EepyBird's Sticky Note Experiment


From the creators of the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment, EepyBird show us how to have fun with sticky notes.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Sticky, note, experiment, eepybird, mentos, diet, coke' to 'Sticky, note, experiment, eepybird, mentos, diet, coke, postit, post it' - edited by Thylan


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Sticky, note, experiment, eepybird, mentos, diet, coke, postit, post it' to 'Sticky, note, experiment, eepybird, mentos, diet, coke, postit, post it, slinky' - edited by calvados


Upvoted. I'd upvote it twice if I could since it's the only thing on the top 15 that isn't a political hit piece or something I already saw on television..

Edit : Or zero punctuation...

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