Probationary Members Posting Sift Talks

It would be a good idea if probationary members' sift talk posts be approved by Dag,James and or Lucky before being submitted.

Better yet, a "P" should wait until he/she's published before posting comments here.

This not-so-silentpoet fella is an example. He's done more work here on Sift talk than he has on his own membership.
joedirt says...

I could see a banned acct or something re-signup to post a general grevience sift talk.. I'm not so worried about "P" aifttalks.

Don't forget all submission are the same whether in the queue or in the SiftTalk.

Just discard it it they deserve it.

swampgirl says...

"Don't forget all submission are the same whether in the queue or in the SiftTalk."

I thought sift talk submissions changed in that way JD. Only when someone gives it a quality invocation now does it count?

HaricotVert says...

I still don't have a single published video (and thus still probationary), but I've been a member since Nov. 30 and was lurking for months before that. I comment and vote regularly, and contribute to discussion when I can.

I urge you not to seriously consider removing voting and commenting from members who don't have a published video (as rembar suggests). Some of us just like to sift the videos other people find, or are simply not as good at finding videos that will make it to the front page. It's not for lack of trying, I've attempted to post multiple videos but they either:

1. already existed.
2. didn't exist, made it to the queue, got 3 votes and buried itself deep in the queue.
3. found a better video, *discarded the previous one, posted the new one, got 3 votes, and now is buried deep in the queue.

It's a thorough process, but ultimately frustrating for more casual users like myself.

I love this community, I think it's a great aggregator of information and entertainment. Just don't revoke my voting/commenting priveleges please!

Farhad2000 says...

I agree with HaricotVert.

There is abuse of people who don't actually contribute to the community and just come to comment troll needlessly and usually offensively, but the amount is not really that significant to take such drastic actions yet. Posts can be removed. And these people don't usually hang around for a long time anyway finding somewhere new to troll about on. And am talking the worst cases, a fair share of other users simply comment.

joedirt says...


The initial post just mentioned new accounts can spam and troll with SiftTalk posts.

This is a non-issue as they can be discarded like a regular video. No big deal. That's why they have a "P" next to their name. So this is not a problem. Move along everyone.

thesnipe says...

I have to agree that to publish a sift talk post a published video or some form of contribution should be acknowledged. Not to take away from HaricotVert since he can still post comments and everything. However consider this, the criteria for sending a video to sifttalk, i.e. *blog, requires a silver star rating. Therefore if we require a rating for *blog why not require a rating for regular posts as well?

I suggest that you should have at least one published video, or X amount of votes to strike up a new ST post. Let's reward people who vote (especially those in queue).

choggie says...

and may I chime in please, to point out, that while a particular, 'comfortable to everyone manner', of transferring a sentiment, from one sentient to some other, may still not be processed well, the above comment, is in no way "Ad Hominem" enough to have any panties ruffled......those so affected may do well to reflect and or ignore, what ever it IS THOU WILT! Be offended, be concerned, BE. That is the dance we all must perform, to the best and worst of our abilities......

This is a community, correct?? Adjust.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I don't know if this warrants a rule. Sometimes a new member might have something to post to ST that's pretty important, or an outside perspective that we need to hear.

As mentioned by others, for blantant spammage on Sift Talk, we can always just discard at our own discretion.

The loose "guideline" for Sift Talk in the sidebar applies. Posts should be about the community, or things happening in the online video world.

SilentPoet says...

I can see where you are coming from. But it can take a while for someone to lose his or her P. Take HaricotVert for example.

I would like to point out that getting rid of my P can take a good long while, as it has for HaricotVert. In the meantime, I think I can contribute on SiftTalk. I really don't see why that would be a problem. I could understand if someone started to simply spam the boards, but perhaps if someone simply tried to post a video would be a better requirement for posting on SiftTalk.

I know I may not have contributed much video wise as of yet, but my posts did have to do with this community, no? Besides, I submitted a video not long after I joined. As soon as I was able to (IE-the other video was discarded due to negative votes) I submitted another another. I am trying to contribute. If this site expects to gain new and active users, prohibiting posting and commenting would be a very bad step to expanding the community.

That is just my take on it, anyhow.

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