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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lev Parmas, Giuliani’s buddy and source for anti Biden/Ukraine propaganda is testifying to congress in the Biden investigation right now.

He is testifying that the allegations he and Giuliani and Don made up about Hunter in Ukraine are not only false, they are part of a Russian counter intelligence produced disinformation campaign he was a part of.

He admits his “evidence” he found for Giuliani was anonymous letters generated in Russia and delivered in Ukraine he would forward to Giuliani and within hours would be all over Fox and OAN and the rest as “more proof of Biden corruption from credible sources”, but he knew there was no such evidence or even any credible accusations. He also now admits he was in a cult, forced to only accept information from a tiny circle and going outside that circle for information gets you thrown out of the circle. He admits he had to be arrested and prosecuted to hit the wall and realize what he had been doing himself, brainwashing himself by intentionally blinding himself to facts and only seeing what Don told him to see. Perhaps that’s what you need to wake up.

Here’s a bit about the MAGA NAZI (one of Don’s “good people”) just ousted from office in Enid Oklahoma.
Don’t you think it’s odd that every single racist group from neo-Nazis to the KKK to white nationalist groups everywhere all exclusively associate politically with MAGA, but you still claim to not be racist? Never mind…that would require thought.

More evidence of MAGA selling out the country to our enemies for a crumb of a fake political attack against a private citizen while their official representatives sell state secrets and the identities of foreign agents and sell official policy (when Don knowingly in his words “saved his ass” when bin Salaman brutally murdered and dismembered an American journalist and diaper Don covered it up) and sold top tier weaponry to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion in personal payouts and they turn a blind eye.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Exactly what I predicted…. “No amount of incontrovertible evidence can penetrate the rectal shield he has encased his head in.”

You absolute brain dead fucktard…you admitted before this reply that he said those things (after I linked you the exact Toth he Tothed), you called them “flexing” (as if that’s some reasonable or acceptable explanation for saying the most anti American things possible to your crowd who cheers for all of it). 😂

Now, just hours later, you are back to denying he said them, now calling yourself a liar (finally got something right!).

You really are so dumb you can’t keep a thought for 1/2 a day without reversing your position twice. 😂

You fucking idiot, go drink some bleach and shove a light bulb up your ass. At least you’ll finally be able to see in there. It’s the only “enlightenment” you are capable of, your mind is in self imposed darkness so deep and total it makes the deepest ocean abyss seem bright by comparison.

bobknight33 said:

All spin pieces.

Not actual Trump with context.

Go to the source not biased news

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Let’s be clear, bob didn’t lose any credibility, he had absolutely none to lose.

Multiple sources have shown him the facts here, he accepted Don said these things then as usual switched positions and now just denies them and believes convicted con man Don over any proof. He’s deep in the cult, way past reprogramming. It’s ok, he’s a totally lost cause. Don’t be surprised if he kills himself or someone else when Donny loses and goes to prison. He will be totally lost.

No one here believes a letter that dumb ignorant liar has to say. He’s proven himself a consummate ignorant liar time and time and time again. He cannot ever admit any mistakes, and cannot post without lying. No amount of proof can ever convince him, but any ridiculous lie he likes becomes a fact in his empty head.

Bob is not a serious person, he’s a blatant untrustworthy anti American troll. His only usefulness is he points out the newest idiotic lies MAGA is telling itself, offering a chance to debunk their nonsense quickly before it spreads to reasonable but ignorant people. If not for that singular use, he would have been banned long ago.

mram said:

You sir, really have blinders on.

I linked his direct Truth Social posts (one is now deleted).

I linked a ton of substantiating sites referencing exactly those posts, despite one of them now being deleted, to validate they did both exist. Every news org cites them in exactly the same language, as if, you know, to validate that "sky is still blue".

If you want to deny it wasn't actually said, be my guest, but you just lost a ton of credibility in my book (and probably anyone else reading this too).

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

So…you now admit he said these things you denied he said and need an excuse for the inexcusable….you came up with “Flexing” (which I guess you think is a euphemism for lying?)… what if Biden was “flexing” in similar fashion? You would be apoplectic, insisting he’s unfit and you would be right. Anyone who says these anti American things is unfit for any office, lowest to highest.
Trump is telling us he intends to install loyalists in every position so he can do anything he wants, including attempted coups (oh wait, already did that with a complicit party) assassinations, disbanding the judiciary, voiding or suspending the constitution and bill of rights, and becoming a dictator “just for a day” (if you believe that I’ve got a $2 billion private club to sell you).
Any simple minded person knows he almost got away with exactly this on Jan 6 2021 when he tried to illegally seize power. Even a simpleton understands that, had he been successful, he would have dismantled our government to stay in power indefinitely just like his hero and mentor, Putin.

Biden is never feeble minded until you edit him to look that way, unlike dementia diaper don that always looks bat shit insane without editing.

Gullible…yeah. Right, friendo. Trump now thinks Biden beat Obabba. You believe 3 year olds are deciding to change sexes and are getting surgeries to that end.

Still waiting.
Wake up stupid.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump is flexing. and you buy it as gospel. Also he can not void the Constitution. Any simple minded person, except people like you realize this.

Yet when Biden is on stage being feeble minded as shit you just say he has a stuttering issue.

How fucking gullible you are.

The Duality Of MAGA

surfingyt says...

you kidding? boob the moron and his dumbass family are in the video above. the only thing missing was pro-russia, anti-america rhetoric. republicans are gonna force our allies to face russia themselves and will pull us into WW3 (or is it 2, trump?) because "LeTS gO BrANDon!"

republicans are short bus trash.

newtboy said:

Where’s @bobknight33?

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

noims says...


Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by noims. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

*doublepromote a *quality cash *money offer…I hope it’s accepted. The Supreme Court is not supposed to be a cash cow for the justices, they get paid a decent wage, and can make millions above board and legally by writing books and speaking. Taking a dime from anyone with business before the court should be instant disbarment and prison, selling “justice” to the highest bidder is about as anti American as it gets, IMO.

MAGA Witness Admits He Is A Russian Intelligence Agent

bobknight33 says...

How about your reply on the paperwork filed with the Supreme Court about Jack Smith not being a legitimate Special Prosecutor?

Or Fani Willis procurator banging the hired help and her conflict of interest- let along paying her lover twice as much as the other 2 she hired.

Do I have Trump derangement syndrome or do you have so much Anti Trump running through you that you are blinded by reality?

newtboy said:

Not gonna comment @bobknight33?

2023 Was Already Over 1.5 °C Above Pre Industrial Averages

newtboy says...

It’s scary to me that we found out that today (last year in fact) we are already exceeding the temperature spike most people believe is predicted for 2050, the temperature at which scientists determined KNOWN feedback loops may outpace our ability to mitigate greenhouse gasses even with maximum effort on all fronts and spending every possible dollar and still (almost) NO ONE CARES.

It has barely made the news anywhere, definitely not on any of the major U.S. networks and will never be on anti-science righty media.

I would shout “WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!” But it’s abundantly clear humanity is completely comatose and shows no sign of recognizing the situation we are in no matter what they see outside their own windows daily.

The pot is boiling and we frogs are still arguing over how wet the water is.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Familiar Promises….

LOL…MAGgots in Georgia have introduced a bill to eradicate RICO in Georgia including current and past cases, and giving immunity for any charges ever brought to court using RICO. Yes, they would release all criminals currently in prison on RICO charges and give them blanket immunity for their crimes which include murder, human trafficking, racketeering, etc because that’s the best and only way for them to protect treasonous Trump. Party of law and order…for everyone else but them. 🤦‍♂️

Anthony Kern, Jan 6 terrorist, fake elector, and MAGgot Senator in Arizona introduced another anti democracy bill that would give the current legislature the power to override the popular vote and install whoever they choose, proving once again that MAGA/Republicans are anti democracy at every turn…as if there was any question after Jan 6.

Trump Supporter CHANGES MIND on Biden in 60sec

newtboy says...

Russia invaded Ukraine to expand. They came up with a dozen lame excuses, like protecting Russian speaking people in Crimea from being insulted and to stop the local government (who they called extremists) from taking abandoned Russian military bases, NATO expansion was never a reason they gave for invading.
In Ukraine proper, his stated excuse was that the new Ukrainian government (formed after the Kremlin installed puppet government was ousted) was comprised of NAZIs who were ethnically cleansing Russian speakers in the East, a total fabrication.
Try keeping your revisionist Russia centric anti democratic fantasy history to yourself. I know some random internet blowhard failure broadcasting from mommy’s basement told you this alternative fact nonsense, you have got to stop trusting them.

There’s been more NATO expansion in “buffer” nations since Russia invaded than in the 50+ years beforehand, with more coming because they invaded their neighbor…again.

Ukraine will be a NATO country now, so is our business.
Ukraine was in a treaty with the US, so was already our business. We guaranteed their borders against invasion in exchange for their nuclear arsenal. No nation will ever do a nuclear disarmament treaty with America, we don’t keep our word or we would be fighting there.
Russian expansionism isn’t stopped by ignoring it, it’s encouraged. Trump encouraged the expansionism into Ukraine proper (Crimea was Ukraine) when he recognized Russia’s claim on the seized territory, giving the green light to expand their military operations in Eastern Ukraine (that they denied existed but absolutely were there fighting during Trump’s administration and even before, recall Russians shot down a passenger plane in Ukraine in 2014 and never left).

The EU is supportive enough of Ukraine that they just unanimously agreed to $54 billion in military aid, and the EU is our closest trading partner so again, our business. The MAGA ploy to block any aid to Ukraine to aid Russia (hoping it would look bad for Biden) has failed, the EU miraculously stood up as a unified front and agreed to fund Ukraine.
NATO has agreed to admit Ukraine as soon as possible, something never considered before the invasion.

Ukraine is a lost war, lost by Russia…Russia just won’t admit it yet, but their country will be feeling the loss for decades…loss of their army, loss of an entire generation of young men, loss of their economy, loss of hundreds of trade agreements/partners, loss of trillions of dollars, loss of international standing and cooperation, loss of stability. At this point, even if Russia took Ukraine tomorrow, it would be a loss for Russia. They destroyed their prize, and themselves in the process, and the rest of the world is happy to destroy them through a proxy while Russia engages directly and is crushed daily.

Ukraine has already won this war by destroying Russia. It’s exceedingly likely they will also drive the Russians out and may even take some of Russia a s a buffer zone…Russia is losing badly.

bobknight33 said:

The question is Why is Russia invading Ukraine.

The answer is NATO creeping into buffer countries that was agreed on after the fall of Russia.

Finally Ukraine is not a NATO country----------- This is none of our business.

Ukraine is a lost war.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You are actually correct, but not how you think. Russia is now losing the war IN RUSSIA, and has lost the support of Russians themselves, with major fires being set by Russians in Russia to protest drafting raids where police just come and take hundreds away to the front, heat turned off in prisons to force prisoners to choose between dying frozen and shot in Ukraine or dying frozen and starving in prison, and major infrastructure targets hit by Ukraine deep inside Russia.
Russia is being supplied ammunition by N Korea…have you seen it?! Charges 1/3 full of loose propellants, shells misshapen and unbalanced. You can’t aim when you don’t know how much propellant you are using or how the shell will fly! Their army is gone, they’re now conscripting warehouse workers. The state is bankrupt and is going dark and cold. You think they’re winning?
If we continue sending ammunition, the Ukrainian war is all but over. Russia is a total loss, all because of Biden’s support for our allies, freedom, and democracy. NATO is stronger, Russia is near collapse.

If it becomes a loss for democracy and a win for Russia, it will be 100% because of MAGA abandoning them to Putin in an effort to hurt Biden and distract from their disgusting sex crimes (Gaetz admitted he ousted McCarthy because he wouldn’t kill the ethics investigation of Gaetz, others went along because McCarthy kept the government open).
America, Ukraine, and the entire world knows it, no question. MAGA is anti democracy, that’s clear to all.

bobknight33 said:

The Ukraine war is all but over. A total loss all because of Biden

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