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Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see (Jake Shimabukuro)

List of Whining Sifters (Terrible Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

I'm happy my sifts are still here!

I could whine about something that happened in my real world today. This is my break from what really makes me whine.

Actually.. I find what happened here an interesting twist of the game. This is unexpected... but shoot guys it's just a game right? The real fun here is the people. Poor Lucky....if you're reading this, the people that matter are O.K. w/ you and Dag.

Well, it helps my feelings that I quit competing in the game over a year ago (go upvote my sifts tho ). But for the rest of you.. wheat from the chaff!

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

How's that autovote working, Dag.. I was just voting up my old stuff... the votes were at "0", but would not let me vote.. "cannot vote the same video twice"... hmm.. grr.

I'm going to upvote my channel for a while then. HEY FOLKS!.. head over to the Vintage channel for a voting spree!

Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

Conan O'Brien's 1864 Baseball

Conan O'Brien's 1864 Baseball

Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

Mom lets 5 year old smoke Pot! (Kids Talk Post)

Marching Onward with Another Neatorama Update (Sift Talk Post)

asd (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

English girl immitating an American Accent

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