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Nostalgia Chick Reviews The Labyrinth

Kush - Another Stupid Invention That's Essentially a Penis

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

Drachen_Jager says...

"There is a more powerful symbol which negates the phallic symbol, and that is the crotch... CROSS, I meant to say cross! I didn't say crotch, I said cross! Really! I'm not obsessed with men's hard throbbing, yet oh so soft and silky penises." <pauses to wipe drool from the corner of his mouth with faraway look in his eyes>

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

CreamKreator says...

Freudians rejoice... I think he sees flying penises every night. Next he's probably stating that screwdrivers, soda bottles, roll'on deodorants and what not are phallic.. "We nust destroy every object that has a cylindrical longitudinal shape".. I read somewhere that majority of men dislike those shapes and prefer round vertical forms for ex. bowls and vice versa for women.. Not sure i agree..

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

mizila says...

Dude, seriously? He talks about the blue horse, and how phallic some of the shapes in the mane and legs are... but doesn't mention that it has a huge anatomically correct horse cock on it? Or how about the matching anatomically correct horse butt-hole? Or the fact that its eyes glow red, I mean how evil is that? Although, the thing about it killing its creator is true.

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

nanrod says...

Why did god give him such a phallic shaped nose? And why is he pointing out all these phallus shapes with a finger shaped like a phallus. OMG (oh my goodness) they're everywhere, they're everywhere!

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

Sagemind says...

He He He, Ha Ha HA, Ho Ho Ho... Ha - He He (tears) Ha HA, Ah Man, it hurts, please stop.... ha ha ha ha .........WTF - What The F..... Ha Ha Ha, He He He........ Swastika.... ???? Testicle... Ha HA , Idiot!!!! Phallic... Satanic.... Ha Ha HA .... What a messed-up crap-shoot of nonsense...

Ooooo, we should call him for more information, Hey we should ALL call him..... AND LAUGH AT HIM....

Gay Man Berates New Yorkers

Police Officer Protecting and Serving the Shit Out Of You!

Opus_Moderandi says...


Hey, Matt D can't help being so sexy...

I think you need to fix those glasses of your because if you watch the beginning of the video those 2 guys are STRUGGLING on the hood of that car and you can clearly see the cop WRENCH the well made mag light (your preoccupation with this phallic shaped device is more gay than my affection for Matt Damon... imo. ) out of the "seemingly calm" guys hands. IMHO, if you struggle with a cop, you better damn well be prepared to pay the price.

I'm not saying I agree with the cop smacking him with the awesome 2lb penis-like mag lite, I'm not saying the guy deserved it. I'm saying he fucked with a cop, what did he expect to happen?

And God Said Men Should Not Kiss in the French Way

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^I've heard that a lot of people join the clergy because of sexual confusion. They're taught that homosexuality is wrong in Bible school, but still have feelings for other women/men, so they join the clergy to hide their true identity. Of course, sexual desire is an unstoppable force of human nature, so they have to find ways to release pressure. Perhaps you are correct and this guy is hiding his homosexuality behind a sandwich board and a phallic rod with a cross on the end.

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