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American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

Jaace says...'re supposed to hit below the face. That way the bruises don't show!

...but seriously, who does that to a girl? I mean, if she were a body builder, then all's fair. But she's not, she's just a bitch, so don't be a dick and stoop to her level.

Also, beer in the face is tasty while head on cement is hurty. Not justified.

Carbon Patch for Your Farts and Outlawing Crotch Grabbing

How boringly can you present your products?

What exactly IS Schrödinger's Cat?

Oh my God, what if you atheists are wrong!?!?!

Ann Coulter Slams V.P. Biden

Guy Installs Horn from a Navy Destroyer on his car!

Church Sign Says: "Islam is of the Devil."

The God Warrior - Flip-out highlight reel

Worlds Strongest Vagina

Caught in the Act


Jaace says...

I guess we forgot about Bush already, eh neo-cons?

You elected Bush TWICE. I don't want to hear ANY complaints** until after Obama has been in office for a full 8 years and nothing has gotten better and everything has gotten worse.

So shaddup.

** Not that we shouldn't criticize him...but this stuff isn't gonna happen overnight. Technically the job loss started under Bush and hasn't been repaired yet. Blame the right person plz.

1 Million lbs. of Force Exerted on Concrete Pylon

1 Million lbs. of Force Exerted on Concrete Pylon

If Iran Sleeps Tonight, It Sleeps Forever

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