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Joe Biden Taliban billboard

newtboy says...

This is what Republicans think is patriotism. Biden is your president....of your country.

Funny they forgot who handed Afghanistan back to the wasn't Biden, it was the guy who negotiated our surrender and retreat, and the handover of control, without involving the Afghan government in those negotiations.

The same guy who released >5000 Taliban combatants from prison last year with no preconditions.

Funny the right forgot they want a theocratic government here, often insisting we already have one. Funny the right forgets that they have at least 2 certified terrorist organizations spearheading their party and thousands of members prosecuted for domestic terrorism (although many were allowed to plead to just trespassing for some unexplained reason). Funny the right forgets they are in a battle to remove self autonomy from women, stripping their rights to control their bodies. Does anyone think, if they're successful, that they're going to stop at outlawing abortion? They're pretty vocal about ending women's (and minority) suffrage too, and ending anything that helps women advance in the workplace. Once they strip that power, look the fuck out, any other rights will be gone in weeks once they can't vote.

There's one party in America that resembles the Taliban, and it's not the Democrats, Bob.

Just duh, @bobknight33. You're so far out of your ankle deep depth here....just like on that other thread where you can't explain how you have the facts absolutely backwards about the very machines you claim are your career and area of expertise.

Trump made the Taliban great again. Absolutely zero question among those who can remember last year. Sadly that apparently leaves Bob and most of the right wing out.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

You certainly pretended to be, and pretended to have first hand knowledge of the situation, and knowledge of what all Texan Christians all think on the subject. Turns out you don't know shit first hand, and are arguing based on uninformed opinions you hold, not knowledge. It's called a lie by omission.

Texans didn't vote for this, their representatives did. You are telling Texans what to think and do....insisting because a majority are Christian they must be anti choice, and since pro choice people lost one battle they should just leave Texas, but the same doesn't go for Texans who are anti choice and had lost every battle until this one. See how infantile your argument is now?

America is a representative democracy....a democratic republic, not a democracy. Some places like California have direct voter approved laws, so are partly democratic, but mostly representatives choose our laws and path. Assuming that because one person wins an election means all their voters approve of everything they do shows a naivete usually reserved for pre kindergarten kids.

Anom212325 said:

Lol when did I ever say I'm Christian or from Texas or even from the Un-United States of America...

"who knows what people in Texas should think" lol that is what you numbnuts are doing. Bitching about a law being implemented that you don't agree with and telling Texans what to think.

I'm just pro democracy and anti abortion, mocking the morons that's purposely bringing down their own country from within. Its so sad/pathetic what you guy's have become in just 5 years. Rome is burning and yet you are still at each others throats...

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

luxintenebris jokingly says...

maybe it's too easy.

the idea that the US government is looking out for their citizenry (i.e. doing their job) and medicine actually wants to save people, (i.e. doing their job) is too low of a bar to be hurdled?

if there is some magnetic mojo in the serum - great! could use something to help aid in getting the network signal into the bathroom. might boost the BlueTooth range too.

IDK. it's like those folks are parkouring their way while the rest of us are using the sidewalks to get to our designations.

let them go limp in a heap outside in the heat, while we're battling the damn network signal again - and why aren't these speakers working!

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

Friendly humpback whale

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Thanks…I like to think what I cook up is entertaining, even when the menu doesn’t appeal.

Not kill kill kill, but definitely a lack of sympathy if it happened to some. I have no sympathy or tolerance for nazis and fascists, and I don’t see a thing wrong with that. Their atrocities at the time were unfathomable, and the youngsters could be more zealous and hateful than the adults.
I also learned about WW2 at an early age, preschool or kindergarten, I had an uncle who fought on a mobile howitzer in almost every major battle in Europe after D day, and helped liberate one of the smaller concentration camps, I can’t recall which one off hand. I heard first hand about man’s inhumanity towards man in details too graphic for children.
It’s just my worthless opinion though, it’s not like I pass judgment at The Hague or hunt down aged nazi youths. Who cares if I don’t sympathize with one group of young soldiers’ plight from almost 80 years ago? War is hell for all involved, there’s just not enough empathy for everyone.
I think the Nazis earned my disdain, if I don’t give it to them they might try to earn it again!

Yep, I’m on the West coast, in the one spot not baking like an oven, Humboldt, Ca. coast. We’re having low 70’s but overcast. I could use some more sun and warmth.

Who was the nazi?
What are my choices? In what context?
With no criteria, there are so many to choose from… I think I’ll take Mengele for the block.

luxintenebris said:

rather thought some of the ribs were delicious.

General Mark Milley hits back at uproar over critical race..

newtboy says...

So delusional, bob2.
China and Russia both expanded their territories into our allies territories during Trump's presidency, so did Daesh....he not only did nothing, he kissed their filthy assholes and asked for seconds. He abandoned our allies fighting Daesh, allowing them to survive and be a continuing danger to us.

True, China, Russia, and terrorists were laughing at us under Trump, but not so much anymore. Biden doesn't stand with Putin against our own intelligence community and our allies and treaties, nor with China against every other nation in Asia, nor with Russia, Turkey, and Syria when they try to starve millions of refugees. That was ALL Trump.

Hilarious you morons act like this is something new. CRT began in the 70's, not in January. Knowing your nations history, good and bad, is smart. The military has been teaching it for decades, including during Trump's entire term. Suddenly you are up in arms over it....why not 4+ years ago? You morons want to celebrate and foster ignorance and attack knowledge. No wonder you guys are such dumb losers.

You don't even grasp the obvious...
To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy. ... If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.

You idiots don't want to know the enemy or ourselves, and have convinced yourselves that ignorance is bliss and strength. It's not. It's painful weakness.

TangledThorns said:

The military has been infiltrated by woke folk. China and Russia's military plus Muslim terrorists are laughing at Biden now.

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

newtboy says...

And the police departments fight tooth and nail against justice for whistleblowers or accountability for criminal cops. She got her pension back, but only after a 13 year extreme legal battle, crafting new laws herself and pushing them through, and special personal treatment from the courts and governor, and she didn't recover her career, nor the almost 15 years of struggling starting with extended forced unpaid leave followed by unemployment without her earned benefits and with a huge black mark on her record. If I recall, they tried to prosecute her for assault on a police officer for stopping a murder of a handcuffed citizen, and that goes on her employment record.

surfingyt said:

the "good apples" get fired for being "good apples" and spend 13 years trying to get justice.

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

newtboy says...

Not enough by far, by design. Only 1/4 of the capitol police were on duty for this advertised riot/attack on democracy. Offers of backup from DC police and the national guard were refused. Normal non violent events usually have at least double that number, the non violent BLM protests at BLM park (the whitehouse) had over 7500 law enforcement officers stationed for days, this advertised armed attack and trial by combat had what, <500? Almost half of those were diverted to the two seperate live bombs the terrorists set, yet they still refused offers of more officers and didn't even call in off duty capitol police....good thing, they were busy being part of the riot. The FBI had many indications the Trump crowd planned unprecedented violence, dozens if not hundreds of messages calling for murder of BLM and Antifa members, murder of representatives, murder of anyone trying to stop their coup. "Either we get our president or die fighting for him" was a typical message. Rally points in other states discussed. "This is not a March, not a protest, it's war, come ready for battle." Read numerous others.
Turns out in many cases the barricades were useless because cops refused to use them and allowed people to walk through or around. They have been successfully used uncountable times before, but we’ve never had capitol police themselves be part of the mob, and with so many off duty cops and military in the crowd they thought, like at their job, the rules don’t apply to them or those with them. They talked their coworkers off the line in MANY instances, flashing their badges to gain entry then helping other rioters through.

Even if they weren’t stopping everyone, that’s not a reason to remove them so they stop no one. That’s asinine, I suppose you leave your front door open because your windows won’t stop a determined home invader?

Is your point that a fence that has openings is useless....hmmm...I recall someone else that was willing to divide and bankrupt the nation over a 1/2 of a fence...who was that?

greatgooglymoogly said:

It looks like there were enough cops to hold the crowd back if they concentrated at the doors, they made a mistake trying to have a large perimeter, which is why we have videos of them taking barriers down because they were just gone around and useless, not because cops were letting them in. There were about 50 full on riot cops with shields who seemed to hold the rear of the building just fine.

newtboy (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Sorry sugar, newsmax isn't being honest with you.

Almost every challenge has already been tossed out of court or ruled against Trump. Those remaining deal with a miniscule number of votes that may have arrived (not mailed) late thanks to the USPS acting as a part of the Trump campaign and slowing deliveries, and ignoring court orders to "sweep" mail rooms for missing ballots. When forced, one single Houston mail room found over 800....most for Biden. The vote fraud that's been found are all Republican frauds, again, and the numbers aren't large enough to swing the election for Trump in any states. Some might turn blue if all legal votes were delivered.

Most lawsuits were asking to stop vote counting, and were tossed in the trash. Some were about observers, but have zero effect on the counts. The rest are based on pure assumptions, not evidence, of things like late votes being counted, or normal processes like ballot "curing" which is filling out the circle/box when the vote intent was clear but the box not totally blacked out. They're even trying g to disqualify ballots that only had a vote for if that was abnormal or illegal.

Even his case for a recount in Georgia is highly unlikely to proceed, since the margin is over .25% the team requesting a recount must pay for it, and the Trump team is too broke to even hire real lawyers, forget paying up front for a statewide recount.

There aren't even enough votes being questioned by Trump's campaign to swing any there aren't enough to cast doubt even if every one being questioned is fraudulent...and so far there aren't many if any verified fraudulent votes, and my bet is the few found are double votes for Trump anyway.

Sorry sunshine. You lost, and are just stewing in your sour grapes. Just another never Bidener. There's a decent chance you'll lose the Senate too when Georgia is through.
Red tsunami 2020!

Edit: if you donated to the legal defense fund, I hope you read the fine print, because at least half is going to pay pre-existing debts from the campaign, and still more goes directly into Trump's pocket for using his donation portal. Not much is going towards his legal battles, battles he knows are lost causes (most already lost in court). Don't be surprised if you also signed up for monthly donations too, watch your credit card bill, his campaign has repeatedly suckered donors into agreeing to that by hiding it in the fine print, now that his presidency is done he has no reason to not be a pure con man/thief again. Russia won't extradite him, so he's going to grab every penny of your money he can before he flees the country.

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

w1ndex (Member Profile)


StukaFox says...

LD&R is an amazing series and I hope they make more. The story of the kitsune was amazing, as was the one about the Red Army battling demons. Reminds me of Heavy Metal.

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