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Conservative Christian mom attempts to disprove evolution

shagen454 says...

I have an answer... put 40mg of DMT into a glass pipe and smoke it. Then shut your fucking mouths for the rest of your lives; if you can.

Is there an Afterlife - Hitchens & Harris - Full

shagen454 says...

Smoke DMT. Stop being weaklings and DO IT. Yes, it will be "the most intense experience of your life". But, at least you'll have a good understanding of what is actually possible.

Most "secular" or "Religious" people have not had this experience. But, once you have seen "The Light" you will understand the symbolism is everywhere. I'd also say - go read some Lanza - a respected astrophysicist that has controversial ideas on this which he calls "Biocentrism". I do not believe that I understand anything and remain humble to the fact that what I have seen is so bizarre and beyond anyone's imagination or lives themselves. As far as I can see... HELL YES when you die you will go to a non-material realm in another Universe. But, how do we prove that to our monkey brains that believe in Standard Models that have only existed for 1 second and cost 55 Billion Euros to create to prove the centerpiece of the model even exists?

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

shagen454 says...

Oh yeah, Science is definitely: " simply our way of understanding what our senses tell us". Smoke DMT... that is Science. After you do that... it takes maybe 5 minutes. Come back and let's talk about Science.

Dawkins is ABSOLUTELY trying to inflect on to the situation with his own agenda. My position is simply not the mainstream, sell-out point of view that the media & educational system taught me considering when someone is bringing up a "nerve", "evolution" & "intelligent design" that this somehow does not denote a motive? I can think for myself. Are you kidding me? I love Science more than anything... go and fucking read some Lanza.. go read that your standpoint is cookie cutter.

dannym3141 said:

If you want to focus on science, then whatever God you prefer - intelligent designer, whatever you want to call it - is completely out of the discussion. If anyone wants a scientific assessment of God, then it goes like this - "I cannot measure it with any instrument, i cannot infer its presence by its effect on something else. There is no way i can measure or quantify any aspect of God or the effect God might have on the physical universe, so why are you asking me about it?"

What is your point? I don't think Dawkins has ever said that he can prove "God" doesn't exist, and if he did he's wrong because you can't prove anything about something that doesn't exist; if it can't be measured or inferred or otherwise observed, it doesn't exist to science, because science is simply our way of understanding what our senses tell us. A non-measurable entity does not form part of that understanding if it has no measurable effect on anything we can sense. It's like asking how loud a smell is - it doesn't have that dimension to it, it's not a measurable quantity.

I'd also like to add that "i refuse to respond to responses to this" is about as arrogant a statement as you can make. "This is what i think, and regardless of any new information i can access about the situation, i will not have my mind changed and i will not even listen to the thing that may change my mind." That statement is pretty much anti-knowledge and anti-understanding and clearly demonstrates the futility of discussing science with someone who believes in so called "intelligent design."

As for talking about Dawkins being able to "create" the "tools for evolution of a giraffe".....? What on earth are you talking about? You just told the man to stick to science - but we have a working scientific explanation for evolution with gene mutation, time and selective breeding. You're the one injecting anthropomorphism into the mix (and worse, implying that Dawkins needs to disprove that nonsense explanation in order to stand so firmly behind the SCIENCE of evolution), he IS sticking to the science.

DMT Enigma

shagen454 says...

Yeah, I mean I've done it all sorts of different ways except IV'ing. I refuse to IV anything unless under medical supervision

Honestly, I think nasally just is not going to be beneficial which exactly like you said is the result of pinwheels & confusion. Plus, a burning nose.

Orally, you are going to want to make sure you are using a MAOI that you are comfortable with already so that the MAOI vs. DMT effect is somewhat understood.
Then obviously, dosage is everything. If you don't know how much you did, you may have only had a very sub experience. Which is when it seems like LSD... that is when you know you just need more because you are no where close yet.

These states I would say aren't really even "sub-breakthroughs" and approach a level similar to other psychedelics. I would NEVER recommend a breakthrough dose because it is not "confusing" as to what is going on. It's wildly real when you are "there".

How much did you smoke? And what kind of tool did you smoke it out of? There is definitely a "mystical" state in there you just have to do enough. I was apprehensive as well until I stopped saying it was bullshit and did it myself whilst taking heed to all of the information I had gathered over the years on the topic. I am flabbergasted to this day and anyone else who has "received the message" knows what I am talking about.

AeroMechanical said:

At the time, the fashion amongst people using it was smoking, nasal or sublingual. I suspect these people that used it may have had a different experience with better preparation, but exploding pinwheels and confusion was typical.

DMT Enigma

AeroMechanical says...

I've never found anything mystical about psychedelic drugs, including DMT. As I see it, they just throw a wrench into the works of your brain and thus your perception of consciousness. It can be very interesting and enlightening, particularly as a visceral lesson in how subjective 'reality' is, but it isn't in any way mystical to me.

DMT Enigma

newtboy says...

It sounded to me like he was saying it's great because, afterwards, you are just so happy you aren't dead of overdose or totally brain dead/fried. That doesn't sound like a good reason to take a be relieved when the experience is over that you didn't die.
As an aside, plenty of atheists have taken DMT and not suddenly 'found religion'. It's really insultingly ignorant when religious people say 'no one can do "X" and remain an atheist', as if we simply haven't heard about this god thing and just need to hear about it (or trip balls, or see a rainbow, or get a sloppy blowjob from a unicorn) and of course we'll believe.

NY Man Dies After Struggle With NYPD

"Introvert's Night Out" Tales Of Mere Existence

shagen454 says...

Hell yeah, I can feel this vibe.

He actually lives in SF... so if I still lived there I know plenty of people who like going for stoney or drunken strolls which is a lot fun at night.

But, I live one BART stop away from SF, it's $4.50 to get anywhere there, requires going under the bridge and quite possibly the BIG one would hit while I was under there and I would drown with drunken asshole tech bros; but then I would also have to come back to the East Bay at least by 12:15am and everyone knows the real fun is happening between 1am-3:30am - but I don't want to get stranded staying and passing out on someone's couch.

Hmm... I'll probably just stay at home and look at my container of DMT and think about entering the 8th Dimension, for real, instead.

Toots & the Maytals ~ Pressure Drop

Joe Rogan on RT Speaking on DMT & Transhumanism

Jinx says...

I don't think DMT opens a window to god or w/e. These experiences might help you understand that even when your not tripping our perception is full of illusions, from the tricks the brain plays with what you see to the way it fabricates memories. I'm not sure if DMT really dissolves the ego but perhaps it does give you the insight that your world view is a distortion and to be wary of that fact.

TEDX Rupert Sheldrake The Science Delusion

shagen454 says...

There was actually a really great segment by PBS recently called "What Plants Talk About". They argued that plants do in fact communicate and change behaviors rapidly based on their active environments.

I think what Sheldrake and the like encourage is that humans know little to nothing about the inherent nature of anything.

More than anything this should be exciting, we are barely out of a 1 year perception of what anything actually is or how this world or the Universe works, let alone why humans even stand today to be sitting behind a bunch of computers poking fun at or trying to figure out the nature of things.

People love thinking that we are elevated modern humans or something. It's fairly laughable and will be even more laughable even 50 years from now.

DMT is proof. Smoke it and see for yourself how little you know about your "consciousness" and what is "real".

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - DMT

shagen454 says...

I think you'd have to try it firsthand. I don't know, either. But it is not like other tryptamines even if they share molecular structure. NN-DMT is unlike them all.

Like Joe Rogan said: "Mushrooms X 1,000,000 + Aliens = DMT"

Why do people see them and why do they "teach" people things. It's a good question. Maybe it is what McKenna said "The After-Life Machinery" or maybe it is very deep in the subconscious.

It doesn't really matter if it is "real" or not. It could drive a person crazy thinking about it after they have seen it "for real". What matters, is here is a deep mystery that anyone can experience for themselves, and it's fairly... beyond imagination.

kir_mokum said:

i see zero merit in what you said. and i say this as an experienced psychonaut. are there extra dimensional beings? i don't know. does altering your brain chemistry prove their existence? no.

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - DMT

chingalera says...

...roughly as can be kirmokum, given the language with which to describe the experience filtered through the individual perceptive apparatus. I like to think that the architect left these chemical triggers in the species with a view towards our acclimation to higher brain function and adaptation to chaotic internal and external stimuli, as well as a catalyst for the species continuing evolution.
After having experienced DMT as well as several other psychoactive substances, the very idea that a government, religion, or any such construct of human societies would seek to imprison someone for the personal use of the same should be an indicator to anyone who values free will and basic human rights as to the nefarious ends of that construct.
First, eliminate the constructs....then we find the contractors and hunt THEM down!

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - DMT

shagen454 says...

For a while it was thought that Strassman's claim that DMT production in the brain comes from the pineal gland was false. Even Strassman tried to redact this as it was not scientifically proven.

3 or 4 months ago scientists discovered that rats pineal gland's DO produce DMT.

DMT containing plants are all around the globe and have been throughout time. Do you really think it was just tribesmen in the Amazon using it all of this time? I think not.

Like McKenna said, "DMT is not a secret it is THE secret."

I think it is very important that people know, partake and let the boundary dissolve. It is so important that I want to tell my parents, "before you die, you NEEEEEEED to do this!!" But, I can't because of the benign restrictions of this society. Life is about experiences, and this is an experience quite extraordinary, why not take 5-10 minutes and see what is there?

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - DMT

shagen454 says...

I took the heralded "third toke" and let me tell you from first hand experience smoking as much of 40mg as quickly and stoically as my Ego would allow: HOLY SHIT!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!! That was what I was screaming in my head as I closed my eyes and I started flying through what seemed like outerspace, for real, at the speed of light. The "carrier wave" came in and tore my entire soul apart (something I did not even believe in). It was the loudest thing I could ever have imagined, it sounded like an electronic torpedo of frequency starting low bending to the highest frequency possible that it just blew everything I was apart. I swore I either died, or I was coming out of this completely fucked up. Retarded. Seeing fractals and unable to speak.

To this day, as someone who is much more on the side of science and discovery, that seemed absolutely real, just on a level that humanity will not understand for a long while.

And last but not least, DMT is AMAZING taken in smaller more manageable doses. I've smoked out many people and everyone has been astonished by what happens. Taking just 10-15mg is brilliant, even that will be the most amazing, orgasmic, alien experience and will come back amazed at the Universe, your own life and feel just very happy to be apart of it all. Even though, what you just witnessed - is some sort of parallel dimension, alien, Gnostic, Kabbalah reality that exists in some 9th dimension. Even if it were your mind, if you have taken it you will wonder, why and how is this possible? It obliterates all status quo conceptions that have occurred for the last 1,000 years+ as it is completely unlanguagable/uneglishable.

Only take that 3rd hit if you want to see how far your brain can propel you into some sort of wormhole into some other dimension of reality that humans may never understand. It changed my life for the better but I thought it was quite terrifying and I have had many DMT sub-breakthroughs... nothing can prepare anyone mere flesh being for a breakthrough; because, at least to me and many other intrepid folks, it proves we are not JUST flesh beings and that the nature of existence is far more mysterious than most of us Westerners and cultures influenced by ages of oppression, could ever have supposed.

Thanks for posting this, the world has a right to know that this exists and to have a "first hand" experience with "it".

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