Is this my 15 Internet minutes of fame?!

Is this my 15 Internet minutes of fame?! The two top spots on "Top Rated New Comments" and a video in the top 15!?

Have I videosift-ly peaked? I am young, I have more to offer! Don't forget me, oh god, can't let this get to my head can't let this get to my head. Ok be cool, be cool, don't take the first offer they throw at you, be cool, be suave, act like you don't care, yeah, that's it. Ok... ok... just be cool about it. Alright, don't blow it! They'll know you're a three-hit wonder if you don't stop obsessing! Maybe I need a break, leave ‘em wanting more... no! They'll say I fell off the end of the world, crawled under a rock and died. Oh man, how do you guys deal with all this internet fame!?
raven says...

I recommend picking up a trendy coke habit and going on a binge of club-hopping followed by an obligatory stop by the cops and arrest for a DUI, then, check yourself into a posh rehab 'clinic', find jesus, get out back into the spotlight and do it all over again! Seems to work for a lot of celebs anyway.

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