new invocation request

I was just talking with darksun and he had a great idea.

As parents, we VSifters appreciate the "nsfw" for letting us know which vids need screening from the kiddies at all costs.

Well, sometimes I'll start one thinking it's fine and then we get suprised. (Mento/dietcoke parody?)

Darksun mentioned a *nsfw invocation to be able to tag a video that needs it.

How about it?
benjee says...

I think that would be useful - although if someone suggests that a vid is risky (via comments) the submitter should at least amend the title (like my vid @ ). Maybe some guidelines on what type of thing is NSFW? For example, some words are considered swearing by some and not by others - its a very subjective topic: if something is suitable for your workplace or not. Luckily, my job is very relaxed: us System Admins get away with alot as we won't be monitoring ourselves!

lucky760 says...

That's actually already been implemented, swampgirl. :-)

"my blog post didn't show up in the recent comments thread."
I don't think they ever do because a blog post is not a comment. :-P

lucky760 says...

No. It just flags it as NSFW so it is hidden if your NSFW filter is turned on in your profile. If the filter is off, "warning" icon will be displayed beside the video.

swampgirl says...

well what do you know!

Things seem different since I was here this morning. I see a the preview below that wasn't here earlier today. Neato!

Thanks, Lucky

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