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Did You Know? We are living in exponential times

Dr_Q says...

Meh, videos like that are cool, but the lack of source for all the numbers makes it kinda hard to believe sometimes.

640K songs ? Really ? Whose numbers are these ? RIAA's ?

First sound ever recorded (1860)

Google: trying very hard not to be evil

shole says...

I don't really mind that much if google knows everyone and owns everything.
As long as it's given out free, and they have no power over them.
But being in US, the government can just poke their heads into their databases when they feel like it.
What happens if a properly evil corporation wants some of that information for their actually nasty purposes through a ploy of law or lobby?
You know, like has already happened with RIAA and MPAA bullying isps and other services for customer data to sue the entire world's youth for negligible losses.
If google would guarantee the data would stay in their database, unretrievable to an external party, i wouldn't mind.. but as is, i won't put anything online i wouldn't mind my mom/neighbor/boss/wife finding out.

Greatest Tech Support Call Ever

pho3n1x says...

think of it this way... open wireless access is akin to letting random people borrow your car.

you don't know what they're going to use it for. they could be robbing a bank, carting dead hookers to the field, drug deals, going through your stuff, whatever... you're basically trusting that the people that use the car are going to do so for good purposes. picking up their kids from school, grocery shopping, running a quick errand, etc.
wifi is kind of the same in the fact that people could be using it to steal movies/music, access nefarious pictures/information, e-stalking, hacking into email/banking accounts, or they could be using it for banking, amazon, videosift, wikipedia... who knows. sure there's logs, but if you know how to access the logs, then you know how to protect yourself and probably aren't concerned with this anyway.

the point is you never know who could be doing what on your open, unprotected access point. if you're willing to fend off the MPAA/RIAA, CEOP, or even perhaps the local police/FBI then by all means, leave your access point wide open. WARdrivers will document your WAP and pirates/hackers/child-exploiters will love you for it.

read the instruction booklet that came with your router. 99% of the time the very first set of instructions after setting the thing up is how to change your admin password and enable encryption. Those instructions are there for a good reason.

Copying Is Not Theft

Croccydile says...

>> ^Stormsinger:
Copying may not be theft...but what would you call benefiting from someone else's work without their consent? Sounds a lot like a possible definition of slavery (not having any control over the results of your work).

It's legally considered either copyright infringement or intellectual property theft, however in terms of actual stealing... that is one thing it certainly is not despite what all those ads before your DVD menu or movie say. They should consider it to be free publicity because the vast majority of people who download were not going to buy it anyways, so there is no money to be made and as such no money was lost. Get over this simple fact, movie studios/RIAA, lost sales is an empty old fallacy you have been using for decades. I thought Zombieland was going to be a steaming pile of shit until I watched a cam rip with some friends and I would actually buy the DVD now.

Personally I have little to no respect towards the rights holders as I often get screwed when I actually pay their whining asses and never get screwed when I rip them off. DRM sucks in any form. I don't pretend to have any sense of entitlement as well, I know its wrong and I simply don't care.

The Music Industry brings us their next big hit, BOY BANDS!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'comedy, unregistered sex offender, young fuckables, riaa' to 'comedy, unregistered sex offender, young fuckables, riaa, Derrick Comedy' - edited by Sarzy

Little feller dances to one of the best videos of all time

Little feller dances to one of the best videos of all time

Payback says...

>> ^dgandhi:
The RIAA should definitely sue those parents for this unlicensed production of a derivative work. I mean, you wouldn't steal a car would you?

This is obviously covered under fair use. Parody exposing the over-produced, over-hyped media and how young minds are being trapped into a lifetime of spending and credit problems.

That and the kid obviously likes his bitches with a healthy booty.

Little feller dances to one of the best videos of all time

dgandhi says...

The RIAA should definitely sue those parents for this unlicensed production of a derivative work. I mean, you wouldn't steal a car would you?

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf says...

I was under the impression that your reasoning was this:

any search return that doesn't have the original right at the top is an absolute shambles and an insult

I wanted to point out the fact that the reason that Pink Floyd and all of their songs do not exist on this program is due to the fact that Spotify is a legitimate free streaming music program, and have not obtained the rights to those songs. Blame companies like RIAA, whom are the ones responsible(not the programmers of Spotify)!

I just wanted to tell you that Spotify as a program is great! If it doesn't have your tastes in music I'm sorry, but that's not Spotify's fault.

ASCAP sent out a collection notice to the Sift yet? (Wtf Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

wow...there's this douche there called "Ricky-Oh" on this site.

Here's some of his comments:
And so it begins. This time it's not the evil old RIAA or MPAA, it's an organization that actually makes sure content creators get paid. I love this. Soon, everyone will have to pay for every bit of content they consume. Finally.
Yes, more money does need to leave people's pockets. Your Internet and Cable providers are that and only that. Providers of bandwidth, not content. You don't HAVE to pay for those things, you could camp out in Starbuck's and steal the WiFi, or watch only broadcast TV. But you don't, you consume content that comes down a pipeline you also pay for. The content itself is a separate matter, and yes, you should pay for every last iota of it you consume. All of it. Every bit. Separate from the pipeline it's delivered in, it's commercial content and you need to pay for it. If you don't want to pay for it or can't afford to pay for it, then don't consume it. Where people got the idea this stuff should be free is completely beyond me.

ASCAP sent out a collection notice to the Sift yet? (Wtf Talk Post)

You know what's bullshit?: DVDs

You know what's bullshit?: DVDs

Paging Doc_M - I think you have GOLD FEVER (Happy Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

-Disrespectful or otherwise rude people. - Me
-Ignorant or otherwise moronic people. - Me
-Most conspiracy theorists. (This means you, Rosie) - They're all after me
-Most activists. (This means you, Cindy) - Hell no I won't go
-Religion bashers. - Dirty hippy Jesus.
-America bashers. - Dirty hippy hippies
-Whiny victim types. - It's not my fault I'm an asshole
-Anti-science types. - but at least I didn't evolve from a monkey!
-Keith Obermann, Sean Hannity, Pat Condell, and Richard Dawkins. - all great men
-PETA, the RIAA, the ACLU, and CAIR. - Those must be some other language
-Those dang melt-sealed, bleed-you-to-death plastic packages everything seems to come in. - HEY! My dad invented those!

Jeez, according to this, Doc_M should LOVE LOVE LOVE ME!

congrats on the 100 and on finally diagnosing this rash.

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