Top Badge Achievers

We have just added the Top Badge Achievers page under the Members tab. It lists the top 10 members who have earned the most of each available type of badge.

There have been some pretty surprisingly high levels achieved by some members. Where are you in the standings?

Let us know if you have any suggestions for the page.
Hybrid says...

Sweet! I didn't realise the Golden One was incorrect as well! >> ^lucky760:

>> ^Hybrid:
@lucky760 - quality badge page!
I think the top entry for PunkJay in Pop Stars is incorrect. Have a look at his profile and profile comments to see why.

Pop Star and Golden One stats have been corrected. You, @Hybrid, are now #1 for both badges. Well done!

SlipperyPete says...

Not sure if they were ever published, but maybe include the thresholds for levelling up? Some (like Duper) I seem to earn every 3-4, whereas I have yet to receive timekeeper or assister despite lots of contributions to those categories.

Cuz knowing is half the battle.

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