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Schwarzenegger Zombie Movie Trailer

Asmo says...

Seems like a bit of a departure from his caricature roles, more of a serious drama, thinking persons zombie flick perhaps? Nothing wrong with "zombie" per se if it's done properly. I'm interested.

The Last Ever Top Gear

Jinx says...

I think the previous drama over Clarkson have been quite overblown tbh. The slope thing was ignorance from the production as much as it was Clarkson. I'm not convinced he even said nigger, and comedians have made India (and others) the butt of more tasteless jokes without complaint. Frankly, I have found him more disagreeable when it comes to his dismissal of speeding and climate change, attitudes which in my opinion may well have done far more damage than making off-hand remarks about the work ethics of Mexicans.

I think a lot of "Clarkson" is a bit of an act. Likewise with Hamster and May, they are playing caricatures. Unfortunately for Clarkson, I think he ended up caricaturing himself to some degree. It has been difficult to determine where Clarkson the person ended and where Clarkson the personality started. Perhaps even he wasn't sure where the line was.

Anyway, I think the decision to sack him (or rather, not renew his contract) is right. Sadly, because of the previous threats (empty?) to get rid of him following each blunder, Clarkson's dismissal will be seen as a coup rather than the fair application of the same rules we all expect to be judged by.

I'll be interested to see what happens to Top Gear. My guess would be that Clarkson has not been exiled, but suspended for an undisclosed period. I'd start watching the show again if they brought in new hosts, and I'd probably keep watching if the show wasn't quite so blokey with quite such predictable characters making staged goofs every show.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

GenjiKilpatrick says...


This is Mercedes Carrera's point.

She is outraged because Sarkeesian - the new face of female empowerment in the gaming world - was completely non-responsive when Carrera reached out to her.

Full Stop.

@Babymech completely missed this point.

Then went on a red-herring tangent, dragging the thread down with him.

As for my jabs at Anita..

The reason you've barely heard about Sarkeesian is because - until recently - she was just another starving artist youtube personality.

When I first stumbled across her Feminist Frequency videos, I too was duped by her ostensibly critical analysis of female tropes in pop culture media.

So for the uninitiated - Stephen Colbert, Mercedes Carrera, yourself - Sarkeesian seems like:

"Wow, the next generation of Women's Rights Advocates is fierce."

But just like any other ego-tripping prestige hound, the flaws in her arguments began to bubble up.

Other youtubers - commenters & personalities alike - started calling her on her bullshit.

In response, she disabled the comments on all of her videos.

That was just the start of a series of shitbag tactics to cover up her bullshit.

So yeah, unless you're familiar with Sarkeesian's brand of - lalala, I can't hear you cause I'm too busy empowering my wallet with bullshit lectures about first world problems - kabuki theatre..

You could be forgiven for thinking that she's actually promoting a level-headed positive message.

When in reality..

She generates stylized drama for the purpose of furthering her own narrative & career.

Can't let all those Women's Studies courses go to waste, can she.


The point is.
Cytherea deserves the support of anyone that truly cares about the empowerment of women & equality of genders.

Januari said: adult film actress is raped repeatedly in front of her terrorized family and there wasn't even a blip...

I'm somewhat shocked that this incident seems to completely be ignored by the media.

the guard-derringer is for killing little protestants

ChaosEngine says...

Other way round... this came out first.

I'd call Calvary a drama with elements of dark comedy, while the Guard is a black comedy with dramatic elements.

Brendan Gleeson is great in both of them, but in honesty, I prefer the Guard.

artician said:

Sheesh, this sounds/looks like Calvary just with a cop instead of a priest. Odd.

VideoSift Sarzy's Top Ten Movies of 2014

Sarzy says...

Honestly,when it comes to action I just go by what strikes me as cinematically interesting, and what I enjoy. There tends to be a lot of action and other genre stuff among my favourite films, mostly because I try not to draw any distinctions between so-called "serious" films, and genre stuff like action/horror/sci-fi. If a film works, it works. It takes just as much thought and craft to make a really good action film as it does to make a really good drama. More, possibly.

My problem with a lot of contemporary big blockbuster action filmmaking is the idea that bigger is ALWAYS better. Bigger effects, bigger explosions, and longer, more drawn out action set-pieces. Like, if I see one more film where the third act is entirely devoted to an enormous action set-piece where a city is rocked by a big, over-the-top battle, I'm going to jump out a window.

My other big problem with most contemporary action is the style of shooting/editing that dictates that you put the camera as close to the action as possible and then just ping pong from one split-second close-up of something happening to another. There's no real coherence, just a jumble of imagery and the hope that the viewer will be fooled into thinking they're watching something exciting.

I appreciate films like the Raid 2 or John Wick because they're clearly made by people who understand what makes a good action scene exciting. They're well paced, exciting, and they're just fun to watch.

Fairbs said:

I was going to comment on your inclusion of a lot of action movies. Your clarification to bareboards is helpful. Do you draw distinctions around what is believable in action movies? I've found myself get a bit jaded over the years with how everything has to be bigger and now with 17% more explosions. A good example is how the James Bond movies have evolved. Part of it was how technology evolved in the movie industry. I think that the old Bond movies that included high tech gadgets were so much cooler and the newer ones became unrealistic. I appreciated the reboot of that series because they went back to the old ways, but it seems that they are already going down the bigger and bigger road again.

Ellen Dance Dare Gone Wrong- With Cops

ulysses1904 says...

I'm sure plenty of hippies got pushed to the ground by cops when they tried to share their "groovy trip" with the world, like this flower child is doing. What did he expect, the cops to join in and kick off a "Fame" dance number in the street? Walk a mile in their shoes, cop hatred is actively trending and then tinker-bell sneaks up behind them and starts acting erratically. If some drunk snuck up behind one of your family in the street and started acting like this guy I suspect your language and actions would match these guys.

By the way it would have been nice to have witnessed an actual shove to the ground. I saw a shove, then the guy on the ground. With the intentionally evil music applied to the scene I'll consider this guy a drama queen until shown otherwise.

Ellen Dance Dare Gone Wrong- With Cops

ulysses1904 says...

I'm with the cops on this one. Anyone that follows pop culture trends like this douche prancing in the streets deserves to be knocked down. The evil drama queen music really helped to sell the video.

Audra was pulled over and given two tickets...

lucky760 says...

P.S. Not paying any attention to any drama about the police and blah blah blah.

Just look at the beautiful look of joy in her innocent eyes. It's very heartwarming and tear-jerking.

7 year old Hockey Sniper snuffs out 3 candles

vil says...

Skillful as in skillful editing.

Theoretically the whole circus act could almost be pulled off with lighter than normal pucks, allowing the puck trajectory of the first and third shots and a quick wrist shot 2nd (which is very ulikely for a 7yo). In any case the pickup before the juggling looks all wrong - could have conceivably been done with a ball just to make the editing easier.

Take a look at something like this
to compare the stick and skating skills and puck physics of a more probably real 7yo without the drama.

Ex Machina Trailer

artician says...

Automata bothered me that they had their own "Rules of Robotics", but felt like trimming those back to only 2, leaving even wider loopholes for creative drama, but still following it to the same conclusion.
I liked The Machine a bit better because instead of a fictional portrayal on AI finding a way through it's man-made cage, it was about experimenting with an AI that had no cage and seeing what self-discovery brought it.
Ultimately both those films just devolved into meaningless action in the end. I hope this one doesn't. Otherwise the premise looks almost identical to The Machine, right down to the robots name (Eva/Ava, same phonetics).

Lots of interesting science fiction out the last couple years though. Lots seem to be dealing with our infatuation of deconstructing our physical bodies to explore what's left. Between this film, The Machine, Robocop, The Signal, and I'm sure at least one other I'm leaving out, they all have viscerally imagined portrayals of human figures with as little recognizable human traits as possible.

billpayer said:

seems like an extended twilight zone, but I'll watch.

Interested to know what peeps here think of 'Automata' after watching ?

Drunk man falls on tracks, is saved by officer just in time

Authorities Seize Family Home Over $40-Worth of Drugs

Trancecoach says...

Whatever. Being a statist is its own punishment. The institution of the state has too much popular support, even if the particular criminals who get "elected" sometimes lose their popularity after a few years. They get "replaced" by "new" more popular criminals and so the cycle repeats itself. Nothing will likely stop it, regardless of the nation, be it Israel, the U.S., or elsewhere... Except perhaps the economic collapse. So the good always comes with the bad and vice versa. Probably best to get out of the way as things fall apart. At least you can say there's drama constantly. Never boring.

And as someone has said about being a contrarian:
"Following the herd is a sure-fire way to mediocrity."

@newtboy writes: "well thought out complaints with follow through often DO get results, and even if they don't you'll know you tried the right thing first."

Yeah, "the right thing," eh? According to whom? You?

Even if you replace the cop (even if it happens which often doesn't), so what? Another one takes his place. It's the whole police system, these are not just "isolated" individuals who are out of control. A lot of people insist that these are just "bad apples." Then those people become victims themselves. Poetic justice.

newtboy said:

<blah blah blah>

Yes - Close to the Edge (Live)

bobknight33 says...

One of their best albums...
Also like Tormato , Drama and Relayer.
But then again I like all their albums.

I would say that Tales is the least of my favorites.

Cats are Dicks... watch until the end

Stephen Hawking - The Theory of Everything Trailer

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