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Jamie Simpson Dayton Ohio Weather Dude Gets Mad

TheFreak says...

Hannah and Connor were treated to a pleasant surprise on their one-on-one date when Lukas Graham performed their hit single, "Love Someone."

ant said:

So, what happened after this?


TheFreak says...

I believe it's a matter of personal identity.
The people in these clips are VERY involved in projecting their identity. You look at these people and you know right away exactly who they want you to see them as.

"Conservative" is part of that identity.
It's "Conservative" being sold as a brand, an image, and a lifestyle. The details of the Republican platform are secondary. In fact, you can project anything you want onto it. It doesn't matter what's behind the label.

People are looking for a sense of inclusion. It's reassuring to know that you can howl the right words in a crowded space and hear your pack howl back. If the words you howl are shocking to another group...well that's all the better, it fits your personal identity.

Sagemind said:

They vote against their own interests as they worship. Completely blinded.

Overhead Cam at 14K RPM

Overhead Cam at 14K RPM

370 Federal Prosecutors Would Indict Trump For Felonies

TheFreak says...

Nothing will come of any of this.
Due to partisan politics, he won't even be slapped on the wrist for any of his crimes.

Checks and balances depend on all elected officials, regardless of affiliation, to place the wellbeing of our country above their own self-interest. This is clearly not the case today.

It turns out that the only thing necessary for the USA to degrade into a dictatorship under a tyrant is for a single party to endorse it.

Very Fine People On Both Sides, Lee Was The Best General

Compressorhead - These bots are made for rocking

Star Wars IX Teaser (WITHOUT MUSIC)

Colorado Blizzard Aftermath - Woodmen Road Dashcam Footage

TheFreak says...

In the case of this storm, 100's of people were still stranded in their cars the next day. People stuck in their vehicles after Colorado storms are often picked up by emergency vehicles, national guard, good samaritans, etc. Most people in Colorado also carry emergency supplies in their car in case they get stuck like this.

I don't even know what's going on here. It was a cyclone with really high winds but only like a foot of snow. Not really a blizzard. It looks like a lot of those cars drove off the road when there was zero visibility and then got stuck. The rest are probably stuck because sudden ice made the roads impassable.

That storm started with reasonably warm weather and rain, then a sudden (SUDDEN!) drop in temperature and high winds. I think below that thin layer of snow was undrivable ice.

diggum317 said:

So what happened to all the people who were in those cars? Seems like it is in the middle of nowhere.

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

TheFreak says...

Redacted. Telling that story left me feeling nauseous.

Summary: All cops suck. They're either violent animals or covering for violent animals. That makes them all criminals.

newtboy said:

I was 18, barely supporting myself working at dominoes pizza. I felt sure I couldn't get a lawyer to talk to me without a video and hospital record, much less do something. I didn't have serious injuries, just some scrapes and dirty clothes, and a well earned lifelong distrust of cops.

Okilly Dokilly - White Wine Spritzer (Official Video)

Sword and Kama forms

TheFreak says...

wtf is this?

The thing is, the traditional arts related to that sword have not died out. They're still practiced. You can literally go on youtube and see exactly what a strike with that sword looks like.

It doesn't look anything like that.

Why did you need to replace the cheerleading batons with fake weapons? All those moves are just as impressive with sticks and a whole hell of a lot less embarrassing for everyone involved.

CRUELLA DEVOS - Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Dubai Creek Tower: Building the World's Tallest Structure

TheFreak says...

The worlds tallest building is a $1-Billion USD project.

Meanwhile, Herr Orange Führer would like $30-Billion USD to finance his ego-driven boondoggle.

Black Pearl

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