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Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - DMT

Trancecoach says...

DMT is often released endogenously (that is, within the brain) when a person dies and during REM while we sleep, facilitating dreams.

It's in ayahuasca and elicited some of the more profound visions and insights that I've ever had.

Obama supporters say the darndest things

shagen454 says...

Think this guy is now in jail. He kept posting DMT videos and who would have thunk it, the cops came busting down his door.

But yeah, these people remind me a lot of the supposed "right wing", lot's of religious banter, misinformation and a general in-eloquence on any topic brought up. They really have us all programmed like a well oiled machine, see what I did der?

Noam Chomsky on Stupid People

shagen454 says...

Everyone just needs to reassess what the life is. Smoke DMT. Throw off your concepts of religion, government and ego - let the natural universal consciousness process show you what is actually achievable and how badly you have been lied to and adapted to in just about every aspect of your life

the matrix of illumination

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

BicycleRepairMan says...

I cannot figure out what you are trying to debate? That there is no science behind DMT? That there is nothing to DMT? That "spiritual" does not exist? What is your point of this continued conversation? That you are scared of psychedelics? Why do you think such an experience would have been programmed into our head, the most powerful experience a person can have?

I have trouble understanding "spiritual" to be the same as "awesome" or "awe-inspiring", but if thats what you mean by "spiritual", I suppose we agree. I understand "spiritual" to mean "that which concerns the spirits or the spiritual world", ie something supernatural.

I suppose there is little point in continuing this debate, I get a little carried away.. My point ws only that it is unscientific and nonsensical to think that stimulating your brain with chemicals can help you discover some sor of spiritworld or some nonsense like that, the reason I KNOW this, as you put it, is what I've fruitlessly to express over several long comments. Basically, to repeat myself for like the 5th time, it has to do with basic facts of the origin of our brains and so forth, it is now established, beyond any reasonable doubt, that our brains evolved. If you understand what biological evolution is and how it works, you'd know it is the mindless reshuffling of nucleotides acted upon in populations of animals over countless generations, this produces amazing survival machines, and some of them develop brains, and some of those grow big brains.

How do you think DNA evolved over so many years,
DNA probably evolved after RNA, nobody knows exactly how replicating nucleotides started to replicate, it was probably a staggeringly unlikely event, but then there was literally all the time and space in the universe for it to happen..

you ever read Francis Cricks, who helped found DNA, Well, I've read The Double Helix, and I'm currently studying biology and genetics.
what his theory for DNA was? Panspermia. Yeah.
It was speculation, probably tongue-in-cheek that he later regretted. In any case, the argument was based on the fact that the origin of DNA/RNA was an extremely unlikely event, and that if it didn't originate on earth, it could have been brought here from elsewhere. Both options are essentially saying the same thing, that abiogenesis happened and that it later evolved (either here on earth, like most scientist now think, or somewhere else.)

It doesnt really matter whether directed panspermia is true or not, DNA is still strings of molecules that abide by the laws of physics and chemistry. They are not some sort of magical quantum spirit crystals mind-controlled by aliens.
The Universe is a lot trickier than just our basic Science.
Whatever you say boss.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

shagen454 says...

How do you KNOW?

Physics is something that is only beginning to be understood. The Laws of Physics are subjective to change. We will probably find out soon whether the speed of light is a constant it may be that the speed of light is not a constant.

My point is, is that we have barely even tipped our toes into the way everything works, while I trust science much more than any religion I am not arrogant enough to think that there are fundamental aspects of reality that we simply do not understand on any level.

Another point is, if you ever take DMT. Most people have no words to describe what they see. As stupid monkey humans we have defined vague terms to mean something. Even if someone thinks a DMT experience is spiritual, so what? Because it is chemicals in the brain? What basis do you have to say that having a spiritual experience is not considering it is based upon the science of the Universe? Spiritual, God, dark matter, death, even consciousness are terms that ill defined with monkey brains.

I think you believe that "spiritual" must mean dogmatic religion. Science in itself can be "spiritual", contemplating the Universe can be "spiritual". I repeat that term because at this point in our culture-less society that term is taboo. I know some people consider FUCKING to be "spiritual". I am not implying that I believe in any religion, I do not, at all. DMT is like experiencing the Universe in your own head. It is the one and only experience that is convincing enough to say that we know very little, it is the most humbling and powerful experience there is. And if there is one using endogenous chemicals, more powerful, I do not want to even know about it, myself.

I cannot figure out what you are trying to debate? That there is no science behind DMT? That there is nothing to DMT? That "spiritual" does not exist? What is your point of this continued conversation? That you are scared of psychedelics? Why do you think such an experience would have been programmed into our head, the most powerful experience a person can have? How do you think DNA evolved over so many years, you ever read Francis Cricks, who helped found DNA, what his theory for DNA was? Panspermia. Yeah. The Universe is a lot trickier than just our basic Science.

One thing is clear, you are never going to know what I am talking about until you have that experience. Why not? It has never killed anyone... you will think you have died because what you are witnessing is alien and defies explanation. It will be so awesome, that you will not even care that you died or think you have died. People should do it, even if it is just to be in awe of what your own vessel is capable of doing.

BicycleRepairMan said:

Sigh. Its not that I dont want a "spiritual experience", its just that the "spiritual" DOES NOT EXIST. This is chemicals reacting with the neurons in your brain, making you think you are experiencing "spiritual" things. It doesn't matter that you go "you just dont understand,man, try it yourself" blahblahblah. I dont have to. Because whatever subjective experience I'll have or you've had, will not change some basic facts that we all have to deal with: That we , along with our brains and our consciousness, are evolved biological phenomena that abide by the laws of physics. We even know that the brain is a fallible instrument thats just SO easy to fool, you dont even need drugs. Right now there are literally billions of people who are wasting almost their entire life believing in nonsense, They use laptops, mobile phones, planes and they've seen the freaking moonlanding, and they think a freaking Palestinian zombie was the son of god who rescued us from collective sin because a couple ate a fruit recommended by a talking snake.
And that's not even the dumbest religion.
People believe such bullshit because they are not really thinking straight , not taking in the facts discovered by science, not understanding the process by which such discoveries are made, not understanding the carefulness by which they are doublechecked, not understanding the implications that such discoveries have.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

shagen454 says...

Not that this will prove anything for years to come, like I said Science and the medical industry moves SLOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. When everyone could just be partaking in the most extraordinary human experience that a human can possibly have.

Wiley Online Library has a medical document titled: A critical review of reports of endogenous psychedelic N, N-dimethyltryptamines in humans: 1955–2010

Conclusion: "The answer to the question, ‘Are the tryptamine psychedelic
substances DMT, HDMT and MDMT present in the human body?’
is most likely yes. We believe that the preponderance of the mass
spectral evidence proves, to a scientific certainty, that DMT and
HDMT are indeed endogenous and can be measured in human
body fluids."

Even I was apprehensive as to whether it actually is endogenous. Now I just ask, Why, why, why? Science, baby.

At least there are some in the industry that believe it ought to be known. And for anyone that has ever ingested the grand daddy of psychedelics, of neuromodulation I am sure they were bought and sold on the idea that DMT is a huge discovery:

"Data regarding their peripheral dynamics – concentrations, circadian
variation, and metabolism – as assessed by rigorous
analytic methods applied to biological samples represent the
most accessible approach to beginning to determine their
possible role in human psychophysiology and should be

"finally provide us an answer to the question: ‘Why do humans
produce endogenous psychedelics?’ The research thus far is
limited but there are many possibilities awaiting further

Obviously, there simply just is not enough data to suggest how consciousness is affected by these chemicals. Not enough funding, fear of funding, not enough profits to be made. When actually, if they figure out what this stuff is and does it would probably blast open vault door and reveal the secrets of the brain.Or we can just have the status quo and look forward to the next Iphone to cram our heads full of consumer bullshit.

BicycleRepairMan said:

You may love science, but its little more than lip-service unless you actually take into account what science tells us before plunging into some spiritual nonsense about mother earth or whatever speaking to you when you're tripping.

I do not understand, or assume that anyone understand, all of our biological behaviors, nor exactly how they evolved. But that's my point about my car analogy: I don't know how a modern Lexus is made either, nor am I intimately familiar with the history/evolutions of car-designs in these last 100+ years or so. But, I can still confidently, perhaps arrogantly, claim that I'm pretty damn sure no magic was involved. Because that's not how car production works.

The same thing can be said for biological evolution, there was no involvement by a spiritual goddess that stepped in an made consciousness, that makes no sense, there's no evidence, and its likely to be nonsense for just so, so many reasons.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

shagen454 says...

Jesus H Christ man.

If you can imagine this. Maybe you cannot because you lack any psychedelic experience. You take twenty sugar cubes of LSD. It comes on quick because you are taking a heroic dose,so in maybe ten minutes you feel it. Say you did that? You would trip HARD for a couple days maybe. Maybe a week. You would never get anywhere close to where DMT takes a person on one toke, in ten minutes. LSD is also a tryptamine like DMT, in fact LSD is a much more complex tryptamine.

So, you tell me. Why is it that after that first toke it takes seconds to pass the blood/brain barrier like sugar? Seems to me, that there is a neurological function for this experience, which would also cater to the fact of why it is so heavy. Forget the fact that you are going to feel like you are dead, that you have literally been killed, maybe that is what makes it spiritual; we live in a reductionist society as you clearly believe. Forget all of that. Why is it that this molecule is so far and beyond the other tryptamines, that one instantly goes into a trance? That is first and foremost. After scientists figure out that one, then they might be intrigued by the fact that the imagery is otherwordly, the sound are otherwordly that the experience is otherworldly. Again, no one knows why or how. But, for you. YOU SHOULD JUST SHUT UP AND DO IT

BicycleRepairMan said:

You may love science, but its little more than lip-service unless you actually take into account what science tells us before plunging into some spiritual nonsense about mother earth or whatever speaking to you when you're tripping.

I do not understand, or assume that anyone understand, all of our biological behaviors, nor exactly how they evolved. But that's my point about my car analogy: I don't know how a modern Lexus is made either, nor am I intimately familiar with the history/evolutions of car-designs in these last 100+ years or so. But, I can still confidently, perhaps arrogantly, claim that I'm pretty damn sure no magic was involved. Because that's not how car production works.

The same thing can be said for biological evolution, there was no involvement by a spiritual goddess that stepped in an made consciousness, that makes no sense, there's no evidence, and its likely to be nonsense for just so, so many reasons.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

shagen454 says...

Simple as fear. It is not only a wonderful experience it is also very terrifying. Psychedelics, if that is even what it is, have been ostracized by society, for whatever reason, politics, philosophy, culture, people making OSs due to their inspiration since the 60s. DMT was known about back then, but not widely known about, back then it was super rare. Getting the main ingredients would have been a pain and required going to South America.

Now that the ingredients are not difficult to get, thanks to the digital information system, more and more people are seeing what this thing is. And many of them that take enough come back with stories right out of a Phillip K Dick novel, or information that seems so New Agey, frequencies, cymatics, fractals, entities, etc, it is too weird or difficult for people to even want to look at this as something more than a really crazy drug and look into what it is doing to the brain. This has been done to small extents in providing details into which serotonin receptors DMT is affecting. What is clear is that one would have to take HUGE amounts of mushrooms to get to what this state is, if it is even possible. This takes a person there in two seconds then ten minutes, you are back. How is it possible?

By all means, I would LOVE for this to be studied by science ; then the Singularity would be right around the corner, mann...JK.

gwiz665 said:

One thing to consider, why aren't more people looking into this, if it's so important?

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

gwiz665 says...

I'm happy you don't believe in religion, that means there's hope for you yet. It seems to me, from your posts in this thread, that you sadly have replaced it with the mumbo-jumbo that Graham Hancock and his ilk of snakeoil salesmen (Deepak Chopra comes to mind) preaches.

If there is some sort of altered state; or if consciousness is anything like what these people say, then they should look into them in a proper scientific way instead of going from a personal experience - "I saw it, so it's real!!" That doesn't prove anything.

Get the most skeptical person about this to try it and see if his reaction is actually anything near this.

If Hancock already had some ideas about Mother what's-her-face, then getting positive reinforcement while stoned is easy. Some people don't feel any effects from Hash (or just have really bad types of it), but if your mental state is in the right place, you can even get placebo drunk from water.

I'm not particularly scared of anything DMT has to show, if there's anything there, there are plenty of scientists looking for the next nobel prize in philosophy looking for it.

One thing to consider, why aren't more people looking into this, if it's so important?

shagen454 said:

I am not religious, lol. I do not believe in any religion. I am not trying to convert anyone, I am just saying that if a person does not believe in the stories of this plant then why not give it a shot? Instead of getting mad about something many of you clearly do not know anything about. Scared of what it will show you? Yes, UM (Yoda voice).

I think calling it pseudoscience is hilarious because a person is experiencing something of science. A marvel of science. And when you guys find out, no need to apologize.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Psychedelics, Banned, Censorship, TED Talks, DMT' to 'Psychedelics, Banned, Censorship, TED Talks, DMT, Graham Hancock' - edited by Trancecoach

THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

shagen454 says...

There is a huge difference between DMT and other psychedelics. Just do a little research. If you take it all the way it is just as far as a person can go. Whether it is real or not is obviously subjective. Not sure what the question is but that it is definitely beneficial, for some. Even if one gets a terrifying traumatic one, like I have. But, to do that I think a person has to know how to use them to his or her advantage, they can be used as tools. The perceptions on DMT are not like the reality enhancing ones on normal doses of psychedelics. It completely changes normal reality into a new reality, incomprehensible and beyond normal human imagination and when I say that I am using human words and being very humble since most people will never see... well until they die, possibly.

xxovercastxx said:

@shagen454 @chingalera

I have always wondered why so many people who've used psychedelic drugs think the hallucinations are somehow more real than their normal perceptions.

I can appreciate that hallucinations can give you ideas you'd never otherwise think of. I can see where an artist might benefit from something like that. Even dreams can do this on occasion.

When it comes to understanding reality, it seems to me that our senses are already so inadequate. How can causing them to malfunction be helpful to perception?

This is an honest inquiry. Apologies if I seem mocking or rude.

THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

chingalera says...

^^ Thanks for sharing your Dimty reflections, nothing quite like standing in that temple-Did you ever talk to the entities that reside in that space? There's an intelligence there that's not an wholly subjective, associative conjuring of the mind-I know it's a consciousness outside of oneself, maybe a higher self-It's sentient and outside of the realm of any other psychoactive subs I have ever taken.

My first DMT trip I flew through a huge, smiley-face grid (I think I had just seen the Watchmen) before I reached something I did not recognize from all my flight time till then.......Great stuff...Life-affirming and purgative and, you can do it on your LUNCH HOUR!!

THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

shagen454 says...

I want to talk about something that to my regard is pure lunacy. But, to me, though I appreciate the doubters, the ones who question everything; would change their attitudes completely. None of the atheists should go on ranting until they take the ultimate bungie jump a human can have: DMT. One thing I would note is that I do not know if it was put there by aliens, evil spirits, sacred spirits, the Earth itself, God. No, I do not know and no one knows. I do not know if there is a price to be paid by having witnessed the underpinnings of technology, soul, afterlife, the universe, consciousness, the brain or whatever the hell it is. I have no idea, I just know that this experience is as real as fuck. Mind blowing. Scary. Terrible and healing all at the same time.

I was agnostic going into this, did not believe in soul, appreciate string theory, quantum mechanics but do not believe in it at some factual level, did not believe in any sort of God, or the afterlife. In mere seconds all my notions of what I thought or did not think or could never had merely thought up, all my permeating existential beliefs were thrown off like a nuclear bomb had gone off; revealing some partial truth of what we really are, witnessing an alien computer program, based on simple equations that manifests consciousness itself. Not a new conclusion and one I thought only drug addled scifi writer or schizos would ever believe.

It were as though I had found some way to put my head into the Large Hadron Collider itself whilst every proton turned into Higgs Boson; I then found out that this is not uncommon for such an experience. I know that can sound incredibly narcissistic, incredulous, unbearable, impossible. But what I got out of it was humble and that is another story.

There are experiences out there in which a person can feel as though they had been thrown into another dimension, experienced the Big Bang and met Gods of the Ultimate Power, they may or may not be and died on levels not many ever knew possible. In mere seconds the regular doors of perception are shut and a new life is born. That is where it gets tricky.

Until any of these guys can figure out why the human mind can explode on an infinite universe level of pure digital consciousness, think it can perceive these things and witness them on all levels and in new ways and come back to a normal human life in a normal brain without having in fact died? Well, I think they ought to stop talking and do more research. We have no facts and an experience like that will make it very apparent that the walls of reality can be so easily shattered to see new alien worlds, languages, dimensions, spirits, births and rebirths beyond all human comprehension. It sounds like the ultimate atheist experience, right? Not at all, it leaves room for something of the highest power that is manifested through pretty much any religion. We have to remember... you have to go to school, you have to get a job, we get wrapped up in our world. We have to act like we know what we are talking about and I am saying there is no evidence out there to support the fact that anyone can say that there is absolutely no God. There is absolutely no afterlife. Anyone that feels that they know anything about the nature of reality and who they are or what any of it means and apply lectures to it in the event that they become so arrogant and stubborn that they say what they think is absolutely correct when it is not accounted for by science, should do this. Do it after a lot of research. I say science but it is a paradox, I believe in Science first and foremost, it is our hope for tangible evolution, repeatable fact, but I am fairly sure this is something Science will never figure out. And after reading a similar experience: it seems in this experience there are some reoccurring themes. Science has so far written this off in the easiest way it can: to call it a psychedelic or a hallucinogen. So, find out. We know absolutely nothing in a very non existential way.

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