CPS Refugee Children, Coming to My Neighborhood

The recent events in ElDorado Texas with the twirled-hairdooed ones and their Darwin-Wedgwoodesque shenannigans, hasnetted some damaged goods, close to my home......

HOUSTON - Dozens of children who were removed from a west Texas polygamist compound have been relocated to two Houston-area facilities, KPRC Local 2 reported Wednesday. Kidz Harbor in Liverpool, Texas, has been doing what it can to make the children's new home as close as possible to what is normal for them. A number of children will also be relocate dto Boy's and Girl's Country, in Hockley, Texas.(Chogggieland)

Employees filled bags with personal items to make the children's stay comfortable.

The state of Texas sent a list of needs to the facility. The children are on a strict diet of no beef and no processed foods. They are also not permitted to have televisions.


I was employed by Boy's Country back in the 80's, prior to it being a State-run facility-back then it was a private, Christian concern-(room and board for cleaning the pool and filling in for "house parents" on their days off)

News trucks will be swarming the place no doubt, to bring all the diversion, straight to livingrooms everywhere-


....and I thought I was safe from the immediate effects of the Cult of Mormonism, and all her variations.....kinna makes me wanna kick some random Mormon's ass for being such a putty...... wait..I am safe frome the immediate effects of Mormons-ok putty, just stay away from children....


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