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Man In The Women's Locker Room Is Now The Norm

newtboy says...

IMO, no, it's not JUST her over the top attitude and total lack of manners and self control, it's also her insistence that the business support her and deny the trans woman, clearly thinking her emotional comfort should trump the trans woman's ability to participate fully in society.

It's definitely unreasonable to insist businesses break state and federal laws to provide her a penis free locker room, barring the trans woman from using the facilities. Remember, these are the same people that want to exclude not just trans people, but also gay people from not just locker rooms, but bathrooms, pools, tanning salons, anywhere you might see them partially undressed or they might see you partially undressed. I've seen people take that mentality to the public beach, telling gay men they can't be there because they might see a straight man or boy in shorts and lust after them, and claiming a mild pda (a kiss, hand holding) is illegal.

She had the problem, not the business, not the law. If she wants a penis free locker room, she should build her own.

Now I'll ask you, how is her daughter harmed by seeing a naked flaccid penis? The American puritanical mindset about nakedness is sick. There's nothing wrong with seeing a naked person, it won't hurt you.

bcglorf said:

Honest question for everyone really angry at the lady in the video. Is the problem her manner and attitude alone? That is to ask a second question, do you think it is unreasonable for a parent to not want their young daughter seeing naked penises?

The Day the Dinosaurs Died – Minute by Minute

shinyblurry says...

2 Peter 3:1-7 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.


newtboy says...

No other Howard Stern guest ever talked about lusting after their teenage daughters, or violating young teenagers by forcing their way into their dressing rooms and leering at them undressing, or publicly catcalled 10 year olds on camera, or bragged about grabbing any random woman or girl by the pussy, or trying to buy sex from their friends wives while they were both married by buying them new furniture like the bitch Trump knows he is. What's your point? That incestuous pedophilia is OK if confessed to a shock jockey? Um....
Btw, it wasn't just on Howard Stern either, it was nearly everywhere he was interviewed....he couldn't even stop lusting after his daughters on the View.

Trump allowed Epstein access to maralago and his home for over a decade after Epstein pleaded guilty to pedophilia. He only banned him when Trump's employee's threatened to sue Trump for setting them up to be raped.

The last time they were together, except all those times they partied at Epstien's island, or other homes, or in public, or friends private orgies, or....well, I could go on all day. They never broke ties. Trump just had to ban him from Trump's properties for liability reasons.

Clinton and Epstein never met in person from all reports....unlike Trump who was his best friend for decades, including well after it became public knowledge Epstein was a serial pedophile rapist.

Daughter raping low T is floundering, Bobski. So is your disinformation campaign. Sad you can't come up with better.....but expected.


bobknight33 said:

I am shocked that Trump was shocking on Howard Stern. Really HS show is so conservative in nature. Shocking.

Trump kicked out Epstein way back of his mar a lago resort for trying to finger bang a teen worker.

That's the last time there were together, other accidentally meeting at a non Trump gathering

But Slick Willie and host of other folks fly with Epstein but yet to post such. Just another Anti Trumper.

Finger Banger JOE 2020

MEGA Landslide 2020

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

Lol. So sad and desperate, Bobski. Relying on dementia ridden Giuliani's plain stupid hoax fed to him by Russians. It's just so incredibly dumb, of course you believe it after it's been thoroughly *debunked by the FBI who instead of investigating the Russian nonsense with no evidence are investigating Giuliani for spreading Russian propaganda again.
Not a scintilla of proof or truth or logic or reason to it. Hunter traveled across the country with three broken laptops full of incriminating evidence that somehow is created months after these unlicensed laptops are dropped off according to the meta data Giuliani is too dumb to understand, takes them to a rabid pro Trump blind computer tech, and leaves them to be examined. That's the story you're selling.

Desperation and obvious lies are the best you've got. Americans aren't buying it.

But have you seen the videos of Trump and Epstein forcibly raping both of Trump's underage daughters while Eric jacks off in the corner?! Better watch them before he has them removed from the web. What a pair of pieces of shit. (See, two can play the "let's just make disgusting accusations up" game, and you'll never convince non trumpets that president Low T doesn't lust after children after decades of watching him do it and brag about it.)


Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

You love pedophiles so much you must be one, supporting them every time (as long as they wear red hats).
So desperate, Bobski, but projection fails miserably when EVERYONE knows the facts, and those facts are only one candidate hollas at 11 year old girls in the mall, anxious to "date" them, only one lusted after their own 13 year old daughter, only one spent over a decade partying with known pedophiles, and only one is accused of raping children....and credibly so. That's Trump, not one accusation of any type of pedophilia against Biden, video and admissions by Trump of being attracted to little girls sexually galore.

So incredibly lacking in self awareness, a Trumpster trying to call Biden out on anything to do with morals or ethics, since Trump's are so low the Marianas trench is miles above, and Biden's record after decades of public scrutiny is spotless, one ridiculous, blatantly false accusation by a proven liar notwithstanding.

bobknight33 said:

Pedophile Joe makes everyone gags..

The Trump Plan

newtboy says...

The video I calculations show his newest stated plan, herd mentality (immunity), "that's going to happen", leads to 7-8 million dead at a best case miraculously perfect execution, and in reality more likely >40->50 million due to an overburdened medical system. I don't have a clue where they get such a lowballed estimate as 3 million. I'm with you there....Shame.

The data for what I sent is at John Hopkins university, the NPR data source is listed, statistica requires a free account, but their data matches Hopkins.

You told me, don't you remember?! You don't support me so that can't be it, and pedo....who do you support? That guy who hollas at 10 year olds in public, lusting hard. Who was that guy again? He raped a 13year old at least's on the tip of my me out...who is that?

So, if I were a pedophile, that would explain how I know you support them. No denial though. Hmmmm. That's a public admission Bobby, Duh.

bobknight33 said:

Yea and where is the scientific data supporting claims in this crap video?

pedophilia supporter.???????????????
How do you come up with this? Are you a pedo? Is that how you know?


newtboy says... delusional fool.
That's not an answer, it's the same fact free nonsense stupidity you started with.

Every claim, every word is true.
Do you deny Ivanka got a gift of patents worth millions? She did. They bragged about it.
Do you deny Trump owes China money? He does, prove he doesn't.
Do you deny his trade wars cost America tens to hundreds of Billions in losses and tariffs? They did.
Do you deny his trade talks failed? They did.
Do you deny Kevin Bacon was in Footloose? He was.

I can't find a word in it that's untrue, but I expect nothing less from you. You can't factually declare any statements untrue statements with evidence or facts so, like a two year old, you just claim it's all untrue and think you won an argument, but you have lost both the argument and your adulthood.

You still haven't said what's untrue, and claiming it's all untrue is just so stupidly infantile I feel bad for you, but it's the best you've got without direction on how to answer, isn't it?

So sad, Bob. You've got nothing but insist you're the one with everything. You don't bluff well, Bob. Grow up.

I expect you deny Trump's stated lust for Ivanka as a YOUNG girl, I expect you deny his multiple fraud convictions, I suppose you deny his lifetime ban from charities due to charity frauds, or his children. I suppose you deny his having more felons in his cabinet than any two previous administrations, and more convictions while in office than any three combined. I know you deny that tariffs are paid by the country that enacts them, but they are. I expect you deny his trade deal fell through, it did.

That covers weak and corrupt thoroughly.

You have an established pattern of denying facts and spouting lies, so if you agreed with the truth it would instantly come into question. You saying it's 100% un true is a great indicator it's 100% correct.

bobknight33 said:

I did 100% un true

Bull crap

Mr. McFeely's Purple Panda Scares Bejesus Out of Kids

newtboy says...

Only if they think Trump is in tow, he's the pedophile with pedophile friends and white hot burning lust for his pre teen daughter.

So moronic and childish, Bob. You gotta be you I suppose, it's just disappointing.

bobknight33 said:

Same reaction when Biden shows up.


newtboy says...

Exactly what is untrue?
You won't reply because you can't answer, and Trump hasn't given you an answer.
Weak and corrupt are Trump's traits, too weak to walk down a ramp, too weak to keep his lust for his young teenaged daughter private, too corrupt to beat multiple fraud charges, too corrupt to ever be connected to a charity ever again because of massive, pervasive frauds, his children too, his cabinet even more so.

There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you're hiding in the basement closet, eyes closed and blindfolded against seeing anything bad about Trump.

So ridiculously stupid and dishonest, Bob. Just dumb. I know you're incapable of investigating yourself, but you insist on spouting your ignorant theories as facts constantly knowing there are people here who will investigate and castigate you over your intentional dishonesty. Stop lying.

bobknight33 said:

Weak and corrupt is Biden's middle name.

100% *lies

Law and Order

newtboy says...

He has no choice.
He HAS to make up lies about Biden that are at least on par with the videos of Trump being exponentially worse, or it's Siberia for him.

His hero is on multiple video recordings lusting after little girls, from his own young daughter to the underage contestants in his beauty pageants that he forces to get naked in front of him to strangers, 10 year olds he says he'll date soon....and not in a joking way.
Then there's his brotherhood with Epstein, getting naked massages by 15 year olds and private parties with only him, Epstein, and dozens of very young unchaperoned girls.
There's also the little issue the 25 credible women who currently accuse him of rape, and the hundreds barred by their NDAs from making accusations....but he knows similar accusations against Biden would never fly, so they're easing in, as you said, to constantly evolving charges. There's one blatantly false accusation by an adult, so he says "fondling little girls ", which he's never been accused of in multiple ways, but Trump has bragged about doing it repeatedly and has multiple accusers. By the election, they'll claim Biden rapes little girls with Epstein too, and has a secret love child named Barron with his daughter.

If he can't convince people Biden is the same kind of kiddy rapist, he knows he's lost a big vote block. Too bad for him he's used up every iota of trust and can't be believed about anything.

Projection doesn't work when the audience knows the truth, @bobknight33...and the entire world knows Trump is a pedophile and Biden is honorable and nothing like Trump the well known proud public pedophile.

JiggaJonson said:

Tara Reade's story doesn't hold water. Last i checked, even in her accusation she wasn't a 'little girl' in the complaint.

Making shit up again? Is this what it's like watching someone hypnotize himself? You are just going to keep saying he's a rapist and now you're easing into him being a pedo?

Law and Order

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

Oh Bobby. Did bad man make Bobby cwy hurt?
Edit: It's OK Bob, I know you care more than you can ever admit. I even care about you, even though I'm >90% sure you are a troll farm with multiple users posting as one with ulterior motives...maybe because that's who you are.
I care, because truth is important and you are a vocal enemy of truth.

You really want to talk about "his own words" when you side with unapologetically self admitted daughter lusting, serial philanderer, pornstar raw dogging, woman debasing and dehumanizing, forceful and proud repeated finger raping, friend's wives fucking, prostitute fucking, naked little girl leering, charity defrauding, student defrauding, biggest loser Trump (all admitted to by his own words) vs shoulder rubbing grandpa Biden? Oh yeah, let's do it.

For every word flub Biden makes, and there are many, Trump flubs 50 words. For every misstatement of fact by Biden, and he does misstate some facts, Trump outright lies to the public 100 times (then says he's under no obligation to tell the truth if he's not under oath), for every unwanted touch accusation against Biden, Trump has >25 sexual assault accusations. For every mea culpa from Biden over behavior that is only inappropriate by today's standards but not contemporarily we get 100 excuses and victim blaming with constantly changing excuses from Trump. You REALLY don't want this to be a contest of character....Trump's character loses that contest every single time and thrice on Sundays.

Trump called this crime bill too soft and lenient.

Lol. I'm the troll! Ahahahahaha! I'm not the one running a sock puppet theater. LMFAHS.
Your desperation is showing again.

bobknight33 said:

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

World Series Crowd Boos Trump, Chants Lock Him Up

newtboy says...

Turnabout is fair play.

This is likely the reaction he will get any time he goes in public outside his little Trumpster bubble.

Now we should demand Barron's long form birth certificate to prove he isn't Donny's love child with his daughter, Ivanka, who he has publicly lusted after. Until it's released he's illegitimate.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

I do place CNN and Fox in the same category.
That is how low CNN has sunk and how much better Fox has become in my experiences watching what amounts to garbage reporting on a whole.
Trump did this today blah blah blah but yes he still lusts after his daughter.
He is actually saying she is just a really hot looking young woman as he works in that business but lets go there anyway.
Fox is not pure propaganda.
You don't watch it enough to see the right people to know of what of you speak.
I don't simply watch what appeals to me or justifies my point of view which too many people like you are doing with the rise of the internet.
Relying on late night comedy shows who never show Fox News or Trump saying anything good is useless too.
Shep Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are pretty decent at giving you the news.
Yes Fox is a joke at times and seems to be in Trumps pocket but there is good reporting on there and some good reporters.
You just have to skip the garbage like Hannity a lot of the time and the judge jeannie idiot all of the time.
Laura Ingram seems to be there just to act the asshole.
Tucker can be good sometimes looking at the current insane trends.
I watch several sources everyday to get an overall view on how things get reported and it is eye opening.
I never liked what the Republicans and Fox did to Obama but 2 wrongs don't make a right and after all Fox News is just entertainment right?
CNN has been around how long?
It was once very respected.
You don't seem to be grasping my point.
I don't like most of how Trump does things.
Even when he is doing something good he ruins it sometimes by the way he words it.
I think he is being led by people and could have been a lot more palpable to the left but they have pulled the strings and yanked him back most everytime.
The birther thing showed how low class he will always be despite his money and gross looking home with all the ugly so called appointments.
I am saying he is playing the media and it is suffering as a result and the media by acting unprofessionally is playing along.

newtboy said:

Sticking Fox in there as well shows you aren't serious. Fox is pure propaganda to the extent their top rated hosts (they don't have reporters) actually went on the campaign trail with Trump and spoke at his about agenda.

Trump's actions and words are 98% negative, it's who he is. Reporting on him in a negative light IS honest reporting....for Christ's sake, he repeatedly lusted after his under age daughter publicly, how do you report that as a positive? "He has the fortitude of character to not act on his incestuous least publicly."? Can't say the same about his friend's wives or work subordinates, though.

The day of the synagogue shooting, which was targeted specifically because Trump said repeatedly that Jews are paying dangerous illegal aliens to invade the country, and with more bombs still in the mail, Trump again shirked any responsibility for his rhetoric and blamed the media for his named enemies (including the same media) being targeted by people who quoted his words in their manifestos, and again called the news media enemies of the people, the words that triggered the right wing terrorists in the first place. You argue that, by reporting his complete lack of civil leadership and his targeted threats that are being acted on, they are the problem and the one's taking jabs?! Trump didn't hold off media bashing for a single sentence, his call for unity and his blame and attack were in the same opening sentence of his remarks.

Trump is the leader of the free world, but he never once has he lead towards civility, and excessively rarely honesty or rationality. You expect cable news anchors to be the moral compass of the nation, and completely excuse president from that obligation?! *facepalm
Trump ran on being insulting and derisive of any non Trumpian coverage, Jim is just his latest target by proximity, it would be someone else if it wasn't him. Baby needs a bad man to spit up on.

If this behavior warrants removing credentials, Fox, Breightbart, and Alex Jones would have been permanently barred over a decade ago, but they're all more than welcome....largely because they were constant rude assholes to Obama and had zero respect for the office when he held it.
Good luck demanding professionalism and civility now, after 8 years of birtherism that ship sailed with Trump at the helm. Whining about it now like a thin skinned 3rd grader only makes Trump more ridiculous and hypocritical.....which is astonishing as he had already raised the bar of hypocrisy into orbit.

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