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RiffTrax: Halloween Supercut!

moonsammy says...

I find Rifftrax works much better as full episodes than as clips, unfortunately. Much like MST3K (understandably), a lot of the jokes are recurring gags or callbacks. I tend to laugh my ass off while watching full episodes (*IF* I actually pay attention instead of using it as background entertainment), while clips only occasionally work out of context. There are a few good ones in here, but mostly it makes me want to go back and re-watch the Manos episode of MST3K...

German reaction to UK PM Liz Truss resignation

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No bob, like crt, this is a figment of a deranged delusional mind that knows they can sell it for massive profit, not a real thing anywhere but right wing propagandists notebooks.
Just another of the myriad of fantasy boogie men you’ve been sold to keep you outraged and unthinking. It works all too well on your ilk, you NEVER verify anything that gets you upset, because you absolutely love to be upset and mad at a target, whatever target. It’s made those selling the outrage mountains of cash too. Sadly, it’s made you a laughing stock that sounds like you wear a tin foil hat most of the time…..

The idea is just as serious as my title…the kid does NOT identify as a dog toy…just like kids are not identifying as cats. It’s just an insult, derision of the trans community as silly, not even a serious claim….but you buy it.

… you REALLY believe kids are “identifying as cats” at schools, and schools are accommodating them with litter boxes and letting them roam naked?! REALLY!?! YOU’RE DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT!?! Er mer gerd!

You are so unbelievably gullible. You will buy any insanity that insults your many, ever growing number of enemies. Remember, you believe people dead for over 10 years helped defraud the election against Trump….zombie dictators, or time traveling dictators, you choose….but they used Italian space lasers to change votes in the machines. You bought that, bob.

It is your side that invented this nonsense, bob, as derision of real issues you are intolerant of because you’re incapable of serious discussion of serious issues, your entire “side” is (and your side is the anti reality side, bob.)

Now-Ashley Babbitt

bobknight33 said:

The radical left came up with this shit and forced it on America.

Dont blame my side.

Mouse Jumps Into Fryer At WhataBurger in Texas

newtboy says...

All 3 of those employees thought this was the funniest thing, look at them smiling and laughing. If that isn’t enough to make you not eat fast food cooked by school kids for minimum wage, you deserve all the mouse tails and rat turds you eat.

Side note, miss you @Mordhaus

Anthony Jeselnik Helps a Friend Get an Abortion

noims says...

I'm positive I saw this here a couple of years ago, but it's so good I was laughing out loud, even knowing was was coming. So until an earlier duplicate is found I've just got to drop this *promote baby.

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

BSR says...

I personally think he would bet his life that birds are REAL! 🤣

newtboy said:

I think if a “liberal” (read- nonTrumpist) showed him his newly amputated legs he would shout “fake news” and try to run.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How did you like Russia making a statement that they had seen and had copies of the documents from Maralago?

Trump is an international laughing stock….humiliated even by his handlers.

“We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” -- Eric Trump, 2014.

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

spawnflagger says...

thanks for posting this source video. many news stories about Beto swearing, none of which link to the actual source of what was said... lazy reporting.

Was the guy laughing at Beto's comment about an AR-15 being accurate enough to get a headshot at 500ft? That probably is laughable, but still inappropriate during the speech- and certainly not the point of what Beto was saying.

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

luxintenebris says...

then you laugh from head to toe.

please try to define the 'unhinged' part? what is so funny about caring about others not in your family, in your Party, not in your field of ideology, or even in your state?

that's the separation. deep empathy versus emotional apathy.

the morality of putting an unattached stranger's judgment ahead of a woman and her doctors is more heinous than holy. the facts bear this out.

would spend more time 'enlighting' but doubt that's your gig: b/w. by-the-book. my way or the highway.

hard to grow flowers in a salt mine.

* * * *

also amazed by the amount of less-than-stellar perspicaciousness of people that use 'stupid' as a counterpoint.

B: "yer just stoopid."
L: "oh. that's why you don't make sense." {how does this guy find his ass to wipe? nope. doesn't have to. he laughed it off.}

* * * *

buy their albums. save them. support them. rescue dying fetus from annilation.

bobknight33 said:

I LMAO at the stupidity of this .

How unhinged the left is. That is the funny part.

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

luxintenebris says...

so you laughed a long, long, long, long time.

don't know what 'fear porn' is but highly unlikely this qualifies. put it in the category of 'dark satire'.

did you laugh at the 10 yr rape victim? find it hilarious? total scream having political zealots casting doubt on her nightmare - right? or the IN A.G.'s slanderous comments? oh! what fun!

the situation portrayed in the video is a real thing. likely dozens of other scenarios that match. would you like to refute that?

- Chuckles?

bobknight33 said:


Fear Porn.

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

Midterm uphill battle for Democcrats

newtboy says...

Such a sad little boy. That’s all you can come up with vs worse language skills and treason, unprecedented massive vote frauds, and a failed coup? 😂

Edit: You are such a constant waste of my research time….He actually said “I was in the foot-Hima…foot, excuse me…foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Xing Ping….he combined foothills and Himalayas once then stuttered the word “foothills” and instantly correctly pronounced it afterwards. Such blatant quick edit to make it sound like gibberish when, as expected, seen as the whole video it barely registers as a stutter. More dishonest kindergarten level silliness, all you’ve ever had against Biden. 🤦‍♂️
15:26 into his speech.

Biden has a long term diagnosed speech impediment you LOVE to ridicule, making you an infant and douchebag that laughs at people’s disabilities, even the most successful people who overcame those disabilities to levels you could never dream of reaching….

…Trump has a severe brain impediment you LOVE to ignore completely. He stares into the sun, suggests mainlining bleach, says Washington “took over airports”, publicly brags about having sex with his daughter, draws hurricane projections in sharpie and thinks it looks like an official weather map, wonders about the oranges, oranges, the oranges of the investigation, can’t say “yesterday”… And on top of thousands of examples of him being utterly brainless, he reads, writes, and speaks gibberish and you lap it up.
He also has a morals and an ethics impediment, but I’ll stick to ridiculing his words.
Trump was president Jimmy Wichard (also accused of frying his brain by staring into the sun, but it’s kind of a chicken and egg thing). YOU think that makes him a genius.

Go sell it on Troth Senchel, those morons will believe anything
🤦‍♂️ 😂

bobknight33 said:

And Biden said -- Well WTF

(Disingenuous 7 second edit of a 17 minute speech)

Biden Approval WTF

newtboy says...

Are you really that ignorant? (That’s a rhetorical question, I know you are)
1) watch Argo. There were multiple attempted rescues, starting within days of the revolution.
2) read about Reagan who made a secret, illegal deal with the terroristic Iranians to not release the hostages until after the election to hurt Carter’s chances, then he later sold them weapons in another illegal deal to pay for another secret illegal war with the Contras. If a Democrat did anything near that, he/she would be (rightly) shot as a traitor if not legally then by some nut job….when Cons do it the anti American crimes are ignored and cons celebrate the treason.
3) Also read about the year+ of negotiations by Carter that actually gained their freedom on Jan 20 81. Would have been much sooner without Republican interference. Carter was the one who initially “held” (seized) those $8 billion of Iranian funds, and stopped buying Iranian oil costing them billions more…all legally, unlike the sneaky, illegal, back room collusion with and payoffs to the terrorists Reagan tried, knowingly and intentionally extending the hostage crisis for his personal political gains. The “deal” wasn’t struck on Jan 20…the Iranians delayed the release at Reagan’s request in exchange for promises of special treatment from president Reagan.

Like Biden, Carter actually solved a problem created largely by Republicans despite Republicans doing their utmost to work against America. Gas prices dropped nearly 10% in the last month and continue to drop despite a massive shortage world wide thanks to Russia and Saudi Arabia. Republicans have fought against every effort to lower them, voting against all mitigation efforts in a unified “fuck your gas prices” block.
They even voted against a bill to force oil companies to stop price gouging because it would have dropped prices significantly the day it passed, also helping inflation significantly, and cons REALLY don’t want prices to drop under Biden, certainly not before November.
It’s just like when every Con just voted to protect and keep neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and violent extremists in the military and federal police forces because they don’t want their voters to lose their jobs. Keeping their power is far more important to them than helping the country, and their main methodology is to try to hurt the country then blame the president….odd since they excused the former president from any and all responsibility for his lack of leadership and absolute horrific disaster that was his last year in office, from 1 million dead to -3.5% GDP to millions unemployed to rising inflation to supply chain failures to disastrously ruining the reputation of our elections to dividing the country horrifically to actually trying to overthrow the elected government by force…all for his own personal gain….and you whine that Biden hasn’t fixed everything yet!?

Pretty dishonest for Republicans to do everything in their power to stop any attempted plans on inflation, gas prices, or hostile foreign powers, then blame the president they blocked from fixing the issues they caused. It’s not weak leadership, it’s an anti American party with veto power and a chip on their shoulders willing to hurt the entire nation rather than let Biden (and America) have a “win”.

Now…how did Trump handle it when foreign powers kidnapped and dismembered an American? He covered it up, made excuses, declared the Saudi prince innocent (and Trump was recorded laughing about how he “saved his ass” over that murder)….then his son in law was given a $2 billion payment for future services his company was completely incapable of supplying.

So let’s measure Trump….
Nice guy, no. Moral, no. Ethical, no. Honest, no. Smart, no. Loyal, no. Trustworthy, no.
Fickle to the utmost, yes. Weak leader, yes. Treasonous, yes. Dictatorial, yes. Narcissistic, yes. Criminal, yes. Anti-democracy, yes.
Most American deaths-yes. Worst unemployment, yes. Worst economy, yes. Most domestic terrorism, yes.
Worst president ever by far….unequivocally by every measure. He actually made idiotic GW look benign by comparison.

bobknight33 said:

Nice guy, yes
Moral, yes

Weak leader, yes

He failed to get out hostages. I believe 52+ week
He did tried and mission failed. Mission mishap - 6 dead
Finally on his last day, last hours negotiated agreement that included 8 billion bucks of held money.
This issue had a looming cloud over his presidency.

Like Joe Biden>
Failed to control inflation
Failed to do much about gas prices.

Biden Approval WTF

newtboy says...

Yes…brilliant in fact…and moral to the extreme, and ethical beyond reproach, and a genuinely nice, thoughtful person too. None of those traits are positives to you though.
And let’s not forget, besides sea testing new nuclear submarines he was also “assisting in the design and development of nuclear propulsion plants for naval vessels.”…but only reached LT, not Captain.

Explain, specifically how was he poor as president?
Because he didn’t go to war in Iran (nor would he break the law and collude with them and sell them weapons like Reagan)?
Because he advocated for renewable energy that would have made us energy independent in the 80’s and oil free before 2000?
Exactly what?

Oh Bob. Always a laugh with you. The unintended self deprecation always brightens my day.

bobknight33 said:

Jimmy C was a Navy Nuclear captain. Fucking very smart.

But a poor POTUS.

JC is smarter the JB

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