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Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Not the parts that matter, like him screaming to let his armed troopers into his rally to be ready to storm the capitol, because they aren’t there armed to hurt him.
Also not the part about him being apoplectic when they wouldn’t let him go to the capitol to lead the attack.
You will never wake up.

“Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power?”
“I plead the fifth”- disgraced general Flynn (and every Fascist Trumpist)

bobknight33 said:

8 ‘Bombshells’ from Hutchinson Testimony Are All hearsay.
When will you wake up?

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

bobknight33 says...

8 ‘Bombshells’ from Hutchinson Testimony Are All hearsay / Duds.
When will you wake up?

newtboy said:

Unsurprising, you cherry pick the one non crime mentioned then say something amounting to “look, that’s not a crime,

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy fucking sheep shit, the importance of the testimony given today!

Trump knew his crowd was seriously armed, and encouraged turning off the metal detectors, just for one. I’m sure you’re waiting for Glen Beck and Alex Jones to tell you how to spin it all….probably just by saying she’s just another liar and secret liberal, and making certain you don’t watch for yourself. Best you’ve got, and it’s so very little.

I would say “ Wake up from you delusional dream and accept reality.”, but I know not only are you incapable, you don’t want to. The lies are so much more comfortable than reality for you.

PS- I still wonder, are you even one bit embarrassed at getting caught trying to say Democrats support the KKK when David Duke is an actual long time Republican representative?!

Edit: a little reminder….Trump’s people take the fifth when asked if they believe in the peaceful transfer of power….

bobknight33 said:

how much has been spent on investigation Trump ? 40 ---- 60 Million and still nothing of importance has come to light.

Wake up from you delusional dream and accept reality.

jimnms (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

how much has been spent on investigation Trump ? 40 ---- 60 Million and still nothing of importance has come to light.

Wake up from you delusional dream and accept reality.

newtboy said:

Hide and watch. Charges come after the investigation, not instead of. It’s hard to find specifics, but if sedition has a statute of limitations it’s at least 5 years, although prosecuting before 2024 would seem mandatory considering the charges….that’s still plenty of time to build an airtight case before prosecuting. 865 charged so far, many with sedition, and been convicted.

What about those pending charges for Clinton. I’m still waiting, it’s been years and years and years and you still say they’re coming, just wait. It’s only been 18 months since the failed coup.

I wouldn’t mind $10 a gal, because I don’t drive much, 50-100 miles a week max,and I’m happy for anything that stops idiots from rolling coal as a pastime.

You should be loving it because it builds demand for electric vehicles, your one investment, but since Tesla couldn’t meet demand beforehand, it can’t take advantage of the high demand so I get why you aren’t excited.

If only Democratic policies were what you claim, they would have nationalized oil companies and oil would be Venezuela cheap or at least there would be a profit cap, which would cut gas prices instantly…but neither is even a Democratic idea.

BTW- what do you blame the high gas prices in the rest of the world on, still Biden’s fault? Even in China? Why does super far left Venezuela have gas at near free £.018 per liter?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Dog Gets Shocked After Waking Up to Bear looking at it

newtboy (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

Lucky wakes up to everyone handcuffed on the floor

newtboy said:

...and so began the hardheaded hobbling horror of 2021, culminating in the brutal banning backlash of 2022 when all members were automatically banned including new accounts.

What Are You Doing With Your Life? The Tail End

StukaFox says...

I don't often say this, but fuck this video.

If you're 25, the end of your life is an abstraction and the whole "there's time to change things!" is a nice balm. When you're 55, your death isn't an abstraction, it's a fact of life that dominates more and more of what remaining time you have left. The awareness of impending mortality is insidious once you're passed 50. It creeps into every part of your life and every decision you make.

Let me teach you one of those amazing words the Germans come up with for describing various forms of existential agony: weltschmerz. Loosely, this is a form of sadness when one realizes what is versus what could have been. This is the compound interest of regrets and choices not made, or made poorly. Not only does weltschmerz grow with each year, its very presence amplifies itself because the more you know what could have been, the more you see what the cost of that absence is. Then, if that's not evil enough, that knowledge focuses the mind on the time remaining and how little you can do to negate the harm done, which then re-amplifies the weltschmerz.

You can slap whatever Hallmark bullshit you need on this to get through the day, but weltscmerz never goes away. It's always there. It's there at 3:00am when you wake up in a silent house and look at everything around you as consolation prizes for races not won. It's there when you see your friends succeeding in a million different ways that you didn't. It's there when you look at 6 million lines of text you wrote and realize you're not going to be Hemingway after all.

So fuck this video. I don't need a cutesy animated memento mori, I've already got a wall clock in my death row cell.

Here endth the rant.

(Nick Drake nailed weltschmerz perfectly in "When The Day Is Done". Here's the video to that song:

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

C-note says...

"..Salary is the amount they give you to forget your dreams.

401K is my way to walk away from my boss and get back the dream..." BobKnight33

Be careful with truth. If you wake up too many they will resent you.

bobknight33 said:


I love you all, even newtboy.

I enjoy this site because it bubbles up quality ( mostly) vids.

Political views are 180 from this site. Netboy is 100% incapable to rational thought of seeing the other side or even considering it. Hence I put a equally firm line in the sand. Newtboy is brilliant in his discussion but intolerant. I would think we all came across this at some point.

Do I think Trump is a A hole, Yep at times. But you also have to admit the boy has done some really big things last 4 years.
Moving our Consulate to Jerusalem.
( Last 4+ POTUS have promised but he did it)
Got 5 Muslim nations to engage in normalize relations with Israel.
( This is a big deal)
Plus great growth in America, and much more.
All with zero respect from media.

Trump fighting the Election results: That's his right. Does he have a chance. Slim. But the boy always willing to go to the distance. He's a fighter. He might pull it off, Hope he does.

Not looking for anything different to what everyone else is.
Decent pay, better life for my children.

I want all to succeed. I've posted TESLA video to show you that hopefully you will look into them and invest in them.

This is the decade of EV ( electronic vehicles). Get in on it.

I want you all be financially secure.

Salary is the amount they give you to forget your dreams.

401K is my way to walk away from my boss and get back the dream.

Roll over your Co 401k to a self directed and jump in. This gives you complete control. Its your life, control it. Nobody cares more about your money than you.

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

newtboy says..., he isn't correct.
I'm sorry that you believe 2864974 fewer votes is a mandate by the people supporting your team. That is not what the word means. Clinton had the mandate from the people.

Because some deluded Trumpsters voted based on their belief that Trump would turn society back to the 50's based on exaggerated stories they hear about some liberal colleges doesn't make them right, that's not the job of a president, you need a dictatorial tyrant to force societal changes.

I've never even heard of most of your insane claims, like this racial "day of absence" bullshit, that's patently illegal in the U.S., so if it happened at all, it's not here.

Ok, widespread through academia, bullshit. My parents both worked for Stanford for decades, my sister is a teacher, none of what you claim happened there, most didn't happen in any schools in the U.S.. Some happened in Canada, most is bullshit right wing deplatforming, I'm guessing you're talking about some racist right wing agitators being denied a platform for their hate speech after massive protests at places like Berkeley, what you forget is they offered different venues and times for them when and where they could hold their events in safety and they refused, then lied and said they were just flatly denied a place to speak.

Wait, you're saying Trumptards are so delusional they claim Trump did nothing to solve these issues that enrage you and that you claim exist today, so people should vote for him again. So stupid.

You're suggesting voting to decimate America to save it from a few hundred delusional college students with no power. I hope you like the way the Chinese change things, they'll own America in a few years if we continue down this road.

Edit: People need to very seriously wake up and recognize how many of the quiet folks who openly detest Trump, are also going to silently still vote Republican because of their disgust and push back at the above ideals have been suckered, duped into believing this nonsense by liars who only want to increase their ignorance, listening to those without scruples but with agendas misrepresent the problems and never looking for themselves has created a national party incapable of thinking for themselves, incapable of the most basic investigation, incapable of even recognizing that they're being lied to constantly by their sources, even when those sources admit they lied about everything.

bcglorf said:

I think it's super important people recognize that Bob's point here is actually very correct.

A huge part of Trump's support IS reactionary against runaway liberal ideals.

The most blatant was on University campuses:
-Including race as a determining factor in your admission score as a 'liberal' ideal
-Enforcement of a race based "day of absence" where based on your race you were to be 'kicked off' campus for the day
-"deplatforming" people for having dissenting opinions
-The entire circle-jerk of intersectionalism:
---"whiteness" needs to be defined as something inherently negative
---"Racism" needs to redefined as not simply racial prejudice, but racial prejudice PLUS power(you know, so only white people can be racist under the new definition)
---"systemic racism" getting defined as anything with unequal outcomes, so if asian students do too well in math it must mean the system is favouring them and we need to step in

All of that filth was and still is almost universally wide spread through Academia as 'liberal' good ideas.

People need to very seriously wake up and recognize how many of the quiet folks who openly detest Trump, are also going to silently still vote Republican because of their disgust and push back at the above ideals.

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

bcglorf says...

I think it's super important people recognize that Bob's point here is actually very correct.

A huge part of Trump's support IS reactionary against runaway liberal ideals.

The most blatant was on University campuses:
-Including race as a determining factor in your admission score as a 'liberal' ideal
-Enforcement of a race based "day of absence" where based on your race you were to be 'kicked off' campus for the day
-"deplatforming" people for having dissenting opinions
-The entire circle-jerk of intersectionalism:
---"whiteness" needs to be defined as something inherently negative
---"Racism" needs to redefined as not simply racial prejudice, but racial prejudice PLUS power(you know, so only white people can be racist under the new definition)
---"systemic racism" getting defined as anything with unequal outcomes, so if asian students do too well in math it must mean the system is favouring them and we need to step in

All of that filth was and still is almost universally wide spread through Academia as 'liberal' good ideas.

People need to very seriously wake up and recognize how many of the quiet folks who openly detest Trump, are also going to silently still vote Republican because of their disgust and push back at the above ideals.

newtboy said:

65,844,610 votes compared to Donald Trump’s 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974. That was the mandate by the people to stop bat shit crazy conspiracy theorists from power. The electoral college overrode the people.

Trump got a mandate from 306 people, not the American people.

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