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Welcome to Sweden

The reality in Malmö, Sweden.

Strange this deviates from just about everything I know about Islam in Sweden. Sweden is actually one of the most tolerant states towards Islam, and they represent a minority of the population (3%), not the epidemic they seem to suggest here. Sweden favours multiculturalism and immigrants can become citizens after five years. Sweden prides itself on its tolerance, but there has been criticism that Muslims are too often blamed for society's problems.

Recently Sweden Democrats tried to hold a competition to draw more inflammatory cartoons with the image of Prophet Muhammad. The response from the goverment has been:

"I apologize for the fact that we in Sweden have individuals who are so ruthless that they consciously offend other people's religion," Freivalds said.

- Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds decided to halt the Web site of the small nationalist party Sweden Democrats, which planned the Prophet cartoons contest," Abdul Razik Wabri, official of the Islamic League of Sweden.

But then this is Fox News? But it is on Swedish TV. I must look into this further.


I was writing a long and eloquent comment to this video but my computer decided it was a good time to crash so I lost it. As I'm too lazy and annoyed to re-write it all I'll sum it up in a few lines below.

It aired in November 2004. It's FOX News scare tactics. The reporter has a lot of facts wrong.

There was no 'sudden influx' or 'explosion' of Muslim immigrants unless you define 'sudden' as a timespan of 10 to 15 years.

25% of Malmö's population is not Muslim. 25% of Malmö's population is however immigrants.

The segment was also edited to make the two attacks on the mosque together as one event, when in fact there was much more time between them.

To me it seems like FOX News was just trying to generate racial hatred.


I have to wonder, though . . . I've heard multiple reports from multiple sources of immigrants who claim they have the right to rape Swedish women because the women aren't wearing headscarves and "dress like whores." Plus there was the "Paris is burning" incident a year or two ago . . .


Morcae - What reports have you heard? From what sources? Lies like the ones that you are propogating spring up in every country where the residents feel threatened by immigrants. Don't spread ill-informed simplistic stereotypes about Muslim immigrants which are based on nothing more than prejudice and paranoia. Furthermore, when you say: "Plus there was the "Paris is burning" incident a year or two ago . . ." you reveal your own ignorance. The Paris riots were a direct result of the discrimination and social and economic deprivation which ethnic minority communities in France experience on a daily basis. Many of these people happen to be Muslims from former French colonies like Algeria and Morocco. Consequently right-wing politicians were quick to blame the riots on Islam - ignoring the true cause of the riots: socio-economic poverty and widespread racial-discrimination.


Also, this video is total bigotted crap - another example of Fox news' ongoing campaign to sully all Muslims. There are rapists and misogynists of every religious persuasion - and they are all scum - but you never hear headlines about Christian rape or Jewish rape when a Christian or a Jew commits rape.


Re: Rape in Sweden: I could spend hours finding link after link to articles from outlets like The BBC, The Guardian and The New York Times that would back up my points about Sweden, but I'm at work and I don't have time. So instead, a quick response to your second point:

I don't care how frustrated you are, there's no excuse for running around burning cars in a non-wartime situation. And if the rioters all happened to belong to the same religion, don't you think that's a significant detail? If hundreds of Christians had rioted, would you be so quick to explain it away?


Morcae it's clear from your comments that you have a superficial knowledge of what triggered the Paris riots or of the living conditions in the banlieues of Paris. I suggest you explore the facts.

"I am not sure you can call them riots. It's very different from the situation you have known in 1992 in L.A. for example. You had at that time 54 people that died, and you had 2,000 people wounded. In France during the 2 weeks period of unrest, nobody died in France. So, I think you can't compare this social unrest with any kind of riots."

- Prime minister Dominique de Villepin.


Actually, I was well aware of the horrible conditions in the banlieues for some time before the riots brought them to the world's attention. The sluggish and under-performing French economy is certainly one reason for the state of the Paris suburbs, but cultural factors *on both sides* also contribute. Blaming one party's bad behavior on another party's failure to play nice is like saying Kid A was justified in hitting Kid B when Kid B wouldn't let him on the swings.

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