VideoSift version 3.0 Screenshots

Well, our good friend James Roe is off earning a living so I decided to step in and share a couple of screenshots myself. This is the current state of v3.0, but is still pretty far from complete with lots of components still lingering in the ether eagerly awaiting our attention. So, without further ado...

Front Page

Member Profile

You may notice the dark gray background. That's just a charter profile CSS style.

Playlist Comments

Dead Pool

What do you think? Share your opinions here.
Zifnab says...

Nice... Goodbye Queue, hello Unsifted! Looking forward to the dead pool as well. Is there going to be a way for someone to permanently delete one of their own posts so it wouldn't show up the dead pool?

Thanks for everyone's hard work, I'm really looking forward to 3.0.

lucky760 says...

>> shithot smokeshifter clips???
Don't look at me. That's Dag's business.

>> How will the "applaud quality" and "inappropriate remark" work - or is that settled yet?
When enough Gold Star members have applauded a comment, the comment author receives a star point. When enough Gold Stars mark a comment inappropriate, the comment is simply deleted. The spam link works similarly, except after a couple of comments are deleted as spam, the author's account is auto-banned.

>> Is there going to be a way for someone to permanently delete one of their own posts so it wouldn't show up the dead pool?
Yep. As always, the [*]discard invocation will be available, ... I take that back. Deadpool videos cannot be discarded because once they hit that status, they become community property. If a video did well enough to be published, it's earned a permanent spot on the site. Surely someone else will try to come along and fix the video to claim ownership and its votes.

>> ...dunno about that comment rating thing. Looks like something easily abused.
Thanks to the wonderful star system, it really shouldn't be abuse-able because only Gold Stars can use those tools and it also requires a group of votes for any action to cause a change. So several Goldies would have to be working in collusion for any abuse to occur. (And, you're welcome, SG! )

choggie says...

man, those goldies will be the death of poor me....i know of 3-5 right now who would love to axe me a sequestion....I say we appoint plastiquemonkey as the final judge.....and karaidl, Jr. executioner....

gorgonheap says...

Love the deadpool. I'm wary of the applauds and inappropriate comments. I've already made one enemy on the site. The bigger the community grows the more toes people step on. (Can you believe we don't all see things the same way?! Crazy I know). I think some people don't take it well when you downvote their vids, but then stick a wagging finger on a comment. That's just fuel to the fire bro.

mlx says...

Instead of deleting the comment after it's been marked as inappropriate by X number of Goldies, why not shadow it so that drops down Ajax style. That way the thread can stay intact if necessary.

And if the name of the Queue is changing to 'Unsifted' why not name the first tab or home page 'Sifted'?

dw1117 says...

Please have a way to change your screen name in the new version or least a way to have it appear different to others. I signed up over a year ago just to share a video and the next thing I know I've visited every day since (with a shitty screen name). Case in point, you're screwed if you picked a crappy one like mine.

lucky760 says...

>> I'm wary of the applauds and inappropriate comments.
As far as inappropriate comments go, there will be an unambiguous definition of what may validly be marked inappropriate. On the existing site, there are currently very few instances of such inappropriate comments, but as the site grows this will become a more prevalent problem. Things like racist, sexist, or flat-out vulgar personal attacks might be a couple of examples, whereas a comment that doesn't make any sense, lacks substance, or is just annoying to read is not inappropriate.

It shan't be like video up/down votes where you go post-by-post exercising your powers of opinion on user comments; it'll be more like by happenstance you encounter an exceptionally well-stated point and think it's a quality contribution or come across something that clearly is outside the comment posting guidelines. Essentially, it's Online Comment Quality Control.

>> And if the name of the Queue is changing to 'Unsifted' why not name the first tab or home page 'Sifted'?
I personally think that's not a half bad idea. (And see, if we were already in v3.0 I'd applaud that comment. )

karaidl says...

Let me be the first to say I am NOT wary of the comment control system. I think it's a great idea and possibly the only way we can preserve what makes this site different. This is the only place I actually bother to read what others write, and for good reason.

Is too much innappropriate commenting a banable offense? Since it requires three votes to delete a comment, maybe we could make three deleted comments worth a ban?

And please tell me there's gonna be a way to search for members. It'd make it a lot easier on me.

choggie says...

yeah, the last comment thing is one way to find folks, but a last signed in on a pop-up pass-over, would be cool....member since 5-05...but only posted 1 what....

A "Last Seen Missing" Column....cause it ain't like youtube, that don't giveadam if you been on or not, we care about the people that click-in...and out....wel, I don't, but some folks do...respect!

gorgonheap says...

Yeah, but I want the story. What happened to Snake? or Raven? We be missing too many people. But I suppose you can't well ax members even if they haven't so much as peeped at the sift in 3 years... or can you?...

swampgirl says...

is there a search in the dead pool? A search in discards would be awesome. "sifting and sifted" sounds better than "unsifted and sifted" Un-sifted? It's like a sift's being demoted or something.

As for the missing members.. a MIA smacked across their avi or profile would be funny j/k
Seriously...Raven's only been away like a week? She could be on vacation for all we know

karaidl says...

Firefly: ^--stalker!

Jeez, that's the second time! C'mon, people, it's not like search engines are a strange world of weirdos.

Dag: How would a member search work?

Uhhh... Gee, Dag, that's a toughy. Maybe we could search for members with it?

If you know their name already, you can use the Top Users list, and list them alphabetically.

Takes too long! And it's annoying!

Raven: can't I get away for bit???

NO!! You can never leave the Hotel California that is VideoSift! This could be heaven or this could be hell, you're choice...

djsunkid says...

.... I just had a thought about the deadpool. What about "fixing" old vids with embed codes of videos that are substantially different? Will we just have to try and keep an eye out for that sort of thing, or is there some way to check for it?

Also, a "videos downvoted" tab! wooooo! I'm SO happy about that. Well DONE!

Any thoughts on a system for different awards that a video can have? ie: saved, promoted, top15, fast riser, etc?

James Roe says...

Ant, we are actually going to get another server account in about a month and have a beta test before transferring the site over to it. Because a full production server is not relatively cheap and we are misers we are trying to develop the CMS completely before we launch that, but have no fear we will beta test before forcing everyone onto the site.

James Roe says...

"Any thoughts on a system for different awards that a video can have? ie: saved, promoted, top15, fast riser, etc? "

That is in our great to do list in the sky, but about a month ago we froze vs 3.0 features. It was suffering from HEAVY FEATURE CREEP. As such that feature won't see the light of day until 3.1.... Which of course is going to give me a whole new slew of things to say that feature is coming about

Also, if any video producers want to get in touch with me about making a time lapse of our to do list similar to the VT shootings wiki video let me know via email or a profile message. I can get you access to a bunch of revisions of the document, i think it would make for a compelling sift, and about half way through the dev process we started using author colors to make it easier to see who had made edits so it is perty.

James Roe says...

3.0 is such a large update for us that we were tempted to put everything including the kitchen sink into it. As the project grew in size we realized there had to be some sort of limitation to how far we went with it. I don't think everyone here understands just how large of an undertaking it is. Lucky is essentially rewriting pligg and all of our modifications to it by himself in a 5 month time span. He actually has a day job too.... at any rate it's quite a hefty chunk of code, and we basically had to put a freeze on the features in order to make sure that at some point it would be ready to deploy. We held onto everyones favorites like the dead pool, sponsored charter memberships, and the advanced search but some of the more recent feature suggestions got delayed so that we could concentrate on this major milestone.

James Roe says...

Do I make a living? no, but it helps defray some bills. This is sort of a labor of love for us at the moment. We would love to run VideoSift full time and do nothing but that, but at the same time what would such a transition require from our ethics? We've rejected numerous ad requests from low tier advertisers hoping to hold out for actual "classy" advertisements if there is such a thing. In our opinion we are the New Yorker or Harpers of online video, they certainly don't have punch the monkey ads on their sites so why should we.

That said advertising is coming, and it's sort of our belief that it will help us drive an upswing in charter membership. Which is really what pays the bills at the moment. Because we don't really want to advertise, we just want to help people find awesome video, and we love the fact that the charter membership lets us reward users who help us with an ad free environment.

joedirt says...

INCREASE THE DAMN TAGS FIELD Is there any reason tags are totally useless because someone decided 20 chars is enough???

NO one uses tab because (1) Search treats tags and title the same, so why put redundant tags up if it is in the title
(2) you can only get four words in the tags.

Up the tags field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joedirt says...


I will again warn you guys.. I have no toruble with ads, heck google ads, paid ads, flash ads... fine. But I am serious about DO NOT MIX in video ads as regular videos. It is just a bad idea unless you mark them as an ad.

I'm not saying someone shouldn't be able to pay to have their video on the frontpage like an auto-queue. But you really run the risk of driving people way. It is almost as annyoing as SKIP THE AD or the 30 second ad previews.

lucky760 says...

>> Up the tags field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The title and tags fields have been increased in vs3 from the outset with limits of 100 and 60, respectively. Also, tag links will work differently (better) and be limited to only alphanumeric chars.

>> can there be a *nuke for the dead pool?? So for duplicates or spam we can permanuke them?
By "permanuke" do you mean completely erase them? I don't think there will ever be a need for such a function. If a dupe is ever posted, it should be discarded immediately upon discovery; if chance has it that a dupe gets enough votes to be published then sits around until hitting the deadpool before it's found to be a dupe, we admins can manually discard. If you're thinking of malicious users in the deadpool, only Bronze Stars will be able to fix deadpool vids, so they should be trusted not to intentionally try to break things.

>> DO NOT MIX in video ads as regular videos
That goes without saying. We've never nor would we ever consider disguising ads as user content. If we ever do end up with video ads intermingling with regular video listings, they would absolutely be clearly marked as such.

Don't know if anyone noticed, but there is also a view count listed on posts so you can see how many times people (other than the submitter) have clicked into the post's detail page.

keefer says...

I have a suggestion, being fairly new to attempting to go through the queue in earnest (which seems to be quite a daunting task). It would be nice if you could somehow flag queued videos that you don't intend to vote for (kind of an apathetic vote I suppose) so if you're going through again watching stuff you didn't watch the first time you don't have to be bothered. That way you can hide both "voted-for" posts and "don't-intend-to-vote-for" posts.

looris says...

Instead of deleting the comment after it's been marked as inappropriate by X number of Goldies, why not shadow it so that drops down Ajax style. That way the thread can stay intact if necessary.

I second mlx. I think I'm tough enough to bear the pain or reading an "inappropriate comment" at my own risk, if I decide to.

Note: just like in forum ignores, this should still tell you user and date, and hide the comment only.

joedirt says...


Regarding tag, if you are going to limit chars, can we limit tags to 3 or more chars, and no "," which eats up 20% of your chars anyways.

Phrases will be "blah blah"
tags: video tvshow comedy sitcom kitty "Jack Hanna"


I could give a crap about the title length. It is mostly fine where it is, but TAGS ARE USELESS even at 60chars. GO over to YouTube or any site and check out the tags for most videos. 60 including spaces and commas.. brilliant! That will help serach and find stuff.

David Hasselhoff, knight rider, <=== that is HALF of my chars!!!

lucky760 says...

>> Regarding tag, if you are going to limit chars, can we limit tags to 3 or more chars, and no "," which eats up 20% of your chars anyways.
Phrases will be "blah blah"
tags: video tvshow comedy sitcom kitty "Jack Hanna"

Tag length will have a minimum, but your point about commas and quotes don't compute. YouTube also has a limit (130 chars) which includes any spaces and quotes; if we eliminate commas you still have to count the space between tags, except then you'd also have to count 2 more chars for quotes around multiply termed tags.

>> TAGS ARE USELESS even at 60chars.
Personally, I can't say I agree with you at all. Right now the limit is 40 chars and they appear to have had some usefulness for the last 1.3 years.

>> David Hasselhoff,knight rider, <=== that is HALF of my chars!!!
True, it's 30 chars, but with the method you've proposed, the equivalent entry would be "David Hasselhoff" "knight rider" which is 34 chars.

>> Is there going to be a better search engine?
Yep, there'll be an advanced search page that will hopefully include any type of search you may ever need to perform.

MINK says...

yeah it would take hours to go thru this thread and consider all the implications of what is said here, let alone to code it. big ups to tha team for the hard work!

i'm pretty sure tags are useless because people don't know how to tag, and unless all videos are tagged properly by the same consistent brain then it has limited use. See fedquip's delicious for an example of good tagging (there is no way to force all members to learn how to do this and to bother to do it properly each time)

comment voting... ech ugh bleeaeaaghhh it's called a witch hunt. i'm with choggie on that one.

ads: as soon as the ad noise gets above factor 0.2 i will go elsewhere, that's just me, i can't fucking stand people trying to sell me stuff when i am chillin.

moneymakin: how about a whitelabel version of the sift? i mean, it's pretty clear that the sift works best as a small community not a sprawling youtube mess.. so maybe other people/businesses would want a whitelabel version to set up their own community. you shouldn't aim for the original videosift to be world dominant, or you will be digg. (you mentioned the "upmarket" advertising... that's what i am thinking here... separate yourself from the masses)

and as for how it looks... erm... i guess you haven't been concentrating on graphics and typography yet?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yeah the typography will be polished for sure - after all of the hard stuff is done.

As for graphics, there just aren't a hell of a lot of them. All of the curvy layout bits (tabs + voteboxes) Lucky did as pure CSS, no background images. This should help the server load and performance a lot.

arvana says...

Lucky, you need to turn on screen anti-aliasing! 

It looks like it's going to be great -- rounded corners always a plus!

I'm getting a charter membership today. Gotta make sure you guys can eat! 

MINK says...

good news about low graphics... i get problems all the time with graphics not showing up and delaying the loading of the video.
i think the snapshots at the bottom of the page are the worst culprit.
i tried blaming safari but firefox does it too. so many page elements loading from so many servers i guess.

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