Extremley Rare Star Wars footage - Return of the Ewok

1982 (9 Min) Part 1 - David Tomblin spend most of his days off and lunch breaks
during the filming of "Return of the Jedi" on his own little 24 minute project,
"Return of the Ewok". Eleven year old Warwick Davis inspired this fictional
account of him landing the part of an Ewok. It features most of the film's stars
in costume, plus some sequences from the Battle of Endor filmed from a different
angle (with Tomblin's personal 16mm camera).

In the film, young Warwick is looking for a job. After trying his tiny hands at
weightlifting in David Prowse's London Gym, he passes a Cinema playing "The Empire
Strikes Back". Warwick decides to go into acting himself...

For many years this elaborate Home Movie remained just that, with the only VHS copy
thought to belong to the Warwick family. It was finally screened it at Star Wars
conventions and of course, bootleg copies have surfaced. However, nobody knows what
happened to the original 16 mm print.

This version features the original VHSrip scenes intercut with screener footage
shot during a live presentation. It is probably as complete as you will ever find.


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