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Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

CreamK says...

"Stunt" bikers or "bombers" are the worst bunch on two wheels. They are generally jus scared babies going to extreme douchiness when in a group. I'll take 1% any day instead of crouch rocket hooligans.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Republican Shutdown Threats

CreamK says...

Agree.. Universal healthcare to me is a human right. It makes my heart go all warm and gooey inside when i look from my balcony and know that no matter what apartment i'm looking at, the people inside are taken care off if they need help.

It's cheaper and above all, more equal. That last concept is totally unknown to modern USA, the American dream seem to be "more for me, less for you". Rather than just success you need to be better than the rest. Inequality is one way to accomplish that.

ChaosEngine said:

Or you could, I dunno, just remove the profit motive from health care and treat people like humans if they get sick?

I don't think people in the US actually realise just how disturbed and fucked up their whole system seems to the rest of us.

Bible Slavery: It's A Totally Different Thing!!

CreamK says...

About 4 minutes was just repeat and trying to come to a punchline that we all realised.. and then it never came.

To Chingalera: Slaves are slaves, it is and always has been wrong no matter how well you treat them. The point of this story is not slavery but inequality that's inherit in the Old Testament and it's many stories.. Men were not created to be equal, according to bible but simply who ever told the story was superior and had Gods given rights to be superior, no matter what they did to other tribes, it was justified. Kind of like.. well.. christian countries do: be equal and fair towards the people inside your country.

Men of the Sift, Is this a thing? Seriously??

CAD West Low flying jet site in Wales - The Mach Loop

Plane Loses Power Cockpit Footage

CreamK says...

That is what training is about. If you listen black box recordings of planes that are few seconds from certain crash and most likely death of the pilots, they are like the receptionist from a hotel lobby. "here's you room key and complementary..." "check the flaps, turn the fuel injection off.. " silence. It's the most precious physical quality in the cockpit as the more calm you are, the better judgements you make. Also when you are following that kind of routine, the desperation doesn't incapacitate you. The downside is that they rarely get to send their farewells to family, that's not in the checklist.

Have to send congrats to this pilot, he acts exactly like one should. It's really admirable.

G-bar said:

the calmness of it all is disturbing. I would be shitting my pants at about the 30 seconds mark...

How to Get the Cops Called on You During DayZ

Werner Herzog and his albino mutant crocodiles

CreamK says...

Herzog reminds me of the old artists, painters and poets i spent my youth with.. Oh the decadent bohemian days in the 90s. Really miss the old geezers.

Quantum Computing Explained

CreamK says...

Having the same problems as many here, how is still unexplained. I've heard this "explanation" given in multiple occasions. None seem to think that we would like to know how it computes, not what quantum is...

How can you trust a computation that you have no way of monitoring? A computation that magically gives the right answer? "It just happens, trust us" seems to be the way. Until someone comes up and explains it, it's hocum.

A lot of us in these internet days have a good grasp of what the leading science is about. Not detailed information but the basic concepts are well understood. Quantum is old news, string theories, multiple dimensions.. We are not children in science anymore so don't treat us such.

Kebab Master

CreamK says...

LOL: "The Shawarma Mast..." This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by FariosOil.

Now i WANT to see this and what the heck is FariosOil?

Guy Beats DUI Checkpoint With Silence

CreamK says...

There is an inherit problem when dealing with police. They can ask your ID, you are not required to do so. But when you refuse, they got more reasons to ask for that ID. Here, they can knock on your door and ask if they can come in. If you refuse, that's enough ground for a search. "Why are you refusing?" is a question that has no answers. "Just because" is not enough. This aspect is heavily abused by law enforcement every where in the world and causes more and more problems. If everyone started to it, we would be good but we still have over whelming majority that says "if you ain't got nothing to hide.."

Insane Hill Climb!

Laughing Cameraman Compilation

CreamK says...

Glad to see that there was only one dude in this whole video who laughs at the failers face and not to the fail itself. It ruins a lot of fail videos, you the type: you lie down in agony and he comes and laughs 10cm from your face, the laughter is not genuine joy but meant to hurt. I have never understood the reason why and it makes my blood boil. In this compilation you can find the douchebag at the end ~7:00 (at least it starts genuine but then.. you'll see what i mean.)

"Vivaldi Tribute" (Patrick Rondat) Tina S cover

CreamK says...

Pretty good. Too bad she has her pick angled so that on fast passages the ratio between picking noise (or attack) and sustain is way off. The result is a noisy mess where listener has very little time to recognize different notes. She needs to keep the pick more parallel or use a different shape pick. But she is only 14 so kudos where kudos belongs....

George Carlin Segments ~ Real Time

CreamK says...

If i'm mistaken, The two in power have made it so that there is no possibility to have a third party in the USA. Unless majority of people is behind this third party, it will not gain those privileges that are granted in almost every other democratic country to all parties. As it is now, you are forced to campaign without any visibility and you are not allowed to enter debates.

IMHO, it is not democratic if you have only two options. Yea, it beats the dreaded one-option million-to-one but it's still just one step towards democratia. Without a third option what you see in the USA is exactly what was to be expected.

With three or more parties, the changes of reaching optimal solutions increase and the changes of corruption decreases. With two, it seems that corruption is as high as it would be with one-party systems.

Solutions: make campaigns funded from the public funds and outlaw any kind of private funding. Make this option available to ALL parties and give all of them equal chances. Dismantle "lobbyism" and stop revolving door completely.

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