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Nutrigrain - I feel great

The KLF - White Room (Chill Out)

bighead says...

riding home on a wet chicago evening after smoking grass lessening to the klf was not chilled out. more like freaked out. going over the train tracks was like being in a k-hole. bikes are kool but drugs are not because no one knows the correct dose. it was fun to do drugs put on the walkman and ride all over but not recommended.

rocket explodes; fuel and debris rains down in amazing fire

Michelle Shocked-Anchorage

Countdown Special Comment: Bush, Cheney Should Resign

bighead says...

the scooter story has been the bigest crap story i have ever heard. the media has managed to basicly headline a Non sequitur. people hear bush coverd up somthing that lead us to into war. oh ya its because of some cia miscomunication. thats bull shit its like the media wants to equate bush lying or overreacting about weapons of mas destruction (witch in reality caused the shityist us war is 30 years) too a much less of a crime of leaking of information. leak or no leak. bush cronies got what they shit there were cover ups?

the us meidia is trying to act like it gives a shit about what the bushys do. ya right.
the media should be reporting more than just this one angle. ok how about bush and a large portion of American are racist pigs. that should get front page.
its ashame that this is as far as it goes too the people of the united states taking responsibility for there governments actions. the media figures it good because the scooter case is a metaphor for the people saying bush is wrong. but the media wants to civilize the story in this clean by the book lawfull way. when in reality these charges associated with the war should be much more horrendous.

Candy or Grenade?

Rauschenberg on erasing a work of art by de Kooning

Most talented drummer in the world? Assaf Seewi

bighead says...

he can play but kinda seams like masterbation if it is not in the context of a music it hard to say more than ya ok he is the best in the world. the white strips comment was funny. it seems honest meg and jack make music and people love music they say stuf like she best and it true for them she is the best. some drummers might say this guy is the best what ever i personaly gata hear music and not so much fast stuff. this needs some i dont know what you call it but well its like music can often heard emphasizing the sounds that the instraments make but the part they do not make are also importaint. maybe somone else can help me hear.

Michael Moore on Cops, Blacks, and Guns

Super effective torpedo splits a destroyer into two pieces

pulling video (Sift Talk Post)

swampgirl (Member Profile)

Yea, it's got that swing, but it still don't mean a thing (Sift Talk Post)

bighead says...

let go. not every thing can be or should be labeled, do you realy want be spoon-feed, if you want faster why not get off the computer or maybe you just need a faster computer with more bandwith

Colombian drug smugglers, in a plane, dash for the border

Racism: A History - The Colour of Money Part 1

bighead says...

the man is a real bitch. any bitch that has profited form slave trading, like founders (and the familys) of big american and british corperations sould be held resposible for these non white genocides. that means big time payments to africa, native americans and so manny south of the US border that have been terrorized for centuries by man.

if we just except these crimes and say that after time the masses will forget about this kind of shit. then we might as well start lining up,with big sings that read "go ahead screw me over because i am not part of the elite class''

this kind of white is righ reasoning is dieing out. but it can still be seen in the mid. east. where it is assumed that those who are not white enough can be bulldozed out of there homes. off corse the international view is that this has to be stopped. but the man knows how to play people against each other. in the mean time laws get taken off the books. and new laws are scribbled in.

we know the man really hates all that the non whites stands 4. but as to not be so blatant the man is now zeroing in on the have nots with promises of cheep material goods in exchange for there souls. if you are the man or want to run with the man than you will have all the junk your hart desires. beware if you are not the man but want to imitate him you may not like the clauses invalved in this type of deal. do you want to be part of the mans diversified collection.

So before you laugh at people who are in debt or in some other predicament put your self in there shoes and you will most likey find that the man is behind it all. The man is sneaky , how do you think he got away with these crimes for so long? The man wants you to scapgoat the blacks and immigrantas as crime and welfare hungry. he also wants to play blacks against immigrants. But it would be just if we all turned it around and acknowledged that the man is the one most responsible for dilemma.

You can point fingers at each other and fight and kill. or you could just look around and learn to recognize the man and those who the man has brainwashed. then your hands are clean. the forces will then be against the man and he will become weeker. Remember distinguish your self from the man. The repaymemnt for the decimation/crimes will then come naturaly.

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