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Rachel Maddow - The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

Michael Moore Heats Up Sean Hannity (Both Parts)

Alan Grayson on the Offensive again

Family Guy - Disney Universe

La Vie En Rose-Pomplamoose

Bill Moyers: Tea Party Organizer Is Epitome Of Privilege

asynchronice says...


He fights against a health care option he has used/benefited from his entire adult life. His wealth and background only exacerbate his distance from the 'average American' he claims to represent. If privatized health care was so much better, he would have been using it.

Nail in the coffin ? Look at his top contributors:

Of course, you're completely free to believe it's all just a happy coincidence.

The Dr. Seuss Bible - Kids in the Hall

Police Handles Skateboarder Situation

Ricky Gervais "interviewed" by a pantless Matt Zaller

asynchronice says...

I would imagine, as a student of philosophy, he has an existential understanding of how utterly retarded these press junkets are, and he makes the best of it. And I seem to recall Gervais is somewhat a philosophy buff as well ? Brilliant, I say.

"Officers Trap Group of Students On A Staircase"

Panda Baby Gets a Checkup

TED Talks: The Web as random acts of kindness

Firemen and Police in Sweden attacked by Immigrant Youth

Richard Dawkins on CNN Connect the World

Neil DeGrasse Tyson On UFOs And The Argument From Ignorance

asynchronice says...

Jesus; can we please clone this guy and put him in every classroom in America ? Scratch that, the WORLD. I can't even approach his awesomeness.

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