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Deliverance - Dueling Banjos Scene

Jaace says...

This is the only good part of this movie. I don't know why it's a classic. I watched it and I remember this part and the part where they get ass-raped by the inbred hill-billies.

Meh. Burt Reynolds is probably the worst actor in this too.

Asians Doing Christopher Walken Impressions

Starcraft 2 Intro using WoW machinima

Starcraft 2 Intro using WoW machinima

Meet John Daker - Singer Extraordinaire?

An Atheist Reads the Bible - THE TRAILER

Raw; Stolen Statue of Liberty Replica Beheaded

Jaace says...

Well, if they live in America then they should leave if they hate it that much.

I completely support people who want to try improving America but posting a hate video accomplished nothing. I ignore it.

14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

Jaace says...

What happened to a good 'ol billy club beating? I mean, really. If you're not fast enough...then you shouldn't be a cop. I feel like cops should be at the top of their physical game...not given little toys that inflict serious damage with the pull of a trigger.

Tasers should be categorized in the same area as guns; they are slightly less dangerous but can really cause some damage. Take the "complex techmology" away from these damn pigs.

Balloon Delivery Training Video

Jaace says...

Gawd! Watch out for those stray balloons! BTW, what is with the "Everything is Terrible" that now appears at the end of every 80s-ish video on this site? I'm pretty sure it's added in...does that qualify as a *meme?

My Favorite Thing to Sift, Kassie. Gay is the New Black!

The God Warrior - Flip-out highlight reel

The God Warrior (a.k.a) SHE'S NOT A CHRRRIIIISTIAAAN!!!!

Young Turks Watches The Sex Tape Teacher Gave to Class

Jaace says...

OMG!! They saw a naked woman for a few seconds!! THE WORLD IS OVER!! ARRRRGH

Yet, they are probably playing violent video-games and watching violent movies and tv shows...

We have a serious issue in this country. Tell me, if what she accidentally recorded onto the DVD wasn't her sex tape but instead a clip from a Terminator movie or the like, would they be just as upset? Would it make national news? The answer is no.

America is afraid of sex.

Sticky road: People getting stuck on freshly tarred street.

Palin Resigns as Governer of Alaska!

Jaace says...

LOL! I just noticed this ad at the top of this page: "Support Sarah PAC, DONATE!"

Ad space for the Palin, eh VideoSift? I'm disappointed.

From that site: "In August 2008, Senator John McCain tapped Governor Palin to serve as his vice presidential running mate in his Presidential campaign." Yeah, I bet he did tap that.

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