Who was the best Star Trek Captain?

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A total of 59 votes have been cast on this poll.

More importantly I'd like to hear justifications as to why you think they are the best. And it's already a well known fact that Chuck Norris is by far the best captain so obviously it's really who's second best.
Deano says...

Kirk! The first and the best. Picard could be too boring. And Kirk was consistent between the tv shows and the films.

Picard's problem was trying to be an action hero in the films while sitting around thoughtfully like a managment consultant on tv.

gorillaman says...

I've been watching some of TOS and I'm surprised Kirk is actually a bit more professional and grown up than I remember; the show's better in general than I remember in fact, but still, obviously Picard.

But actually Data was the best, in that one episode.

Janeway's the only secondary captain that comes close to representing what I want to call 'star trek values'. Sisko and Archer are monstrous, awful creatures.

gorgonheap says...

Ok, to address the Chris Pine issue. Lets consider that that first of all they are both portraying the same character. Second, that all of the Star Trek time continuity was utterly decimated, leaving it more then likely that people who had a family history in starfleet (i.e. Tom Paris, Kathryn Janeway, Will Riker, Geordi Laforge, etc.) are now at least bastard children or have had their DNA completely obliterated by Nero. (Not to include all the other continuity problems that the crap spin off Enterprise introduced.) Third, he's only done one movie, all the others, including Luke have done multiple movies or a series. Until the sequel with Chris Pine comes out I don't really see him as having a command until it's been more then 24 hours. Fourth, He was appointed by the previous captain, and considering his incredibly brief Starfleet training I'd have a hard time believing any Admiral in thier right mind would continue to let him remain in command of what is now Starfeets only ship. Fifth, I still haven't forgiven J.J. Abrams for the ending of Lost or the hour of my life that I'll never get back after Cloverfield.

enoch says...

kirk then janeway.
they were just bad-azz.

picard was such a pussy and sisko was the prophet or messiah or some kinda crap that i didnt care about and archer just stepped in it...constantly.

one of my fave jokes concerning kirk and picard.
kirk:you have till the count of three to stop your attacks.

picard:you have till the count of three to stop your attacks.
two and a half.
two and three quarters.
i really mean it.
i am going to open fire.

gwiz665 says...

See, Picard is the best captain in the series, but a shit captain in the movies, because he acts like Kirk in the movies. Kirk isn't a good captain, he's a good Han Solo-captain, a loose cannon, a scoundrel, a scruffy nerf-herder. Picard is a fucking space ship captain and acts like it.

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