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Twilight Zone: Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, TV & Movie versions

Jim Norton Debates The Existence Of God - NSFW

Funny moments in media (NSFW)

"Family Guy", one random interchangable joke after another

lordnull says...

I'd have to say, more of a sleeper video in that it makes the real joke in the last few seconds. As much as it's making fun of Family, it's also making fun of itself, and those who are easily offended.

More Colbert - Responds to Wexler Cocaine Comment Uproar

Bigger Nuts

Puppet Rapist - Episode 2

Breaking News: Satan is Dead!

If fallen soldiers came back to life and voted...

lordnull says...

Taken at face value, it is liberal propoganda. However, I could see any group dependant on public opinion doing a similar turnabout, and using ideas supposedly sacred to thier own ends. While the idea of undead soldiers is indeed offensive, it is more offensive that spin such as in the film happens in real life.

Bottled water is for naive people - part of Penn & Teller BS episode

lordnull says...

Later on they admit the 'experiment' is bullshit, and hardly a basis for opinion. The rest of the episode, however, brings up many of the points in earlier comments. This segment must have been put in purely for entertainment value.

Michigan youth investigate how WalMart came to their small town

Sasha Dith - Russian Girls: beating up a soldier in style

Sasha Dith - Russian Girls: beating up a soldier in style

Network - you people are zombies

lordnull says...

Interesting point the video is making, yet it assumes that book or magazine is an inherently superior form of media. A book, magazine, radio, literally *any* media form is subject to the producers. There are 'scolorly works' that site in University stacks that state the Holocost never happened. The Spanish-American war was instagated by 'yellow newspaper.'

Perhaps a better message to take from this is not 'TV is evil,' but to moderate and filter all media one partakes in.

Rage against the Bushies: "New World Lies"

lordnull says...

The video failed it's intent for me. I can see it was designed to insite rage at Bush, but it's use of hyperbole, insults, and lack of explanation unmined it's goal. Basically, the constant comparison between Hitler and Bush killed it. I was not aware Bush had called for the systematic elimination of an ethnicity, nor that he had invaded a country without warning.

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