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Zero Punctuation - Batman Arkham Asylum

Defusing land mines in Cambodia (SCARY)

shadowonline says...

Um, I would not call him an outright hero... did you guys read the description proper? He was one of the people who laid them in the first place. Yeah I know he was just a kid back then, and pretty much just doing what he was told to do, even though he could have refused and paid the consequence. So I do give him massive kudos though for fixing up his wrongs. We forgive you.

Oh yeah and >> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker landmines ARE banned.

Women Write Letters Of Complaint Into Top Gear

shadowonline says...

I find the part about the keyless entry more entertaining than the titled "women write letters". That was a funny point about checking to see if the car is actually locked when you walk away, but you can't because when you walk up to the car it is automatically unlocked. LOL.

Isn't this an old episode? which is why the set looks like it does?


Half-Life 2 with real guns.

Creepy Serial Killer Demos Converting VHS into Lame Pinball

Best. Standup. EVAR.

Angry Video Game Nerd: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

shadowonline says...

Brilliant! er, this video that is... not the game.

A bit of background info on the name of the "game". It is called Plumbers Don't Wear Ties because only plumbers get the hot chicks in the end, and "suits" or in this case "Ties", you know, the bosses, are all psychopaths.... but, this "plumber" is not really a plumber as such (the ones that fix drains) because he is wearing a tie and is posing as a plumber who rescues chicks from "ties" because he knows this fact that plumbers get all the chicks and chicks think all plumbers are good guys. Sooooo, this girl is fucked (both kinds)either way because she gets sucked in and what you didn't see, is the rape and torture that followed once he got her home and in to his dungeon. So in the end, the game is a sick joke and you are the fool because no matter what you can not save the girl.

EDIT: This also explains why our "plumber" is waiting in the car park all that time... he is a predator!

Guy with Gun Confronts Skateboarder. Street Justice Ensues

shadowonline says...

"oh my gawd..."

Did anyone else hear this a couple of times in a strange "I am so toasted right now" tone? Made me laugh! LOL! (see!) I think it was the kamera kid. He said it when kid #2 pulled off a "trick" and then again (in the exact same tone, sounded like a sample was used, lol) when the fight was almost finished... I found it funny anyway, listen for it.


Brilliant Woman Solves All of California's Problems

shadowonline says...


I was waiting to see/hear someone behind her crack up laughing! But I guess they too shocked to react?

This Perrier commercial has to be seen to be believed

shadowonline says...

I've this seen years and years ago, it is always on those TV shows that show funny (adult only) commercials, with more commercials in between. I think back in the 90's it was, they always had these "shows" on every 2nd fucking day... sometimes with different names, different hosts, showing the same fucking commercials with more commercials in between the commercials, YOU ARE WATCHING COMMERCIALS! Then we had those fucking funny home video shows, where they show the same fucking videos every fucking time, year after fucking year... and people still fucking laugh! And companies still provide prizes! WTF.

A revolutionary new concept: Getting the F**k Out of the Way

shadowonline says...

>> ^Sagemind:
Truly Awesome - You know everyone has thought it and you know we've all said it - You just wish you could say it outloud so "That" person can hear you!!!
There are people out there that just have no clue that there are other people around - Stuck in their own world!
"They might Be Giants" had a song called "Nyquil Driver" that sums it up as well - Not a lot in the lyrics dept. but gets the poiont across:
Hey Nyquil driver, It's Nyquil driving time
Hey Nyquil driver, Get outta my lane, Get outta my way
I officialy call them "Nyquil Drivers" now!

Wish? I say it... I say it so they CAN hear it. For example, I say it at work (I work in warehouse with many people who have "no clue"). Sometimes it works, and they actually learn... sometimes it doesn't, they just do not hear you as they are "stuck in their own world" (so next time I say it louder), or I swear some people act dumb on purpose ... (??).

Sometimes I hold my tongue if the person in my fucking way is much bigger than me... I say sometimes, because if there are plenty of people around it makes the big tough guy look stupid (ha!), and I might give it a go if I have a clear escape route.

Otherwise yeah, I have no problem telling people to get out of my fucking way! or as I usually put it... "FOR FUCKS SAKE MOVE!!"

Guy Installs Horn from a Navy Destroyer on his car!

World's Fastest Everything

Drunk Man Drives into Backyard Pool in Oz; Dag Doing Fine

shadowonline says...

>> ^dgandhi:
Who here would pay to see the auto insurance lawyers argue with the home owners insurance lawyers over who is going to pay to get that thing out of the pool?

Did you see the car? I am pretty sure he did not have insurance... he didn't even have a driver's licence!

Oh yeah, and what accent?

(Aussie Aussie Aussie... oi oi oi!)

Ladybugs Infestation - Invasion Covers Home And Trees

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