked was terrible fun to the 3-year-old I was.

2. I been to more countries then I care to mention. People are really all the same all over. I hate big cities.

3. Played in a mine field for a whole afternoon. The next day a farmer died there. For the year we lived on Croatia's border we could hear/feel the bombs shake the house.

4. Am often told I do not act my gender. Sometimes I play it up on purpose.

5. Am not afraid of nor particularly moved by death. This causes me problems with my family when relatives/siblings die.

6. Am a pretty good shot with both ARs and handguns, even won a few medals in my teens. Stopped shooting because the atmosphere at the club was sexist/macho. At least I'm ready for the Zombie Apocalypse, and can take photos without a tripod at 1" exposure.

7. Like to use quotes from an opponent in a debate to attack their argument. Like to debate in general. i can be argumentative just for the sake of being contrary.

8. I dreamed of being multi-lingual as a child. I'm better at writing than talking. I was the first (and only) in my family to go to University.

9. Grew up in a fundie christian family. Read the Bible innumerable amount of times, learned verses and whole chapters by heart. Am now atheist and antitheist, like most of my family.

10. Been diagnosed schizoide, borderline, bipolar, etc. Take antidepressants to avoid incapacitating breakdowns.

11. 90% of my waking life has been spent procrastinating. VS is my latest fix, and the only online community I've ever become a part of.

12. I love dreaming. Most of my best memories are from my dreams. I daydream often, but retain full situational awareness. Lucid dreaming is awesome.

13. All of the major injuries I've sustained were self-inflicted, albeit by accident. Never broke a bone, but my body is always sore (and not always in a good way).

14. Originally left-handed, but forced to be right-handed during childhood because left-handedness is of the devil. Leftie is now my primary masturbation hand

15. I watch porn at least once a week. Consider myself a feminist.

16. Grew up around boys. I don't really count my first time as my first time. Hardly any one I know knows about my first time.

17. Have never been in a successful relationship. Longest and most enjoyable was as someone's lover/fuckbuddy.

18. I have no patience for stupid people.

19. I've never even been tempted to try drugs, cigarettes. Stopped drinking before turning 18. I have little enough control of my brain and emotions as is.

20. I love cinema, I think cinema is humanity reflected, our dreams, desires, hopes, fears and experiences. When watching a movie, I am frequently the only person laughing.

21. I don't really like being the center of attention.

22. My profile name is not an acronym. When I started using the webs I wanted a username that was anonymous and meaningless to all but myself. It is supposed to be an obscurely emoticon-ish version of Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet.

23. Forbidden Planet freaked me out when I first saw it as a kid. It is still one of my favourite sci-fi movies. I would like to write an SF novel, but fear I lack the discipline and talent.

24. Like to think I'm special/unique, but know that I'm not. Some of this list is copy-pasta'd from others' posts, but also applies for me. (can you find which parts? )

25. I still have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life.

Alternative Medicine Medic...

kceaton1 says...

>> ^criticalthud:

Western medicine tends to be really good in one area - trauma.
guess where western medicine learned most of it's trauma skills...? yes indeed, the battlefield.
For other things such as chronic pain, western med generally sucks. Partly because you have a for-profit system that makes far more money treating than through prevention or cure.

I spent years trying to get something done for my cluster headaches. Eventually, a pain clinic helped me the most. Small amounts of long-acting narcotics for the "leftover" headache, but high-flow oxygen (12-14 L/h) kills it dead in it's tracks, assuming I stay on it for about 30 minutes or so. I requested that, not the doctors...

Otherwise, I would be playing merry-go-round with anticonvulsants, narcotics, and antidepressants. I would also be very pissed as cluster migraines hurt like nothing else. Even pulled muscles/tendons, broken bones, appendicitis, etc... got nothing on that pain level. (It can radiate as far as my lower thigh and cause me to keep my eyes closed due to the pain from light--it feels like someone is stabbing a needle through/into your eye, even with an extremely small light, like a power-button LED...)

Man tries to break his cousin out of a mental hospital

Jinx says...

I must say I was quite disturbed by this video, but I really think the notion of suicide being a right is...more wrong headed.

One of the side effects of antidepressants is an increased suicide risk. Seemms counterproductive I know, but patients are most at risk in the early stages of treatment. I don't think its a crime to hold somebody, even against their will, for a short period of time when they are most at risk. To say it is my life, therefore I have the right to throw it away at my will is a incredibly self centered world view. People do recover from depression, from being suicidal but its not easy and it takes a lot of pushing from other people, a lot of hope from others when you might have none. Quite often others do know best, I know thats true in my own life, and killing yourself is not one of those mistakes you can live and learn from.

You know, none of us have absolute freedom, we all make compromises, we're all slaves in some ways and there are good reasons why. I don't think this laissez-faire attitude to suicide or w/e is worth the tiny extra sliver of "freedom" it affords.

Robert Sapolsky On Depression in U.S.

Smokers: Will the E-Cigarette Work For You?

kronosposeidon says...

I quit smoking 13 years ago when an antidepressant prescribed to me (Wellbutrin - generic name: bupropion) had the side-effect of reducing the craving for nicotine. (Doctors at the time didn't know about this, but when they figured it out the makers of Wellbutrin came out with Zyban, which is the EXACT same drug, just with a new name, and marketed as a smoking-cessation product.) Anyway I guess I got lucky, because several other attempts before that all failed.

All I can suggest to you is to give this e-cigarette a try if it really interests you. Do whatever it takes to quit. The more times you try to quit, the better your chances are of success. It only makes sense, because if you don't try you'll never quit. A little more advice:

- If you're going to try prescription drugs to quit smoking, Chantix is supposed to work better than Wellbutrin, but they both have side effects, so be informed.
- If you try nicotine patches and they don't work, try nicotine gum. And if you try nicotine gum first and it doesn't work, try the patch. Some people find more relief from gum, while others find the patch more effective.
- Get used to the idea that you will gain weight by quitting, because VERY few people don't gain weight when they quit. Just remember that you're still healthier carrying an extra 10 or 20 pounds than you are when you're smoking.

Small things can also help you quit:

- Put your cigarettes and lighters in the most inconvenient location in your home. Every time you want a cigarette you'll have to go all the way to that location to grab the smoke and the light. And leave them there, thus ensuring every time you want to have another smoke you'll have to go out of your way to get to them.
- Get rid of your ashtrays. Force yourself to go outside to smoke, thus making it more inconvenient. Your home will eventually stop stinking of smoke too.
- Stop hanging around rottenseed. He's a dirty smoker too.

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

God - What Difference Does it Make?

poolcleaner says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Hitchens got owned.

While poetic, I don't necessarily know that qualifies as being owned. Hitchens certainly wouldn't see an admission of weakness as being owned. Was it honest? Yes. Was it from the heart? Yes; though I could wholeheartedly say the same for my inability to accept the existence of God: I simply cannot live happily lying to myself so blatantly.

So we come to this crossroad where the only good defence is being honest about your intellectual dishonesty? If anything, this is more reason to separate such belief from government and education. This is religion at its most basic level; and the path that, in fact, led me to my current agnosticism -- Religion as a vice. And while I wouldn't dream of thinking I am above any vice (including self-deception), I know when I'm lying to myself, and I would never presume to imagine this type of game to hold any intellectual integrity. God is an antidepressant, it seems. /shrug

The Best Caller Ever on The Atheist Experience

14256 says...

Love has been linked to neurotrophins and other chemical inducements in the brain. Just like every other emotion. We've also learned how to play with those emotions, and if you don't think so, take a look at antidepressants and depressants that are used already to adjust emotions in people. Soon we may find a way to make love potion #9 with lasting effects (we'll save the ethics debate).

So yes, we can tangibly study love, and see love. We even have an idea of how love works.

God on the other hand, we have no direct proof. We don't even have direct proof of Jesus, except for the gospels that were written many years after his alleged death.

Peter Sellers intercom scene from The Party, 1968

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