In Soviet US, observing protestors is illegal!

On Friday July 26 a group of people gathered in the Capitol rotunda to exercise their First Amendment right to petition their government and consult for the common good and so on in song. The Capitol Police brought out an LRAD1000x and announced that the group of people were "unlawfully assembled" and warned that if the they did not disperse the entire group was subject to arrest, but the police took it further than that.

Groups of officers would march into the rotunda and seemingly randomly select 3-5 people and cuff them and bring them downstairs. They did this every 8-12 minutes.

But above the singers were dozens of people watching, bearing witness to the gross police and political misconduct, just checking what was going on, touring the capitol with their family, along with a contingent of Republican staffers getting off watching the real life police porn.

Police started warning random groups of onlookers that if they didn't immediately disperse they to would be arrested. Many of those warned were tourists visiting from out of town.


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The title of this video is a joke, right?

These people don't really understand the Bill of Rights and First Amendment or what their right of assembly really means. It does not mean nor has it ever meant that you can show up on any public property and do whatever you want.

Some good articles on the subject:

Curfews, loitering & freedom of association

Assembly Explained

A Brief Lesson Plan on Assembly:

Many of the illegal "protesters" here are just standing their silently, but guess what.. that isn't protected.

If the police politely ask you to move along at a crime scene - you do so.

The kind of behavior this group is indulging in is comical to me. What was their message? I missed that. Furthermore, they purposely set up a situation where they are going to have problems with police and then pretend to be surprised when they are asked to disperse.



Right. I try to illuminate the discussion with a detailed understanding and interpretation of what the right to assemble means and you label me a statist?


Except that nothing I have said indicates that I believe the state should have a role in economic or social policy. Your label is completely non sequitur.

Read up on the strict scrutiny test. The state doesn't have the right to stop you from protesting based on the CONTENT of your protest. However, local and state governments may pass ordinances or require permits for certain areas or times of day etc.

This is what allows the Klu Klux Klan to assemble and protest - even though the general public and those in government dislike their message.

Furthermore, the false analogy you maintain between the USA and Soviet Russia is even more of a joke. You know what would happen to all the protesters, you, and any bystander who didn't flee immediately in old Soviet Russia? Siberia.


Do you even know the definition of statist? You don't seem to.

There are plenty of real cases of police abusing their powers and local governments failing to maintain basic rights, but this isn't one of them. Post those and I'll agree with you.


Posted by blankfist "...along with a contingent of Republican staffers getting off watching the real life police porn."

Seriously? Are republicans some sort of evil demon now? Pretty sure most people on both ends of the political spectrum find police brutality abhorrent - and that this police stoically doing their job resembles in no way brutality.


while i think the "evil" lurks in the concept of political parties (divide and conquer), you are much more likely to see a republican cheering on a police beating, a lynching, MMA, Nascar, or an invasion by the US Military.


Posted by blankfist "...along with a contingent of Republican staffers getting off watching the real life police porn."

Seriously? Are republicans some sort of evil demon now? Pretty sure most people on both ends of the political spectrum find police brutality abhorrent - and that this police stoically doing their job resembles in no way brutality.


I must agree, when someone is whining and moaning about the government having too much power, odds are it's a republican doing the winging. Conversely, when someone is cheering the government for abusing it's power by attacking some group, the cheerleader is ALMOST ALWAYS republican (unless the group attacked is Republican). The disconnect between the stated message and the actions of Republicans is a large part of why congress has a 16% approval rating. The Democrats message and actions are more consistent, but only slightly.


while i think the "evil" lurks in the concept of political parties (divide and conquer), you are much more likely to see a republican cheering on a police beating, a lynching, MMA, Nascar, or an invasion by the US Military.

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