Tommy Chong on Fox News - Bush is a moron!

Tommy Chong discusses immigration and border security on Fox News with Neil Cavuto.

I like Tommy a great deal, but he's not cut out to talk politics. In general I'd agree with him though, or what I could make out of what I think he wanted to say at least.

Over the last 30 plus years a greater and greater portion of our national income has been going to the top percentage, those who already had the most are getting more and those who were closer to the bottom to start with get a smaller portion of the nations income than they used to.

While we're being pointed at those on the bottom and being told they are the enemy those on the top are stripping the nation of everything of value and outsourcing it overseas. They will eventually leave us with an unpayable debt and just move their corporate headquarters and such elsewhere leaving us with the load.

Who owns the press? Who owns and financed the politicians? Who owns the corps and such, make up those investor groups? Same people, isn't it? We think what we do for a reason, it's because those who stand to benefit from the way things now are are also the same ones who tell us what to think.

He's onto a point I think, just not getting it across well. The immigrants aren't what's holding us down. They are just a result of policies that those who are responsible have put in place for their own profit and benefit, and now they take the hit for the results too. And we don't even question it because that's what we're told to think.


sorry drattus, the hit is taken by those who are not so ready to usher in the third world and mexico's vapid sensibilities, in the current paradigm of Amnerica.....all for the waltzing across to the US if we wern't being puppeteered by assholes in power, .....allll this shit is by design, and not accident-

Look at it this way...If there were only post gen x'ers and those that followed, you could sell a bill of goods like this without any problem whatsoever, to putties and diversionists in that camp....It is the folks that remember, that don't want it to happen....

Sure, let em' in, then, fuck it, get's too bad .... waltz over to fucking Trinidad or Jamaica, or anywhere else one can embrace an alternative culture....because, reallly don't look forward to shitty tatse in colors and appointments, and a country fulla folks who don't think it priority to pay their fair share, learn english, and who love to stack fucking walmart decor in their yards, because they just discovered plastic, plumbing, and public assistance.......we are totally fucked anyhow, so, welcome to Amerexico!

Fuck all, outta here-What the country needs is to kill the feds, create an alternative to the master's monetary system, and get back to solid values, not some punk-ass version of be nice to everyvody....(buncha pussies)....Truly hope Texas secceeds from this motherfucker before it becomes little mexico.....


To a large extent I agree with you choggie, this stuff isn't by accident. The system we've got is just the one that those with the power to shape it found profitable, now they are using some of their tools as scapegoats.

It's not that there isn't a load on the system due to it, or that it shouldn't be regulated to benefit rather than harm local economies and such. It's just that I think we're blaming some of the victims while the real actors in this shape the news and get away with too little attention themselves.

We've got to control the borders for security and social reasons but we've also got to control the people who have been running the nation in order to save it. We're losing the bigger issue in the smaller one I think, things didn't get this way by accident. I think we need to look a lot harder at why we think the things we do, who is telling us what's important and where they stand to benefit. It's not even a matter of ill intent so much as it is we don't live in the same income brackets and have the same problems as the press and our leaders. They say what's good for them, not for us.


Like saying one pile of vomit is more appealing than the other...

yeah drattus, agreed, but the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of eyes wide shut everyone....not any one administration, on a methodical lulling, dumbing, orchestrated apathy....Now here the meatbots all are in 2008, ready to be fooled again....turns out Bush 2, was more dangerous than Clinton, Carter, Johnson...but, that is to be expected, as we approach the singularity....


You're ok choggie, I've got more hope than you do but I've got kids so I have to. Things are pretty screwed up though and it's not a matter of left/right, those are just distractions. It's more a matter of power or not, pro business, big business and big money in particular, or the people in general. The people don't seem to be winning at the moment.

Best example I've seen was the documentary The Century Of the Self,

If people just keep in mind how psychology worked its way into advertising then into politics things start to make more sense, why we so often vote and act against our own best interests. You're right, it's the people we've got to wake in the end, nobody gives up power by choice. Few enough to make a difference do anyway. We've got to start asking questions no matter who tells us things and checking the other side for ourselves.

I see the immigrants as victims too. NAFTA moved our big agriculture over the boarder with the promise of manufacturing jobs, so they moved to the cities and had them for a while. Then China opens up and they were pretty much screwed in general, they got outsourced too. Now both are hit and they've got the drug lords taking over parts of the nation too, violence climbing.

If I was them I might climb a fence too. I want to go after the people who did it, not the ones who are also running from it. We do need to control it but they don't need our anger.


Though lovable, Chong is a fking moron about as effective as using a hula hoop for a flyswatter.

The common man is an immortal ass, just like Bierce wrote. If commoners and rulers swapped places for even a day, they'd take on the exact characteristics of the other.

No amnesty! And we should seize an appropriate amount of Mexican oil reserves to pay for the deportation/cleanup of the invasion. I'm not defending businesses that hire illegals either, they should be burned to the ground.


why do you hate president bush so much? because he's a moron!!

instant upvote, regardless of everything else.

and it's pretty politically alert to force a fox newscaster to say "i don't want to hear the solution".

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