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Thank YOU, Sarah Palin

13150 says...

Yeah, the last one was a bit over the top. The majority of pro-choice people I know (including myself) favor abortion being safe, legal, and needed as little as possible.

IGN hatefully reviews Sonic Unleashed

13150 says...

And no one is surprised. I dunno, I may still rent it to play the daytime levels - they look like a nice return to classic Sonic form, but the night time levels looked like torture throughout the game's development cycle.

Douglas Adams: Parrots the Universe and Everything

Obama Civil Defense Plan - Mandatory Civil Service

13150 says...

From what I understand, not only is the plan almost entirely voluntary (except where it concerns education), it is also designed to give students a chance to better themselves through a college education. I can tell you with absolute certainty that if I could get a $4,000 per year tax credit toward my Master's Degree just for putting in 100 hours of service, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I'm holding out hope that the 50 hours per year required of middle- and high-schoolers will also count as an education credit, because a $12,000 education credit, coupled with continued service throughout college, would be a tremendous benefit to students who might otherwise never be able to go to college.

That said, I'm a little nervous about the service as well...I want to see what will come of it, but Obama has expressed interest in this being like Americorps or the Peace Corps...that's hardly the Hitler Youth.

Conservatives Blame Unions, CAFE Standards For Auto Collapse

13150 says...

Upvote for the guy at the end - "The problem is that they're not selling cars people are/want to buy)." GM had the chance to break into the electric car industry over a decade ago, and instead they crushed every single one of the cars once the lease had expired. Rather than releasing a newer generation, they left the technology buried. If they had been producing their all-electric cars at any point over the past 4 years - especially if they had actually been SELLING them - GM would have been one of the most profitable auto makers in the world.

Catherine Tate - Lauren asks The Queen, Is One Bovvered?

Every Single Mortal Kombat vs DC Fatality

13150 says...

Wow. And now that I'm done viewing them all, thank you SO much just saved me the cost of a game rental! I've never really cared for the Mortal Kombat games beyond playing them for the fatalities. Almost every other fighter out there has better gameplay. These really just aren't worth it in any fashion whatsoever, and the superhero "brutalities" look like they've somehow confused "comic" with "comedic." Seriously, every other one left the opponent stuck in the ground wiggling like Wile E Coyote!

Every Single Mortal Kombat vs DC Fatality

13150 says...

Needs more head explosions. They made The Clapper into an Acme gag! Also needs more open-heart surgery. You can't have Kano in a Mortal Kombat game and NOT let him rip out his opponents' hearts! It's just not done!

Megaman Movie: The Official Trailer

Angry Video Game Nerd Reviews the Sega 32x

Angry Video Game Nerd Reviews the Sega 32x

Angry Video Game Nerd - Gets Angry About The Sega CD

13150 says...

Lovely, but I have to disagree about The Adventures of Willy Beamish. I love all of Sierra's games, and Willy Beamish is no exception. He just doesn't appreciate classic adventure games.

Love the rest of the video, though.

Christian Rock Guitar Hero Clone: Guitar Praise


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