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Biden’s first year as President: A Beatles remix

JiggaJonson says...

? how so ?

For the people who hate him and anything and everything he does maybe. As for me...


The bitch the former admin had in charge of the Department of Education tried to fuck me and everyone else who upheld their end of a 10 year contract to teach in inner city schools, with Joe Biden and im proud to say my own state rep

Thanks to passing this, now the republican's aren't going to reneg on a 10 year agreement and turn that shit basically into a huge extra debt for me. That's good. Not to mention the recent ruling with predatory lending practices through NAVIENT. I been making double/triple payments on a student loan through them and still not cracked the principle balance for some reason. (the reason is, what they were doing is criminal) (thanks biden!)

My brother became addicted to opioids after a tendon replacement in his heel. Almost OD'd- Biden signed / passed a bill to combat that

Thanks Biden!!!

My daughter's rare neurodegenerative disease received funding to continue to study to treat and help prevent it in the future. That's good.

Thanks Biden!!!

The American Rescue Plan

Thanks Biden!!!

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Thanks Biden!!!

Maybe not a good year if all your friends and fam are dying because they wear red hats instead of masks like fucking dumbasses.

bobknight33 said:

Not a good year for Joe.

Not a good year for the American pocketbook.

Please Clean Up Your Dog Poop

newtboy says...

I would, but I don’t have cameras.
Instead, Newt built a fence around his front yard so he doesn’t have to be on guard constantly. (It also helps keep the bears and elk out of my apple trees)
Funny enough, I think my brother may have done this minus the bullhorn.

eric3579 said:

Going the extra mile. Seems like something Newt would do.

Not something you see everyday

Jordan Klepper vs. Anti-Vaxxers in SoCal | The Daily Show

Congress requires new tech to detect and stop drunk drivers

Larry David calls out bald man study

bobknight33 says...

In my 20s I started seeing gray hairs. Now 60 all mostly white.
My brother in his 20 started going bald Now 61 mostly bald.

I'll take white over bald any day.

Either way, if you are confident you can get the ladies.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

How can Biden take his guns when Obama already took his guns?… and Clinton took his guns….and I’m pretty sure Carter did too.

(I get the same nonsense from my brother who screams about outrageous tyranny and the total end of freedom in America when he can’t take his Bowie knife into PTA meetings.)

JiggaJonson said:


Special Effects for "War Of The Worlds" (1953)

Cathie Wood 1700% Tesla & EV Growth WRECKS Legacy Auto

JiggaJonson says...

Don't get me wrong, I want all electric vehicles on our roads; but your lord and savior made it harder to buy Teslas by allowing the tax credit to expire during his term

"Tesla vehicles purchased after 12/31/2019 are not eligible for these tax credits."

Hmmm who was president in 2019? Dunno. Dems are working on a plan to restore the credit to Tesla and GM, but I assume it'll be killed by McConnel and Manchin

Even WITH the tax credit, it's a hard buy for most of us. I just finished paying off my first new car @ about $25k, but I DO make trips longer than 250 miles in a day somewhat regularly. So even the $40k model wouldn't do for me. $52,000 is simply out of my price range. Shit, even 40k is too much for me. SHIT even 35k is too much for a person without a car payment as of a few months ago. No thanks.

I'm gonna ride this car until the wheels fall off, I get 43mpg and I'm satisfied with that.

Tesla stock meanwhile seems to vary wildly. Go get some boring mutual funds brother. Easy come easy go, they say.

Removal of Asian giant hornet 'murder hornet' nest

StukaFox says...

Right after Jackass came out, a couple of friends-of-a-friend decided to stage their own version of the movie -- with a hornet's nest. They found the thing hanging from a tree at the edge of a field and it was not remotely on the small size. Also, this was in late August and the queen had already flown away, leaving the drones to slowly starve to death. Thus, the enormous number of stripey-stripey sting-stings were already good 'n' pissed-off.

They were about to get moreso.

So chowderhead A and chowderhead B have a brilliant plan: they're going to shoot this enormous ball full of astoundingly-irate murderous insects with a shotgun while they're filming it. If you're hearing banjos playing and luke-warm cheap beers being cracked open, you're about in the right frame of mind.

Places, everybody!

The stage is set: on one end, at what's decided to be "minimum safe distance", are our erstwhile David Attenborough/Jonny Knoxville knock-offs. At a decidedly NOT minimum safe distance away is the arthropod version of the T'sar Bomba. All we're missing now is a Mossberg, enough idiocy to think this can end any way but badly, and a camera. With far too much alacrity for what's about to happen, all three are provided.

Aaaaaand, ACTION!

* BOOOM! *

At first, surprisingly, nothing happens. This period of stasis lasts roughly a picosecond. Then, unsurprisingly, things start to happen and they happen far more quickly than the Chuckle Brothers planned on. This plays out in three acts:

Act 1: "Hey, uh, why is the nest still there?"
Act 2: "Uh-oh..."

Hubris takes many forms, and schadenfreude takes twice as many, but both combined were statistically zero compared to the number of hornets involved in this fiasco. Had the two Mensa escapees who irked said hornets thought this thing through -- stop laughing -- perhaps they would have arrived at the conclusion that 1. a shotgun slug is not the preferred load-out when dealing with a ball made out of wasp puke and 2. being the only two things visible within a 20 mile radius of the ball made out of wasp puke pretty much negates the mystery of who the hornets are going to sting the ever-loving fuck out of.

With their plans in ruins and the nest not, our heroes decide to quit the field. This is the first smart thing they've done since looking at that big ball of wasps and deciding it was redolent with untapped hilarity. The hornets are having none of this white flag nonsense, however, and they decide to quit screwing around and really inflict some pain. It's a quarter mile back to the car and the hornets are going to make them pay for every inch of it.

The final score:
Hornet losses: meh, they were all going to die in a few weeks anyway.
The chucklenuts: 23 stings, a dropped shotgun, and three minutes of footage that they took in the pre-YouTube era and thus is lost to time.

Hornets are not toys.

Mayflies Swarm Parking Attendant

cloudballoon says...

Girl child, meet Mothman's brother, Mayfly Whisperer. Make sure to keep your doors & windows shut for days to come. He picked up your scent.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

That goes for Biden and America too, right? Don't like Biden, get out, easy as that, right? The difference being a majority DID vote for Biden.

That's the first way you're incorrect. A majority voted for representatives who voted for it, but the majority of voters, 54%-42%, don't want to go this far. It was not a referendum. The people didn't ask for and don't want this.

It's an obvious legal overreach, and will be overturned in time, but in the meantime, millions of women will have their autonomy, their authority over their own bodies, stripped from them, many will pay with their lives, and many huge companies are reconsidering moving or even existing in Texas because of this Baptist sharia law attack on women's rights over even their own bodies.

I suggest a sex strike in Texas until it's repealed. If they don't want a baby right now, women would be insane to have even protected intercourse.

I suggested my brother in Austin turn in the highway department for maintaining roads that facilitate transporting women to have abortions and claim his $10k bounty before the state goes bankrupt.

Anom212325 said:

The majority voted for it and want it in Texas. Don't like it get out of Texas. As easy as that.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another Trump terrorist plead guilty yesterday, this one admitted to trying to hire a hit man to kill his ex girlfriend, her sister, and her brother in law, and stage the crimes to blame BLM. This crime was thwarted last year in June.

This on top of the Trump terrorist who was just charged with murder, kidnapping, and terrorism along with about a dozen other white supremacists in Florida days after being released from a 6 month sentence for his part in Jan 6, Jan 6, Jan 6.

Earlier this week a pair of Trumpsters were stopped right before bombing the Democratic headquarters in Sacramento, caught with multiple bombs, multiple guns, and thousands of rounds along with written plans for their terrorist attack.

Seems like every day a few new terrorist plots by Trumpsters, usually white supremacist Trumpsters, are uncovered and stopped by the feds, who are also a main target. Just a heads up, you belong to an anti American fascist terrorist gang.

ant (Member Profile)

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