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What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

lurgee says...

Well I wake up anywhere between 7am to 12pm. And do whatever. @2:20 I blast off to be at werk by 3pm., About 18 miles. I werk for a cellular tower antenna manufacturer. I am in the test department testing antennas after they are assembled. A no brainer job and I like it.

Edit: my boss is wearing a "like a boss" tshirt tonight. I though that I should add that.

Edit 2: I also get to blast my musics via eyefone all night.

James Rolfe (AVGN) Reads an E-Mail and Busts a Gut

How PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet

gorillaman says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Bollocks, ip doesn't stifle innovation, it encourages it. Take pharmaceuticals for instance, without patent protection companies simply couldn't afford the millions required to research new drugs (yes, drug companies are evil, etc, but theyre still kinda important).
As for the difference between physical property and intellectual property, are you really saying that a sculptor deserves compensation for their work, but a writer/musician/programmer doesn't?
That kind of attitude is why idiotic laws like this get written in the first place.

If I want to own your statue I need the physical artifact itself (until 3d printing technology matures...), if I want to listen to your CD I never need to touch the thing. These are real distinctions. This is not a question of what you deserve; it's reality. You cannot cry about it and try to oppose the basic operation of the universe because you want to make your living by singing once into a box. Do gigs, sell tshirts, update your business model and stop crying.


Ug hits a couple of rocks together and makes a spark, the spark starts a fire. He shows his innovation off to the rest of his tribe, everyone's very impressed. Soon they learn to copy his technique, now they can eat a wider variety of food, stay warm in winter, keep the god damn flies away - they flourish. Other tribes take notice, so on, pretty soon everyone is using fire.

Ug hits a couple of rocks together and makes a spark, the spark starts a fire. He knows fire is now his intellectual property. He makes a comfortable living starting fires for people, but only if they agree to turn away while he does it. He gets the biggest share of the food, which he never has to bother to hunt for, never mind how hungry the others are. Anyone who accidentally observes his method keeps it to themselves because they know Ug owns the patent to fire, and they're not allowed to know how to make it without his permission. Ug dies. No one is using fire any more.

Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs Caught On Tape

ponceleon says...

Have to say, this video really didn't provide me with much. Need a lot more information to make anything of this. These were plainclothes cops, or even cops on their off-hours. I don't see absolutely anything that would make me think that his choice of Tshirt was in any way inappropriate: the video provides no evidence that he was told to wear that Tshirt, nor does it provide any evidence that he was doing anything other than standing around like so many others.

I'm all about those videos showing the cops DOING something wrong (flashbangs, etc.), but this is a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. Plainclothes cops are not only legal, they are often times exceptionally useful for the RIGHT reasons.

Show me a video of a plainclothes cop doing something WRONG and I will condemn them. I fear this video with cause knee-jerk reaction against two officers who for all you know could be sympathetic to the protesters, and/or just good cops.

Zero Punctuation: Infamous 2

RadHazG says...

Just got done with both playthroughs, thoroughly enjoyable. Only real complaint is that aside from one cut scene at the very start, and the ending sequences, there is NO difference at all in the story. In the first one at least the comic scenes were told differently each time, one for each side, but here all you end up with is a different face/tshirt color in each scene. Still a good story, but a bit disappointing in comparison.

Japanese ghost prank taken to the next level


SveNitoR says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

>> ^SveNitoR:
>> ^skinnydaddy1:
>> ^SveNitoR:
>> ^skinnydaddy1:
So, the guy animates on a computer that uses 4 times the amount of materials that is in a mobile device. Just to tell us our love of gadgets is enslaving people who can only be freed by starting a war to kill the dictator and if we do that, we get antiwar animation pointing out how we are war mongers and now everyone hates the war mongers because they started a war and the only way not to make the rest of the world like them is to give up everything and live like a third world country while no other 1st world country does the same thing.
Define hypocrisy.

No, he claims that our extreme consumption patterns have negative effects, not that we should invade countries. We buy new, throw away, buy new, throw away... and so on. This is a quote from someone, whom I unfortunately forgot the name of: "We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't care about".

Sorry, still can't muster up enough to care anymore. Its just gotten to the point where some Self-righteous ass has to tell me how terrible a person I am because I got up this morning had a cup of coffee. SO instead of wasting their time creating an animation telling me I'm a horrible person. Take that time to volunteer and do some real work for once. I no longer will apologies for the way I live. I do not spend more than I have and if other people do that its their business. I know, I know. I sound like a douchbag. But to me now, So does the guy who created the animation. At what point do I get to live my life with out criticism? With out someone telling me what I should or should not do?
I've told this story in another of a video comments not long ago. I spent 5 months in and around Europe not long ago doing contract work. The job had me going from city to city just about every week. In EVERY city the second someone found out I was from the U.S. I had to hear about how we were destroying the world. The hypocrisy of being criticized by some ass holding blackberry or Iphone or netbook or whatever just because I was from the U.S. really really got to me. And if I said I have heard this before they just get really pissed like what they were saying was so different then what the last 10 people said.
I know its trendy to look progressive and forward thinking about the impact of what just owning a cell phone can be but FFS change your own life and live by example not by yelling at the Evil American. and before you say it. No I do not have to watch the video, but I did receive the link to it by someone saying how clever it was. So instead of the Funny I was looking for I got the "your killing the planet by breathing" video.
Sigh, Ok, I've ranted enough here. I really did not mean for it to go this long but explaining it never seems to fit in to a few line.
This rant brought to you by "Douchbag American" If the rest of the world don't like it. Blame the U.S.!

Hehe, yeah that was quite an impressive rant.
I understand your frustration with being treated like an asshole just because of your nationality (and I would guess that the average Swedish person is worse than the average USA-citizen when it comes to using resources). They are the idiots for doing that, but I believe the video was not aimed at Americans specifically, but rich societies in general. We all live more luxuriously than what the earth can support in the long run and quite frankly need to change our lives a bit.
Nothing dramatic, just stop buying tons of new shit all the time and see if there are any used products available instead. I'm equally bad at this and love having new stuff as much as anyone, but still see the need for a change.

Ya, I know. Its not been a stellar few years for me. Needless to say the company that sent me all over Europe to do work for went out of business before I got back to the U.S.. SO I did not get fully paid for the work done. No, It was not a free trip. I had to cover my own way back and that killed the little pay I did receive. Hey, Fun way to discover your company has gone under. "Credit Card Declined" and no answer at the main office while trying to check in to a hotel. I love new stuff also. I've not been able to buy new for a awhile now.
My personal favorite from the trip, Being told off by some French ass who was riding an $800 bike wearing Italian fashion, holding a blackberry. I'm on a park bench trying to figure out how I'm getting home in a late 90s tshirt i got free from a tech expo and jeans. Just because I was from the U.S. The Kicker, I almost get arrested because "I" was causing a commotion or something. (I'm not sure as I do not speak French and the person translating I'm pretty sure left some things out) Oh well. It's over with so I'll tag as an over costly learning experience and I can one up a lot of people in a "Worst Trip Ever" story.

Yeah you would definitely win over me there

I would say that experiencing different cultures in such a way is a very unique and good experience to have, both personally and professionally. Now you know what it's like to be both poor and an immigrant at least to an extent (of course that could have been true before that trip as well). I find that experiencing hardship in different ways has allowed me a more direct (not just intellectual) understanding of others, since I'm from a pretty safe middle-class, white neighbourhood. It helps me empathize with their struggle.

Not much consolation, but the loud mouthed idiots are not a majority anywhere in the world. They're like internet trolls: they take up a lot of space, but they do not represent the population in general. At least I hope that's the case


skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^SveNitoR:

>> ^skinnydaddy1:
>> ^SveNitoR:
>> ^skinnydaddy1:
So, the guy animates on a computer that uses 4 times the amount of materials that is in a mobile device. Just to tell us our love of gadgets is enslaving people who can only be freed by starting a war to kill the dictator and if we do that, we get antiwar animation pointing out how we are war mongers and now everyone hates the war mongers because they started a war and the only way not to make the rest of the world like them is to give up everything and live like a third world country while no other 1st world country does the same thing.
Define hypocrisy.

No, he claims that our extreme consumption patterns have negative effects, not that we should invade countries. We buy new, throw away, buy new, throw away... and so on. This is a quote from someone, whom I unfortunately forgot the name of: "We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't care about".

Sorry, still can't muster up enough to care anymore. Its just gotten to the point where some Self-righteous ass has to tell me how terrible a person I am because I got up this morning had a cup of coffee. SO instead of wasting their time creating an animation telling me I'm a horrible person. Take that time to volunteer and do some real work for once. I no longer will apologies for the way I live. I do not spend more than I have and if other people do that its their business. I know, I know. I sound like a douchbag. But to me now, So does the guy who created the animation. At what point do I get to live my life with out criticism? With out someone telling me what I should or should not do?
I've told this story in another of a video comments not long ago. I spent 5 months in and around Europe not long ago doing contract work. The job had me going from city to city just about every week. In EVERY city the second someone found out I was from the U.S. I had to hear about how we were destroying the world. The hypocrisy of being criticized by some ass holding blackberry or Iphone or netbook or whatever just because I was from the U.S. really really got to me. And if I said I have heard this before they just get really pissed like what they were saying was so different then what the last 10 people said.
I know its trendy to look progressive and forward thinking about the impact of what just owning a cell phone can be but FFS change your own life and live by example not by yelling at the Evil American. and before you say it. No I do not have to watch the video, but I did receive the link to it by someone saying how clever it was. So instead of the Funny I was looking for I got the "your killing the planet by breathing" video.
Sigh, Ok, I've ranted enough here. I really did not mean for it to go this long but explaining it never seems to fit in to a few line.
This rant brought to you by "Douchbag American" If the rest of the world don't like it. Blame the U.S.!

Hehe, yeah that was quite an impressive rant.
I understand your frustration with being treated like an asshole just because of your nationality (and I would guess that the average Swedish person is worse than the average USA-citizen when it comes to using resources). They are the idiots for doing that, but I believe the video was not aimed at Americans specifically, but rich societies in general. We all live more luxuriously than what the earth can support in the long run and quite frankly need to change our lives a bit.
Nothing dramatic, just stop buying tons of new shit all the time and see if there are any used products available instead. I'm equally bad at this and love having new stuff as much as anyone, but still see the need for a change.

Ya, I know. Its not been a stellar few years for me. Needless to say the company that sent me all over Europe to do work for went out of business before I got back to the U.S.. SO I did not get fully paid for the work done. No, It was not a free trip. I had to cover my own way back and that killed the little pay I did receive. Hey, Fun way to discover your company has gone under. "Credit Card Declined" and no answer at the main office while trying to check in to a hotel. I love new stuff also. I've not been able to buy new for a awhile now.
My personal favorite from the trip, Being told off by some French ass who was riding an $800 bike wearing Italian fashion, holding a blackberry. I'm on a park bench trying to figure out how I'm getting home in a late 90s tshirt i got free from a tech expo and jeans. Just because I was from the U.S. The Kicker, I almost get arrested because "I" was causing a commotion or something. (I'm not sure as I do not speak French and the person translating I'm pretty sure left some things out) Oh well. It's over with so I'll tag as an over costly learning experience and I can one up a lot of people in a "Worst Trip Ever" story.

Hiroshima: Dropping the Bomb

Bahrain Military Fires on Protesters - NSFW and NSFL

peggedbea says...

well, yeah. that obviously was the entire conversation, or even the end of his insight. but he predicted a lot of the things that are going on now with beautiful accuracy. and of course, in the end... the US has had its dick in mid east sands for far too long for anything to ever ever be ok. >> ^Yogi:

>> ^peggedbea:
except some of us care on insane day/month/year destroying levels and don't need our heart wounds opened up by watching bloodshed we are way too aware of.
so i'm not watching the video, because i don't watch brutality on purpose. i dont mind if you do, but my heart/feelings/stomach can't take it...... but i wanted to add something i thought about the other day that made me happy....
so one of my bff's is an awesome dude. he is a teacher and spends half of us time teaching teenagers in the middle east. sometime around a decade ago he had just gotten back from teaching some teenagers in Syria. We were talking about impending wars in the middle east and speculating what they would look like and how they would play out. we rightly guessed that iraq would be invaded, someone would lie, and we'd pretend we were "liberating" them.... so my friend said something amazing. he said that we won't need to "liberate" anyone. if we just leave them alone, his students generation will grow into adults and they will demand democracy and civil liberties. he predicted it would be helped along by what the internet was surely to become. and said that his students want stupid things like pepsi and brittany spears but they also want to participate in a whole world culture and some of them just want to be gay or have blue mohawks or wear tshirts that say "fuck you" or bang on loud instruments or whatever. but his students 9 or 10 years ago are now in their 20s. and theyre as strong and tenacious and smart and sick of being stifled as he said they were and they know their power. and they are sooo amazing.
and my friend is probably the smartest person i know.
>> ^Mammaltron:
We wouldn't want people to see things which are uncomfortable for them, that might make them care about the fact they're happening! That way lies madness

Your friend is very smart and a good person...but he is somewhat misguided. There have been people banging on about democracy in the Middle east for decades, they protested they rose and fought for their freedoms. Many ended up crushed but United States backed forces. So while it is your right to night watch this film I would suggest that you possibly join a local group. Protest this sort of treatment...the only way to stop these kinds of films is not by watching it and getting mad but to make sure our government isn't going to facilitate the next batch of them.

Bahrain Military Fires on Protesters - NSFW and NSFL

Yogi says...

>> ^peggedbea:

except some of us care on insane day/month/year destroying levels and don't need our heart wounds opened up by watching bloodshed we are way too aware of.
so i'm not watching the video, because i don't watch brutality on purpose. i dont mind if you do, but my heart/feelings/stomach can't take it...... but i wanted to add something i thought about the other day that made me happy....
so one of my bff's is an awesome dude. he is a teacher and spends half of us time teaching teenagers in the middle east. sometime around a decade ago he had just gotten back from teaching some teenagers in Syria. We were talking about impending wars in the middle east and speculating what they would look like and how they would play out. we rightly guessed that iraq would be invaded, someone would lie, and we'd pretend we were "liberating" them.... so my friend said something amazing. he said that we won't need to "liberate" anyone. if we just leave them alone, his students generation will grow into adults and they will demand democracy and civil liberties. he predicted it would be helped along by what the internet was surely to become. and said that his students want stupid things like pepsi and brittany spears but they also want to participate in a whole world culture and some of them just want to be gay or have blue mohawks or wear tshirts that say "fuck you" or bang on loud instruments or whatever. but his students 9 or 10 years ago are now in their 20s. and theyre as strong and tenacious and smart and sick of being stifled as he said they were and they know their power. and they are sooo amazing.
and my friend is probably the smartest person i know.
>> ^Mammaltron:
We wouldn't want people to see things which are uncomfortable for them, that might make them care about the fact they're happening! That way lies madness

Your friend is very smart and a good person...but he is somewhat misguided. There have been people banging on about democracy in the Middle east for decades, they protested they rose and fought for their freedoms. Many ended up crushed but United States backed forces. So while it is your right to night watch this film I would suggest that you possibly join a local group. Protest this sort of treatment...the only way to stop these kinds of films is not by watching it and getting mad but to make sure our government isn't going to facilitate the next batch of them.

Bahrain Military Fires on Protesters - NSFW and NSFL

peggedbea says...

except some of us care on insane day/month/year destroying levels and don't need our heart wounds opened up by watching bloodshed we are way too aware of.

so i'm not watching the video, because i don't watch brutality on purpose. i dont mind if you do, but my heart/feelings/stomach can't take it...... but i wanted to add something i thought about the other day that made me happy....

so one of my bff's is an awesome dude. he is a teacher and spends half of us time teaching teenagers in the middle east. sometime around a decade ago he had just gotten back from teaching some teenagers in Syria. We were talking about impending wars in the middle east and speculating what they would look like and how they would play out. we rightly guessed that iraq would be invaded, someone would lie, and we'd pretend we were "liberating" them.... so my friend said something amazing. he said that we won't need to "liberate" anyone. if we just leave them alone, his students generation will grow into adults and they will demand democracy and civil liberties. he predicted it would be helped along by what the internet was surely to become. and said that his students want stupid things like pepsi and brittany spears but they also want to participate in a whole world culture and some of them just want to be gay or have blue mohawks or wear tshirts that say "fuck you" or bang on loud instruments or whatever. but his students 9 or 10 years ago are now in their 20s. and theyre as strong and tenacious and smart and sick of being stifled as he said they were and they know their power. and they are sooo amazing.

and my friend is probably the smartest person i know.

>> ^Mammaltron:

We wouldn't want people to see things which are uncomfortable for them, that might make them care about the fact they're happening! That way lies madness


Porksandwich says...

It's cheating to run with the name Steve King, I many people voted for him because they thought he wrote the book based off the movie they watched? That's like Fort Wayne letting people vote for the name of their Government Center honoring important people from that area, and the people chose "Harry Baals" as the name they should honor. A mayor who was voted in many times in the 40s and 50s. It'd make a great tshirt, I went to Fort Wayne and all I saw was the Harry Baals Center.

>> ^40_Minus_1:

I'm from Iowa, and it's particularly painful for me to see this kind of thing associated with my state. These folks are very likely from the northwest corner of the state, represented by Steve King, who has made some headlines of his own for loudmouthed ignorance.
I much prefer it when we're represented by folks like Zach Wahls, found elsewhere on the 'sift.

French girl tells a thrilling rendition of Winnie The Pooh

paul4dirt says...

it sucks to have to spoil this...but its a dupe (not duping right now to not spoil the promote for the moment)

btw: tshirts made by this girl are being sold for a good cause:

"Welcome to "Capucine for Edurelief" T-shirt shop ! We have designed t-shirts with Capucine's original drawings and some of her favorite quotes. They are available in French or in English. All the proceeds from the sales go to Edurelief, a non profit organization who helps provide school books in Mongolia. So far, two libraries have opened in two schools, thanks to your support of Capucine's project. She says : "Merci" ! You can learn more about Edurelief here :"

How satisfied are you with your job? (User Poll by peggedbea)

peggedbea says...

I'm a massage and aquatic therapist for people with physical disabilities (and sometimes accompanying intellectual disabilities)
I provide intensive in home behavioral and life skills support to a woman with a physical disability, an intellectal disability and major behavioral challenges
I work with adolescent boys with autism and asperger's fostering social skills, broadening their scopes of interest and focusing on dealing with stress and anxiety.
And I also babysit a man who is blind and has autism a few times a month. He's my super buddy.

My job is awesome cause it allows me to tap into the things I'm best at in life. I don't have to sit in anyone place for very long, I go somewhere different everyday and do something different everyday and have creative control over the activities. I basically have no "boss", I have set of standards and am accountable to the state for proper documentation and following ethical guidelines, but I don't have to "check in" with anyone. My schedule is between me and my clients. As a single mom, that's something thats invaluable to me. If my kids get sick, I just call my clients and reschedule, there are no "write ups" or "attendance policies" and "tardiness" isn't an issue. If I get stuck in traffic I just call and say "hey, give me 5 minutes". I will never be written up for being 5 minutes late 3 times within 3 months ever again. I also, the most appropriate thing to wear just happens to be sweat pants and tshirt. fuck yes!! i work in my pajamas.

down sides: It doesn't pay enough and I have no benefits package or worker's compensation insurance.

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