Michael Moore, 9/11 and The Pentagon

Another very obvious question that nobody is asking.

Yeah that still bugs me about the pentagon how can
1) it even happen
2) no camera footage released
3) remember the gas stations cctv footage was removed

Theres a lot of stuff going around the net about "inside job" dont believe that but theres a lot of questions need to be answered and if anyone could get those questions out there in to the mainstream on film its Micheal Moore.


Oh Geez. Not you too, Mike! Come back to us!

The sad thing is, if the conservative press gets their hands on this video they're going to try to use it to discredit Sicko. But Michael Moore should know that by now.


Mike has raised a very simple question that deserves a very simple answer:

The Pentagon is actively hiding footage of what happened on that day.

Why would they do that if the footage supports their claims?


Because they are the Boogeyman! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

First, don't assume it's the people in the pentagon making the call to hold the tape. Second, remember that a good number of folks were killed at the pentagon. No one there (in the building) wanted that to happen, and to believe otherwise is just silly.

Oh, and maybe they won't release the tape because THEY DON'T NEED TO. People saw the plane hit the building. No one but you NUTS believes it was anything else. Plus, why release the tapes to try to appease a bunch of conspiracy cooks who will never believe you anyway? If the tapes did come out, you jackasses would start talking about how they were doctored. In short, it wouldn't end up being anything but a travesty; a way for a bunch of nerds who live in their mom's basement to throw salt in the wounds of the surviving victims and their families.


"No one but you NUTS believes it was anything else."

Oh right, I forgot the right-wing's penchant for logical fallacies: people who ask questions about 9/11 are hurting the victim's families, people who question the wars are hurting the troops, people who question Bush are just haters.

You're the fucking idiot here.

The Pentagon is hiding the videos of what happened on that day. When somebody hides something, you can bet your bottom dollar they're doing it to to save their own skins, not to help our country or "protect the victim's families."

Where are those WMDs, dickhead?


You're the one insinuating that there was some ulterior purpose to the crash in the Pentagon, with no evidence (other than conjecture and supposition) that there even was one.

As to the comments on hurting families; the political spin used to state that war dissenters hurt US troop's families, is an entirely different subject to those of the 9/11 victims...

Those killed on 9/11 were slain in a surprise attack by a terrorist organisation. They were on the planes when they took off that morning and they never came home. By saying that they possibly weren't and that they are now being hidden from their families means that they have a harder time grieving for their lost. Especially in cases where bodies were not able to be recovered.

Whereas, the soldiers in Iraq are fighting a war that was a decision of the administration to pursue. The plight here is to have them brought home because of an increasingly difficult and futile conflict. A plea which is interpereted as being in opposition to the Rights desire to pursue the conflict against "Terror" further.

It is unfair to measure the two with the same yard-stick.


There is absolutely no evidence that the Pentagon is hiding videos of the impact.

Only three security tapes capturing anything of the Pentagon impact were sequestered at that time. A few frames from the Pentagon helipad tape were released immediately, but the rest of the footage remained confidential as it might have been needed during the Moussaoui trial. Since his conviction though, all three have been released.

There is overwhelming evidence that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. This includes (but isn't limited to) dozens of pieces of eyewitness testimony, numberless pieces of recovered debris (including engine wreckage), recovered and functional flight data recorders and the DNA identification of all but one of the passengers.


Well, two planes did hit the WTC. I know that much. Sure, these were "probably remote controlled" according to the conspiracy.. but then, if so, why "cheat" at the Pentagon? Why not just run a 3rd plane in there? If it was an inside job, why risk the entire operation by using a rocket that could have been filmed by some amateur cameraman and thus vaporized the whole 9/11 "official story"? Seems to me, if I was one of those men in black behind it all, that would be the peak of stupidity.

And this hearing explosion stuff.. well I'd say much of the same applies here, why risk the whole operation on making the towers collapse? Isnt two jetliners flying into two skyscrapers scary enough for them?

The other thing is that explosions did happen, as a result of a LARGE FUCKING PLANE HITTING THE BUILDING, debris, falling people etc makes bangs too...(just look at that french brothers documentary)

The most puzzling thing for me about 9/11 is the WTC7 collapse, but again, from the insiders perspective why bother with the risk? I'm guessing the collapse of the two towers probably knocked its foundations down, surely the crater probably smashed everything on and under the ground nearby to pieces.



You're probably on the right track regarding the collapse of World Trade Center 7, but there are a few things I should really clarify; currently, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, it collapsed due to a combination of the following:

1. Large parts of World Trade Center 1 literally fell onto it and into it causing major structural damage (to the building itself as opposed to merely its foundations).

2. It suffered eight hours of widespread and unfought fires.

PS: There are a number of pieces of photographic and video evidence of the World Trade Center 1 collapse impact itself, the resultant damage and the ensuing fires.


It's a new one – "Evidence 'n' Argument" flavour. It's a lot more refreshing than the "Plain Ole' Faith 'n' Rhetoric" the conspiracy theorists are quaffing. Would you care to try some?


Rougy said: "Oh right, I forgot the right-wing's penchant for logical fallacies....Where are those WMDs, dickhead?"

Wow. How embarrassing for you. It would've taken about a 10 second search through my comments to find out that I am anything but a right-winger. Believe it or not, there are some of us on the left who don't get the irresistable urge to start butchering abductive inferences as soon as someone says "9/11."

And feel free to name the fallacy. We can have a discussion about logic, if you like. I teach the subject, and might be able to show you a few things. For now, I think it suffices to say that BoneyD has covered my feelings adequately enough.

Par: Good to see you around here again. You always do a nice job with the conspiracy monkeys.


I forgot the right-wing's penchant for logical fallacies: people who ask questions about 9/11 are hurting the victim's families, people who question the wars are hurting the troops, people who question Bush are just haters.
I suppose the burning irony here is that according to Rougy, people who disbelieve the 9/11 conspiracy theories are automatically right-wing, Bush-loving war-hawks

I forgot the right-wing's penchant for logical fallacies... Where are those WMDs, dickhead?
Similarly, the irony here is that this is an example of both the red herring fallacy and a (false) tu quoque fallacy (not to mention a bit of ad hominem or the strawman and false dichotomy fallacies in the first quotation).


BicycleRepairMan i'm not sure 'why would they risk it?' will tell you anything.
it's the government not showing the footage of the plane that's the problem, not the conspiracy people, people are just asking questions is all.
but to answer your 'why woudl they risk it?', if there was no plane flying towards the pentagon than there's nothing to see. whatever flew into the building was flying about a metre above the ground.
also, it's not only strange that WTC7 fell down - but that it did in a demolition style fashion.


As I have already pointed out, there is absolutely no evidence that the Pentagon is hiding videos of the impact. If you know of any such evidence, then please present it.

To some degree, you’re right when you say that conspiracy theorists are "just asking questions"; the problem is, however, that they're utterly disinterested in any answers that contradict their crackpot ideas.

Can you please explain to me why you believe it to be strange that World Trade Center 7 collapsed? Further, it didn't collapse in a "demolition style fashion"; there is no evidence of a controlled demolition. Again, if you know of any such evidence, then please present it.


There is video of the planes hitting the pentagon.


here is after


Here is a case study


And if that last one didn't do it for you... then we are just going to have to agree to disagree here.

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