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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Poor Bob.
Every case of voter fraud found I’ve heard of was committed by a Republican bar one, a Democrat who’s husband died but she cast his vote anyway….for Trump. That’s 399 Republican cases, one semi-Democrat….or as you say, both sides….good people on both sides. 🤦‍♂️

Yes, I’ve had enough Republican voter fraud, schemes from single fraudulent votes to ballot harvesting and changing to schemes to throw out millions of votes based on Republican lies and false claims. Voter ID doesn’t address any of the fraud that actually happens.

Remember Trump’s national commission looking at voter fraud, the voting integrity commission….from 2017!? Remember how it quietly disappeared because they couldn’t find ANY fraud? Back then Trump said he would make certain there wasn’t any fraud going forward….what happened? That seemed vitally important to you people. Did he just forget? Did he fail miserably? Or did he make up the fraud fraud because his ego can’t accept that he lost in a historic landslide?

That said, under 400 possible cases nation wide, barely any in person frauds at all, none capable of changing the outcome of any elections (well, there actually was a mayoral race I read was overturned because of one fraudulent vote scheme by one candidate, but that wasn’t in person and the system caught it) …that is absolutely not a reason to disenfranchise millions of voters (I remind you that’s exactly what Republicans called for when you lost in 2020…just throw out any votes in areas where you claimed an individual fraud, invariably areas where Democrats won). It’s not a reason to put up road blocks that disenfranchise millions by putting poll taxes and hurdles in place.

I support a voter ID, if the ID is free and obtainable by anyone regardless of their documentation….but that makes it worthless. If the ID costs money, that’s a poll tax, and illegal. If the requirements to get the ID cost money, that’s a poll tax and out. If the affluent can obtain the ID easily, but the indigent have to spend a day or more in line to get one, no. Issue free national ID to everyone, including homeless, then it’s not too much of an obstacle. I think voting should be an obligation for every citizen over 18…I’ve never skipped an election even though I rarely like who I can vote for.

I point out that a voter ID law would do almost nothing to combat any fraud, because in person fraud isn’t the issue. Falsely claiming fraud is the issue. Republicans trying to defraud the system with fraudulent electors is a problem. Republicans harvesting mail in ballots from the elderly and filling them in for Republican candidates is a problem. Voter ID doesn’t address these problems, the real election fraud issues with real consequences, instead they target the poor with clear intent to dissuade them from exercising their rights, effectively blocking millions of votes from fear one invalid vote might be cast. That is the intent, and the result…not election security, but massive vote denials of a targeted population.

How about imagining requiring a firearm ID, required to buy, own, or possess a firearm, with fees, renewal fees, and documentation requirements to obtain….oh wait, I don’t have to, someone in congress suggested it (in the 90’s I think) and the right lost it’s fucking mind over the draconian government trampling their rights…but similar requirements to vote, sure, that’s fine because the ID they already have is acceptable….fuck the rights of people who don’t have a drivers license.
In person voter fraud is not an issue, voter ID solves a problem that doesn’t exist and creates a major problem for millions….intentionally.

His ratings are crappy largely because he’s not doing enough, not because of what he’s done. He needs to replace Garland with someone willing to prosecute sedition against representatives and ex presidents. They’re in the shitter because 35% (you) automatically disapprove simply because he’s not Trump, and 35% disapprove because he’s not replacing Trump era policy enough. I’m in the latter category, as are most people I know, but we understand that without congress functioning there’s little he can do, and Republicans have the practical majority even though they’re the minority on paper. Keep killing off right wingers and maybe that will change this year, but I’m not holding my breath.

Lol. Failed economy? Sorry, Trump is the one who gave us a negative GDP, tens of millions unemployed, and an unmitigated pandemic with a cadre of morons unwilling to believe in it or take any safety measures to combat it. My portfolio lost 8-10% over 4 years under Trump, it gained over 30% in one year under Biden. If that’s failing, keep failing! GDP near -3% in 2020…+4% 2021…predicted to be 9% 2022. -3%!!! And you want to talk economy?! You fucktard.
Inflation….Trump printed 1/3 of every dollar circulating! That’s what causes inflation, you devalue the dollar when you print more. The market takes time to react….there’s going to be more coming to pay for Trump’s spending spree. Dumbass.
Covid! You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Covid is a right wing (Trump) caused issue, made much worse by far right insanity of denial and conspiracy, and now nearly all hospitalization and death is anti vaxers, who are nearly all far right nutters that followed Trump’s “lead” and who’s heads exploded when he recently told them to get vaccinated. Look at “leftist” countries like New Zealand to compare a leftist government’s response results. (52 deaths). Moron.

Trump’s tax rates didn’t improve unemployment rates, or the economy. They didn’t trickle down. Growth went negative under those cuts, unemployment went to double digits! Debt and deficit went into orbit, rising faster than ever by miles….but that didn’t matter one whit to you when it was Republican debt and deficit, a much worse Republican economy, and insanely higher Republican unemployment rates. Idiot.

Holy fuck. Talk about ignoring reality. What color is the sky in your world? Is the ocean in the air with fish swimming overhead there?!

bobknight33 said:

Poor newt.

Had you had enough of voter fraud? No side should cheat but they do.

Do you support Voter ID ?
Or is that still too much effort on American Citizens?

Joe Biden is doing a terrible job. His ratings is in the shitter not only from Conservatives but also independents.


The only keeping America going is Trumps tax rates. Once those go up growth will slow and unemployment will creep up

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

Exploding Glitter Bomb 4.0 vs. Package Thieves

TheFreak says...

Can we just take "glitter" out of this concept and do away with package thieves once and for all?

Exploding Bomb Package would solve the problem at the source.

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

Glitterbomb 3.0 vs. Porch Pirates (Mark Rober)

Porch Pirate vs. Glitter Bomb Trap 2.0

Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb

Do You Have An Unrelated Identical Twin?

lucky760 says...

Wait- there are actually real doppelgangers?

This is nuts.

Also funny coincidence: just today I was thinking about the movie Dave, where an ordinary guy became the stand-in for the president because he happened to look exactly the same.

And I was thinking, "Nah, that's way too far-fetched."

Then I come onto The Sift and see this video?!



Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

BSR says...

I believe the train engine is built to withstand a crash like this one, meaning it will not explode or come apart in large heavy pieces. Also it is a passenger train. To apply full braking could cause more injuries for the passengers onboard.

I also think any passengers in a stuck vehicle on the tracks will more times than not have plenty of time to abandon the vehicle before impact. An 8-car passenger train moving at 80 miles an hour needs about a mile to stop.

If an engineer sees that a bridge up ahead is out, he would probably apply full braking and deal with the injuries to passengers rather than risk deaths.

That's my uneducated reasoning and I'm sticking to it.

newtboy said:

Ok, I understand the train likely couldn't stop in time, but it sure looked like it didn't even try to slow down. Was there even a driver up front watching the tracks? It appears to be a long straight track section with excellent visibility. I would expect the train to be under full emergency braking before the impact, but it doesn't look like it is. Hmmmm.

LAPD Intentionally Sets Off Huge Bomb In A Neighborhood

newtboy says...

So, the LAPD intentionally overloaded the containment system maximum by 1.5 lbs of explosives, and the safe load by 6.5 lbs…but since they can’t count they really put in nearly 3 times as much as they thought….then couldn’t figure out how it exploded!?!
Er mer gerd!

And now, suddenly, after admitting they thought they put 16.5 lbs of explosives in it, they say it’s capacity was 25 lbs, but for weeks and weeks they officially said it had a maximum capacity of 15lbs, but they only put 10lbs in it. Another case of the LAPD rewriting history and their story to escape responsibility. They never hit Rodney King too…he received minor injuries by falling while resisting arrest, remember?

eric3579 said:

"Bomb technicians estimated the weight of the explosives to be about 16.5 pounds, but when the ATF National Response Team conducted an investigation following the blast, their total net explosive weight was just over 42 pounds, according to Moore."

More can be found here..

Land of Mine Trailer

BSR says...

How did the mines not explode after being dropped from the air?

And how did they land with the trigger facing up buried in the sand?

newtboy said:

dropping hundreds of thousands of mines on foreign soil from the air with no idea where most end up and just leaving them to disable a country for generations.

newtboy (Member Profile)

LAPD Intentionally Sets Off Huge Bomb In A Neighborhood

BSR says...

I find it hard to believe that in that split second explosion that every firework exploded completely. I didn't hear any smaller blasts afterwards where at least a few live fireworks weren't spit out flaming or exploding. Just seems odd.

LAPD Intentionally Sets Off Huge Bomb In A Neighborhood

newtboy says...

I heard 5000 lbs in other reports too....but it seems that's the entire haul, not what they exploded on scene. Footage of the 5000 lbs of fireworks looked like two pallets worth. I'm curious about whether the fireworks were removed before detonation or if they just got lucky they didn't go off too.

That was not just 10 lbs of fireworks exploding. It flipped over nearby cars and obliterated the bomb disposal truck, launching the 1ton lid over two blocks away. I know that's the LAPDs story, 10 lbs, but they aren't exactly known for telling the truth, especially if it's bad for them.

I've now read there were 40 coke can sized IEDs and 200 more slightly smaller devices all filled with unknown explosives. That sounds like 35lbs +- for the coke can sized ones alone (based on the weight of an unopened can), and who knows how much the smaller ones weighed, but there were 200 of them!!! Somebody screwed up big time putting them all in at once. That was way more than 10 lbs of unknown high explosives, and 10lbs wouldn't be safe to dispose of in a neighborhood. It should have been done in stages, starting with a test of just one, and a full evacuation of the block, not knocking on the 2 neighbor's doors and walking away.

At least it's turning out that most of the injuries weren't civilians, but more than one home is destroyed and many may have permanent hearing damage.

eric3579 said:

She says detonating 5000 lbs? From what i could find it was 10 lbs as the container was rated to take up to 15 lbs.

Seems almost all the fireworks were on pallets and were forklifted onto a semi to be moved.

1000 Year Heatwave Becoming The Norm

newtboy says...

Says the dumb fuck who didn't graduate 8th grade, just like his pa and paw paw.

118F, Bob. Shouldn't be over 40F. All time highs broken world wide daily...but nope, Bob knows better than everyone with his 80 IQ and D average through middle school. You are such a dumb fuck it's amazing. I bet you also insist trickle down works for the poor, cigarettes aren't addictive and don't cause cancer, and the sun revolves around the earth carried in a flying chariot. Leave the science to people with brains, please. You only force us to ridicule you when you pretend to know or even understand it.

No Bob. All is lost now thanks to fucking idiotic morons like you.
We have tipped some tipping points, started the natural feedback loops that signal the end of our opportunity to control the changes, there is now no avoiding severe climate change that civilization will not survive, likely humans won't survive at all.

Yes, Bob, actually ALL experts, including UN experts, agree. Climate change isn't a theory, it's reality. It's unavoidable. Now, it's likely unmitigateable and unsurvivable. Your video was from 3 years ago and was overly optimistic then, assuming we would lower emissions rather than ramp them up, things are exponentially worse today because instead of curtailing our emissions we've increased them to over 36.5 BILLION tons per year...if forests were all healthy at 1900 levels they could absorb 7 billion tons, but thanks to deforestation and droughts, that's cut in half or worse. Same goes for the carbon sinks in the ocean, they were absorbing around 7 billion tons a year, now heat and acidity have all but stopped them from absorbing CO2 and destroyed the most diverse ecosystems underwater.
Estimates are 1600 billion tons of carbon are stored in permafrost as methane, which is 25 times as damaging as CO2 in the short term. That's >40 times the carbon humans produce annually, all in the worst of greenhouse gasses, and it's melting out rapidly....exploding out in many cases.

I hope you live long enough to be forced to accept responsibility for your stupidity...something fitting, along the lines of being slowly eaten alive by your family for days before they're murdered by a mob of survivors for their water before you die in agony, limbless, dehydrated, and burnt to a crisp. You deserve no less.

Such an unbelievable bat shit crazy moron you've become.

bobknight33 said:

It is FAKE.

That said according to the leftest loons we now have about 8 years before all is lost.

Un Experts no less.

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