How on earth do I rotate video?

I shot some lo-res mp4 video on my mobile phone a few days ago and once again I need to rotate the footage 90 degrees.

I have previously googled extensively but haven't really found anything that's open source which would be my preference. Everything else you can download looks a bit dodgy to be honest and all I want is this one function.

Any recommendations?
Deano says...

Thanks guys, I tried VirtualDub but it doesn't like mp4s. Guess I'm going to have to convert the mp4 into something else. I'm out of my depth here so any help is appreciated.

jonny says...

It's not the easiest program to use, but VLC can definitely do it. It can handle just about any codec and encapsulating formats out there (including mp4). I don't know how to rotate from the regular user interface, but you can launch it from a command line like this:

> vlc --video-filter=rotate{angle=90} videoclip.mp4

Once you've done that, just export it to whatever format you want.

Deano says...

You bastard Blankfist!

Yeah VLC does seem to rotate it but lord knows I'm struggling to convert/save. Thanks for the help, I'll take a break and research it later. It's a pity that VLC has a unfriendly interface.

jonny says...

Ok, apparently there is a lot more to it than I thought at first. I'm still mucking about trying to figure it out. I might have been mistaken in that I can only get it to rotate for playback so far.

In the meantime, go to Preferences, and click "Reset All" to get everything back to a known good place. I'm going to play around with it some more, and I'll let you know if I can get it to work.

Part of the reason for VLC's crappy UI is because it can do so many different things, it's hard to create a coherent UI for it all. The other is because it's an open source project that apparently does not have the services of a really good UI designer. And it was originally written as a command line Unix app.

jonny says...

Ok, I spent a couple hours trying to figure this out and still can't get it to work. But from the little research I did on videolan's wiki, it seems like it should be possible. You could always search/ask in the forums there.

jonny says...

dbot's suggestion looks to be best - assuming of course you have an intel based machine and are willing to put up with WINE if you're using MacOS. I meant to ask earlier what your system was.

Deano says...

Yay! MediaCoder works!

Sorry I should have mentioned I am mostly on my Windows 2000 laptop, though my work pc dual boots Windows 2000/XP.

Thanks for all the suggestions again and cheers Jonny for spending so much time on this - I hope you had fun I owe you a promote I reckon.

jonny says...

Cool, glad you found a solution. I use VLC a fair bit, so it's always worth trying to learn more about it. And there is always more to learn about it.

jonny says...

What?!?! This was all for a freaking cat video?!

As far as the title on the video - does it show up the same in all players? If so, it might be in the source, in which case, you probably can't get rid of it. On the other hand, I know VLC displays the file name by default during playback. You can turn that off in the preferences under video.

Deano says...

No it's definitely creating it somewhere as I renamed the file to something else, then it used that filename in the output video. Can't find it yet but hopefully I will.

Actually it's not just cat video - I worked at a conference last month and I filmed our stand and want to share it with the others. But the cat video is the most important thing

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