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The "Instant Legolas" bow demonstration

Seymour Hersh: Trump Ignored Intel Before Bombing Syria

vil says...

"...they brought in a better version of an old Mig called an Su 24..."

No wonder this had trouble getting published, really needs some proof-reading. Disregard for the fine details of reconnoisance is a troubling tendency all the same. More to the point presidents not understanding written text is a troubling tendency.

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

OverLord says...


I just buy cheap rump steak or whatever bulk from Costco, lightly season, and pack individually in heat seal bags and freeze. Chuck in overnight or first thing in morning before going to work.

Tastes fantastic, just as good as the expensive cuts. I do them at 54°C for med-rare.

Thing is, wife likes well done, so I cook them all the same and just leave hers on the skillet for longer. It fully cooks, but it stays tender and melty, so much better than just doing a well done steak in a pan.

TheFreak said:

You can also sous vide it for about 4 hours. That breaks down tough steaks. A brisket flat cooked at 141° for 72 hours is as tender as a ribeye with tons of flavor.

Choice is a Bad Idea | David Mitchell's Soapbox

Sagemind says...

Years ago when I worked in Retail, we had one of the best kitchen centers around - with huge selection.
When people realized they were faced with so much choice (30 blenders to choose from , 20 toasters etc) the sales plummeted - we decided that selection was a poor marketing strategy. Most people went away more confused than when they got there.
What we did was provide two alternatives at specific price points. So for example if buying a toaster...
2 at $10, 2 at $50 and 2 at $120.
People will pre-select what they feel is a fair price for a toaster and then we provide them a simple one over the other choice.

Of course I'm simplifying it here. But you can't give people too much choice.

Another case in point!
When I go to Subway - I want a bun with my stuff on it - I absolutely HATE when they ask what king of bread - it's practically all the same - then the cheese - it's all the same stuff in a different colour lol

Sure - I want to choose what is on my sub, but the bread? What's the taste difference between them? None! When they ask me what type of bread, I always answer "I don't care"

Trump Mingle Dating App

newtboy says...

I'm often confused by dating apps that pair people that are as close to carbon copies as possible. My wife and I are a great pair because we are so different that her strengths cover my weaknesses and vice versa. I can't imagine it working if we both had the same issues or all the same views and so never made the other think and evolve.

Betsy Devos Embarrassed by Sen. Al Franken

newtboy says...

Franklin, as an ELECTED public servant, has consistently represented his constituents well enough to be re-elected.
Betsy Devos has never held office, never run a loan organization, never run an educational business, been hyper critical of the department she is tapped to run, and doesn't understand the issues this office entails at all, much less have a grasp of the details involved in the life changing decisions she'll be in charge of making, AND she refuses to answer questions when she knows her answers look terrible AND she has not yet finished her application (they've conveniently ignored the ethics forms nominees fill out BEFORE they get a hearing, so she shouldn't receive a hearing at all yet, like the rest of the nominees, which clearly indicates they have something to hide that would disqualify them all). In fact, it's obvious that she's only been nominated because her family bought the post with $200,000,000 in donations to Republicans and her vocal push to privatize education (but not it's funding, leaving us with something like our quasi-privatized prison system), meaning the Republicans plan to hand her the post with no real hearings and no matter how incompetent and unprepared she is....she already bought it, the hearings are just a formality. no, not at all the same.

bobknight33 said:

SNL writer Al Franken to be senator is the same as Betsy Devos being in charge of Education.

Things aren't always as they seem

Michael Moore perfectly encapsulated why Trump won

ChaosEngine says...

I wonder if Moore would have said the same things in Germany in the 1930s.

And so it begins.... the Trump apologists are already out in force, talking about how "this was a victory for the disenfranchised" and how "no-one was listening to these people".

Of course, we weren't listening to them, those people are fucking idiots. "We want our country back" -> "I want to go back to the 50s when white men had a job for life, and those damn women, gays, coloureds weren't so uppity".

Newsflash morons, your jobs aren't coming back. They're gone, and they're not even gone to Mexico or "Jy-na", they no longer exist. Robots do them. This is a real problem, it's coming for all of us (me included) and it's not going to be solved by protectionism or tariffs or walls or whatever other nonsense Trump has dreamed up.

And then there are the people talking about a call for "unity".


You do not have "unity" with racists, bigots and misogynists. We are not going to roll back centuries of progress because some uneducated fools feel threatened.

Women's rights, minority rights, LGBTQ rights, climate change... these things are not up for discussion or compromise. They are done, settled and off the fucking table. If you have a problem with that, you're wrong.

And while I'm no fan of religion, I'm even less of a fan of the idea of discriminating against people based solely on their religion. (Religion is not an excuse either; if someone does something stupid and/or evil in the name of your religion, it doesn't get you a free pass, but that's another story).

Bottom line: this isn't some "we're all the same deep down scenario".

If this year has shown anything, it's that we need protection from idiots being allowed to vote.

Urban Geography: Why We Live Where We Do

Khufu says...

Vancouver has played American cities in hundreds of movies and tv shows, even American political propaganda videos... so why not documentaries:) all-look-same.

vil said:

Its really a Europe vs America comparison so Canada gets to be american. Sort of like the "north american" ice hockey team.

Taking Personal Responsibility for Your Health

Youtube: Blocking Revenue is Censorship

Babymech says...

"YouTube is walking a fine line here, their empire is built on all these small creators as much as it's big ones advertisers and their willingness to pay for ads. Piss them off enough and they may decide it's no longer worth it and either quit or take their content elsewhere. The less diversity YouTube has in it's programming and the more it just looks like another TV network, with all the same safe boring advertiser-relevant bullshit."

00Scud00 said:

Sure, but he never made the argument that YouTube couldn't do what it was doing, only questioned whether it should.

YouTube is walking a fine line here, their empire is built on all these small creators as much as it's big ones. Piss them off enough and they may decide it's no longer worth it and either quit or take their content elsewhere. The less diversity YouTube has in it's programming and the more it just looks like another TV network, with all the same safe boring bullshit.

Youtube: Blocking Revenue is Censorship

00Scud00 says...

Sure, but he never made the argument that YouTube couldn't do what it was doing, only questioned whether it should.

YouTube is walking a fine line here, their empire is built on all these small creators as much as it's big ones. Piss them off enough and they may decide it's no longer worth it and either quit or take their content elsewhere. The less diversity YouTube has in it's programming and the more it just looks like another TV network, with all the same safe boring bullshit.

Payback said:

Censorship is A-OK for a company. It only becomes a legal problem if the government does it.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

transmorpher says...

Why are you saying "we enslaved"? I've never enslaved anyone. And nobody currently alive in the US has participated in legal slavery.

Even a descendant of a slave owner is not responsible for the atrocities of their ancestors - we aren't Klingons.

Yes white people did terrible things in the past, but "we" didn't do it and to take on perceived guilt for someone else's actions just because they are the same skin color as you is just self indulgent.

Further, please don't say "we expect" just as black people aren't all the same neither are white people, and one person does not speak for others unless they have been nominated to do so.

So here is what I expect: everyone on the planet regardless of race, religion, nationality and life experiences to be a decent human being, that respects the rights of others, and I expect it to go both ways, without concessions because of someone's culture.

MonkeySpank said:

Well, what pisses off me about racism in the States is that we enslaved people for 200+ years, made them live in shacks and treated them like cattle. We pretty much stripped them of dignity and all that is human to the point where many of them believed it, then we said: "Hey, you are free now, so act like us!" What in the funking funk is that kind of logic? Do we expect them to say, "Thanks for the freedom, now I'll just erase the indoctrination and all the memory and I'll magically be jolly jumping ideal citizen like the best examples of your race." What adequate tools did we give them to re-engage in society?

We often expect a tabula rasa from African Americans when in fact we ruined them and should heavily reinvest in them for at least a few decades, if not centuries. Racism based on half-assed logic boils my blood more than pure racism.

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

bareboards2 says...

Sure. Trump is the same as Hillary.

Well, I hope that more people have better sense than this.

Politics is dirty. Power is dirty. Do I like it? No. Am I surprised by it? No. Am I hurt by it? No.

It just is.

And Trump will be a disaster for the world, not just this country.

It's all good. It's all the same. It doesn't matter at all -- the only thing that matters is that a segment of the voters gets exactly what they want, regardless of the realities of an imperfect world.

Let it all burn. Good strategy.

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