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Christian Rock Guitar Hero Clone: Guitar Praise

13150 says...

^The game itself is not trying to indoctrinate children - it is attempting to appeal to parents who have ALREADY indoctrinated their children. When I was growing up, I could BARELY even listen to the kind of music featured in this game (ultra-conservative parents). Music was the first thing about which I was at all open-minded, and that allowed me to become open-minded about the rest of the world.

Guitar Hero - World Tour Drum Kit - Geek

School Bus Driver Chokes Mentally Disabled Child

13150 says...

This is sick...every single official tries to blame it on someone else - it's not the bus driver's fault, it's the district's fault for not providing a monitor, it's the NEA's fault for not putting the requirement for a monitor in writing, etc.

The simple fact is that there's plenty of blame to go around. The district is certainly at fault for not making sure he had a monitor (and for trying to deny the fact that the request for a monitor was in writing), but the bus driver is primarily at fault for acting like a behaviorally challenged child herself. She's an adult, responsible for the safe transport of multiple special needs children, which means that, regardless of anyone else's shortcomings, it is her own damn fault that she got up, walked to the back of the bus, and choked a child. There is no excuse, and it is inexcusable that the district put her back to work on another bus for a while.

Barack Obama's First Youtube Address

William Ayers Tells His Side Of The Story

13150 says...


"Demoncrat"? Really? Because all we need is more silly nicknames "demonizing" our opponents. And don't forget who one of the key figures was in actually sparking the attitudes that led to those wars: Republican senator Joseph McCarthy - the truest example of a traitor and domestic terrorist this nation has ever seen. Were it not for people like McCarthy, it's possible we might not have had the same level of National Paranoia that ultimately led to the travesty of the Vietnam war.

William Ayers Tells His Side Of The Story

Ice Ice Baby: The Christian Version

Who owns the rain? In Utah, not you!

13150 says...

Wow. That's one of those stupid laws you expect every state to have at least one of, but I'm amazed the state is actually trying to enforce it. I'm even more amazed they're trying to enforce it with a straight face.

Half Life: Full-Life Consequences 2: What has Tobe done

I wanna be the guy Boss Rush- best time 8:08

13150 says...

I recognized every game ripped off except for penultimate. Where the hell is Zangief from SF2 a massive green boss? Or is it just a somewhat ridiculous rip of SF2, just like the last one is a bizarre ripoff of Birdo?

Dick Morris Claims Palin Saved GOP From Blowout

13150 says...

You know, I could have sworn that the Republicans DID have a blowout defeat.

And just for the record, his timeline is a little off. If started during the Clinton impeachment, that's nowhere near 15 years ago.

It's almost a given that any politician who can inspire a grassroots movement is more likely to win. If the Republicans aren't inspiring these movements outside of mega-churches, maybe they should take a step back and ask themselves why.

Tony Blair wins Obama-style, then fucks up country (1997)

Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden? (full movie)

13150 says...

The premise is a bit ridiculous (e.g., I'm going to go find Bin Laden myself, even though the combined might of several militaries has been unable to do so), but that ridiculous premise is used to good effect to show off how complex the underlying issues really are.

Have to say, though, that having been to Israel myself, I wonder if he wasn't just using footage of those Israelis who reacted poorly to him. There are moderates and extremists on both sides of that can of worms.

Dim Mak - Do you believe? I don't

13150 says...

What I find hilarious is that he says athletes are among the least susceptible to his "powers." Shouldn't that mean that his students become LESS susceptible as he trains them? Shouldn't it also mean that he himself is not so susceptible? Total BS.

Joe Scarborough Says "Fuck You" On The Air

13150 says...

Ya know, it's really not that hard to filter what you're saying mentally. I've got a very foul mouth, but I've never had a problem with filtering my wording around people who might not appreciate the profanity. Must have been a long day for Joe the Pundit

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