Hovering a Helicopter is Hilariously Hard

"Something just clicked in your brain."

Me, flying helicopters in GTA 5. Weird thing is, I remember playing helicopter sims back in the day and I don't have any memory of it being as hard as it was in GTA.


I remember the Desert Combat mod for BF1942 was one of the first FPS with helicopters, and I also remember how every n00b would jump in, full throttle, and immediately kill themselves. While it had a steeper learning curve, once mastered, was very precise controls.
All later Battlefield games that had helis, they dumbed-down the controls to make it easier, and they just weren't as fun or precise.


Me, flying helicopters in GTA 5. Weird thing is, I remember playing helicopter sims back in the day and I don't have any memory of it being as hard as it was in GTA.


I've had a few trial flights in an R22 (the heli in this video) and he's not kidding.

FLYING a helicopter is pretty easy, but hovering is an absolute bastard. That Pilot Induced Oscillation thing? If you want an idea of what it's like, get a plastic cup and balance it on the end of a stick, and the balance that on the palm of your hand. Then fill the cup with water. Now don't spill any.

Almost every touch you make is a complete over-correction and just makes things worse.

And the most depressing thing is when the instructor takes the controls and then levels out with seemingly no effort or thought.

Still, helicopters are great fun and if you ever get a chance to do a trial flight, go for it!

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