a collective about the mind

well? any opinions on this straight-away?

i'm talking about neuroscience. the biology, psychology, and physiology of the brain. i'm also talking about biomedical engineering involving the central and peripheral nervous system. i'm talking about disease, pharmaceuticals and therapeutics involved in brain disorders and maladies.

these sort of posts would likely otherwise drop into rembars big science collective, and maybe stuff that fed would like to see on his documentaries collective. but i figure a collective on the subject might spur more posts related to it.

i present the idea simply because i'm passionate about the subject, and sharing knowledge about it.
Eden says...

It's a great idea - I have thought in the past about a 'Human Body/Human Mind' collective, and wondered if it would overlap too much with Rembar's science sift, but I think you're right - you've thought about it more in depth than me and I think there is good scope for it.

What do you think about including the body in there as well?

bluecliff says...

karaidl mentioned a technology collective
- simple and elegant.

why not a general medical/medical science collective? (you would have to rob the science collective of it's pretty little picture though)

choggie says...

medical science
industrial engineering
veterinary forensics

micro manage trhe world!

For all you folks asking about how my posts fit into my own collective...(1 hr live jazz film with Horace Silver, and Cab Calloway, etc) if you have not already guessed, I roll in a non-linear fashion, and the wildness of Cab Calloway for his time, of Betty Hutton, of Be-Bop, 3rd stream, and fusion of the jazz scene in the 50's and 60's, all fit into my ideas of the wild west....I.E. western Hemisphere......cowboy stuff fits too, as well as wild children, animals, or political leaders, Nazis, leaders of facist socialist regimes bent on world domination (China, N. Korea-otherwise known as Human-Hating assholes).....gee, you think in China I could talk shit about their leaders??? Or could I waltz over to N. Korea, stand in the square, and shout, "Kim is a Dickweed!!" without getting beaten or imprisoned???? Perhaps.....I am an American goddamnit, and still proud of it.....but give that shit a few years....what with the past couple of generations that my country has produced, we are headed down a rocky road with idiots at the helm, and putties to feed them the raw materials.....blood, sweat, and BRRRAAAAIAINNS!

karaidl says...

If I hadn't taken over EIA, I would have started my own "Rodents looking at cameras funny with dramatic music" collective. Sure, in foresight people would have thought it to be strange, but I would have had the highest vote average!

rembar says...

Yes, if you start it I'm sure a collective about neuroscience would do terrifically, I'd been wondering about suggesting breaking up the Science collective into smaller collectives or at least having sub-collectives. Brain.videosift.com, anyone?

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