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Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

From what I can find...timers and/or sensors that arm them after being deployed.
Weighted bottoms and/or little parachutes. Many types function in any position too, so upright doesn't matter.
Even ground based deployment is usually tossing them mechanically from a vehicle by the thousands, not by hand.

BSR said:

How did the mines not explode after being dropped from the air?

And how did they land with the trigger facing up buried in the sand?

Fire pilot makes epic drop at an extremely low level

WmGn says...

Does anyone know how much the plane's weight decreases during the drop, and how that changes its handling?

(I'm trying to work out how much harder this is than, say, coming in for a landing run.)

LAPD Intentionally Sets Off Huge Bomb In A Neighborhood

newtboy says...

I heard 5000 lbs in other reports too....but it seems that's the entire haul, not what they exploded on scene. Footage of the 5000 lbs of fireworks looked like two pallets worth. I'm curious about whether the fireworks were removed before detonation or if they just got lucky they didn't go off too.

That was not just 10 lbs of fireworks exploding. It flipped over nearby cars and obliterated the bomb disposal truck, launching the 1ton lid over two blocks away. I know that's the LAPDs story, 10 lbs, but they aren't exactly known for telling the truth, especially if it's bad for them.

I've now read there were 40 coke can sized IEDs and 200 more slightly smaller devices all filled with unknown explosives. That sounds like 35lbs +- for the coke can sized ones alone (based on the weight of an unopened can), and who knows how much the smaller ones weighed, but there were 200 of them!!! Somebody screwed up big time putting them all in at once. That was way more than 10 lbs of unknown high explosives, and 10lbs wouldn't be safe to dispose of in a neighborhood. It should have been done in stages, starting with a test of just one, and a full evacuation of the block, not knocking on the 2 neighbor's doors and walking away.

At least it's turning out that most of the injuries weren't civilians, but more than one home is destroyed and many may have permanent hearing damage.

eric3579 said:

She says detonating 5000 lbs? From what i could find it was 10 lbs as the container was rated to take up to 15 lbs.

Seems almost all the fireworks were on pallets and were forklifted onto a semi to be moved.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I am certain. Science doesn't lie, and I don't have to take someone's word, I can examine data, understand chemistry, and see short and long term trends. The data is undeniable, the only thing wrong with what the media tells you is they paint FAR too rosy a picture. You would think, based on media reports, that if we did stay at only 1.5C above pre industrial levels all is fine, that's nonsense. Truth is 1.5C is where they theorized we lose all control and skyrocket up from there to....nobody knows where, but hot. I think we are on track to 1.5C before 2030, and the feedback loops are already kicking in now. Does that mean we die in 2030? No, but it means our collective fate is sealed and completely out of our control.

I do plant trees, I already have solar, I drive well under 4000 miles a year, in fact I haven't driven anywhere but the grocery store in the wife's car in over 6 month when my car broke, and I don't miss it, I don't have AC, and yes, I need to get on my bike more, for my weight and blood pressure. My money IS where my mouth is, and I still was willing to put it on the aren't.

A big difference is, if somehow I am wrong, what I do is still proper, cleaner, safer, and actually cheaper. Your ideas and ideals lead to detrimental, polluting, dangerous, and more expensive actions and processes even if miraculously they don't lead to our extinction this century.

Are you snatching up cheap uninsurable coastline in Florida and Louisiana? Are you selling off your water rights because they're a dime a dozen? Are you short selling produce and grains on margin? Are you doing anything to risk your money based on what you say?

Your turn.

Edit: I don't do mobs. I prefer people who think for themselves.

bobknight33 said:

That's not the deal.

If you are SOOOOOOOOOOO certain.

Start planting trees, turn off your electric, abandon your cars, turn off you AC and start peddling.

I don't see much action from those who "believe".

Mount up a mob and start planting.

Bicycle powered car

spawnflagger says...

hilarious. They should remove the passenger & rear seat to cut weight. maybe keep a 12V battery just to power the rear hazard lights. Perhaps add one of those orange triangles to the back like Amish horse-n-buggies have...

F1 Double Pitstop

Khufu says...

Even this pit crew would need to take a lot more time to drain the air, pull the tires from the rim, re-install, re-inflate and re-balance with weights then re-install on car I'm thinking:)

newtboy said:

So, why do they need my car for a full hour when I need new tires?!

55 Tons of Tree Chopping Fun! New Crane

Ma'am I Do My Own Plumbing

nock (Member Profile)

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nock (Member Profile)

Donald J. Trump is a genius


The world’s largest organism - Alex Rosenthal

StukaFox says...

Probably Right Whales. They have enormous testes because their reproductive strategy is to flood the sperm out of the female that another male might have deposited. I think they have the largest 'balls', both in physical size and in ratio of weight:body mass, of any mammal in the world.

moonsammy said:

You're not alone.

That brings up an interesting question though: largest orgasm by mass, or volume? Inquiring organisms want to know.

Killer Whales Charge Blue Whale (Rare Drone Footage)

newtboy says...

But.....Bruhathkayosaurus might have been between 40–44 m (131–144 ft) in length and 175–220 tonnes in weight according to some estimates.
Certain rorquals from the Pliocene possibly rivaled the size of modern blue whales.

It's worth considering there were likely many yet undiscovered large marine animals who either were Chondrichthyes (cartilagenous, no bones) or lived in deep seas where any skeletal remains are still hidden.

Bill Maher's election predictions on Jimmy Kimmel

newtboy says...

I think it's on point.
Doctors rarely tell people forcefully enough that being obese will kill them and make their lives miserable and prone to disease. Not being obese helps your health in every way.

No, it's not a guarantee you won't get sick, a seatbelt isn't a guarantee you won't get hurt in a crash, but it absolutely helps your odds of not being hurt and minimizes injuries when you are.

No, being healthy doesn't mean you can't spread disease, but being health conscious means you would know better, and know how to be safer. If you weigh 500 lbs it's clear health isn't your priority with very few exceptions.

Bill has been saying this for's like he's suggesting fireproof surrounds for wood stoves. Just because people are burning their houses down in huge numbers now is not a reason to stop advocating for safety, it's more reason to be louder.

Most doctors don't. They nudge, hint, maybe say "if you eat more baby, we're going to have to take your foot" (Simpson's), they don't tell 65 year old women "you weigh 350 lbs, you need to drop 200 lbs now or you're going to die and we aren't going to waste money and effort treating you if you won't lose weight". They should, imo.

Being overweight should be treated like smoking, it's a choice for 99%+, and that choice effects others. Covid proves it, many can't be treated at all because so many have horrible illness, far worse than most other thinner and healthier countries.

Fat acceptance, even fat pride is a thing, there are millions who claim they're obese and healthy, and it's fine to be obese. Take Lizzo as an example.

Full disclosure, I'm not obese, but I am overweight at 5'9" 170lbs.

cloudballoon said:

I think Bill's attack on the science/health experts is misguided.

Not that Bill's wrong, mind you. IF you have a good internal (immune) system you'll have a better chance of fighting it off, but

1) that's NOT a guarantee you won't get sick.
2) DOESN'T mean you won't help spread it by being all gun-ho about it, and
3) USA being what it is -- the number of over-weight, obese are just staggering -- what's the point for the health experts to say/shame people with, er, "their pre-conditions" are to blame NOW? How's that gonna help?

Besides, the health experts have been promoting healthy, active living for ages. They're not "cowards" because the people don't listen to them.

It's mind-bogging to me how narcissistic and self-centered American society is. If people just pay any attention outside of American media, they should know how to handle Covid-19.

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