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Police Violate Guidelines To Assault Peaceful Protesters

wtfcaniuse says...

Just goes to show if the cops are willing to blatantly lie about events that have been recorded so thoroughly then they're gonna lie any time it benefits them personally or their image.

It's not a few bad apples, it's a few good cops and massive corruption.

Anti-mask people vs Citizens of Pawnee from Parks and Rec

The Walk.

The Walk.

wtfcaniuse says...

Trump has done a great job of clearing a fire break around America over the last few years (maybe he's been raking the forest floors?). Even close allies of over 80yrs have already distanced themselves from the dumpster fire.

WmGn said:

Burning buildings risk igniting those near them. America's a big building: there are a lot of buildings near it.

The Walk.

Rayshard Brooks shooting police bodycam footage

wtfcaniuse says...

That's right Fox is fake news now as well isn't it.

There is video evidence of the kick, are you saying it is CGI?

The police always have the discretion of whether on not they pull the trigger.

bobknight33 said:

100% false

Obliviously you watch fake news. You are the pusher of hate an lies. Learn truth not push lies blindly.

O.C.- The Florida Of California

O.C.- The Florida Of California

wtfcaniuse says...

I don't think American hospitals would give up an opportunity to make obscene amounts of money for basic care let alone intensive care.

Having them pay insurance premiums or be put in a separate insurance category (high risk fuckwit) would probably make more sense.

newtboy said:

That's why I support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care, and that responsible people who get infected can use to identify and sue any Covid Marys.
If they insist on putting everyone at risk over their belief that it's not dangerous, they should be forced to live with any repercussions that might arise.

Fake DJs Compilation

O.C.- The Florida Of California

wtfcaniuse says...

Anyone able to find a source for someone suffering asphyxiation or C02 poisoning from wearing a mask?

Yes, the third lady equated having to wear a mask for a while with being killed by police.

Texas Law Hawk Highlights the Notable Laws of 2019

Nancy Pelosi Kneeling In Honor Of George Floyd

Terrified Police Thugs Panic And Pepperspray at Gravity

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

wtfcaniuse says...

Hahaha.. Cancels out. OK, yep. It's basic math here not a complex collision simulation...

Did you even read this bit,

"The partial rollover presents an additional injury risk beyond what the standard crash test criteria are intended to measure"

I'm only discounting some things it because it's irrelevant to the point which is you stating rolls or "flops" are better than an arbitrary situation that generally doesn't exist and certainly isn't the other option to a roll in this test.

newtboy said:

Both crumpled zones, cancels out. In fact the deflected car uses the crumple zone to better effect. The point is to make the sudden stop slower, which rolling undeniably did.
Both push the other car, cancels out.
Same car at same speed comparison, cancels out.
See what I mean about arguing.

Fuck! Yes, you might get either. One you get 50 gs, one you get 1.2gs. No brainer to those not brain dead. Come on.

Yes, but they measured impact and g forces non the less. See the results? Notice they're all green "g"s? Notice it wasn't a fail on injuries, or g forces, but on their baseless notion that any roll, no matter how slow and safe, is unacceptable.

Now I'm done here. Your obstinance and silly best case vs worst case with zero evidence, then decrying my lack of rollover test data, is maddening and not at all worth this effort to prove something you believe is wrong, especially since you discount a 50-1 g force impact. Bye bye

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

wtfcaniuse says...

You're massively oversimplifying things again. Where is your crumple zone math? Where is your math showing how much force is imparted into pushing the car in front forward based on whether it has it's brakes on, is still moving, etc, etc, etc.

Your personal experience is not extraordinary. I have been in accidents, I didn't bother to bring it up because it doesn't mean anything.

I'm not arguing that higher G forces don't correlate with more severe injuries, that's not the point . The point is that CSI injury is very complex, complexities that can cause severe injury with minor force in situations like.. a rollover.

from the report you mentioned,

"The partial rollover presents an additional injury risk beyond what the standard crash test criteria are intended to measure"

newtboy said:

Nope. Watched them closely.
Hitting a car flat at 60 km or mph is going to stop you in <1/10 of a second. I counted >4 seconds to stop with a flop in the video. Same kinetic energy absorbed. Δv = 30mph Δt= .1 vs 4. Do the math. Case closed.

Fine. God forbid you listen to someone with extraordinary personal experience in this matter and a grasp of physics.
You go for the dead stop next time you're in a wreck, I'll turn my wheel.

There are variables in car wrecks. You want to compare best case scenario sudden stops with absolute worst case rolls. Feel free to think that way. It's not reasonable. I'm done.

Then look at the dummy data if immutable physics laws aren't enough for you, but no citation is needed to conclude that exponentially higher G forces cause higher level injuries, even if the angle isn't the worst possible for a specific spinal injury.

I've given you my personal vast experience, physics, and common sense. You give me apple to oranges, and exaggerate the juiciness of the apples while only mentioning dehydrated oranges. I'm done. Believe what you want, but I hope you don't have to test your theory.

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