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The case of the ,Jena six- Racism in Louisiana - pt 1

bighead says...

what do you belive is "good" journalism. does nbc follow the rules of only presenting crap that sells.some times people reject being interviewed. please comment on the nooses and the whites only tree. this is the dumbest possible presentation of the story you can imagine. no need to imagine if you are not sure of your self why not go look for some of the facts. i dont see videos always an end in themselves. they a sometimes lead you find out more for your self. spoon feed views are not what i want to see.

How to Firewalk

How to make an Angry American

bighead says...

china cant now but give the 20 years. check again pigs do lock up blacks for crap charges,like the witness said it was a black dude well you know what the pigs grab the first black they see and he is as good as the guy who actuly did the crime because the idea is that black in the u.s. are not worthy of freedom. come on most people are scared of blacks . and you know what blacks are scared of some whites but ya the laws keep them locked up for a long time. are all the blacks in jail bad no 1 brakes the law and 40 get locked up. and whitey lives safely with no blacks near his nice white land. why is so much of the black poulation in jail

gluonium (Member Profile)

Generation Chickenhawk: Will College Republicans go to Iraq?

bighead says...

the people gota stand up now and know when they have lost. we have lost in iraq. we got our ass kicked in vetnam. why because we dont have the heart. 911 and the other bombings got people going but not enough to beat the people of iraq in city warfar. no way we better just give up now cuz who can says vetnam was a good idea come on our the guys over there they can kill rape tortoure or follow every rule in the book but there still being used as pawns. while bush and the rest of the upperclass try to brain wash the people to buy into buying life.

Nude sunbather caught on spy satellite.. I mean Google Maps

Potential 3.x Feature, front page Sift Talk Posts (Sift Talk Post)

bighead says...

it took me 3 months to find sift talk 2 months was not singed up . the sift talk was a pleasant surprise. there is a lote on the sift i have not yet discovered no idea what going on with playlist and channels but seem kool. im not in a rush.

i agree comments are what make this work. thats why i have not been at throw away you tv for long time. i never made any comments there because they said you gota be bugger i mean a blooger i dont know what that is exactly .

Fletch (Member Profile)

bighead says...

please read my coment about the coal walker post.

In reply to your comment:
Beyond science? What is beyond science is whatever you WANT to believe, whatever you NEED to believe.

Let's not move on. Michael Shermer is wrong about so many things? Least you can do is provide just a few examples.

How to Firewalk

bighead says...

Michael Shermer work on acupuncture has been belligerent. in general he uses science as a way to vent his frustrations. he seems up tight and kind of a know it all. i know some one who sent him an e mail. this guy pointed how flawed and outdated Shermer views on acupuncture were. kind of funny ...

first science is a vague word. i think political science is important. and i like when nome chomsky backs up what he says with facts. sure other types of science can be useful.

"nothing in science is absolute". this is the rule that every one forgets when so involved in there studies to "save man kind." it gets old.
dont tell drug companies that there drugs are less then perfect because that will fuck up sales. if nothing is perfect, why do i have to use gold standard to justify everything. science has saved lives and it also kills people. the american medical association is second only the Catholic church in the bigest corporation ever.
if it doesn't sell it wont get funded . this is a big flaw. so i look else were. they can do as they wish but i will not worship there theories on what is right and wrong.

and the state of science seems to be lame in that new=radical views that DO follows scientific method are considered a joke because of big bucks. if people stand up challenge something it could be they get the ax at the job. everyone in the end has to follow what the man tells you or you are out = no work. in other words i see a dogma here.

another reason why i think its good to go beyond science you can be as logical as you want just remember some things are never absolute. like on star trek where science have given them so much ability . is it usually human nature that saves the day?

The case of the ,Jena six- Racism in Louisiana - pt 1

There Goes An Asshole by Shank Bone Mystic

bighead says...

you need more than a lock to keep a bike. those who steal are not simply what they seem to be. do you ever know what someones life consist of. belive everything you see and you will not find truth.

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