Cleaning up other post-3/11 issues

As the number of usernames needing to be fixed dwindles, other discrepancies need to be addressed. I'd like to use this post as a clearinghouse for other problems that need to be resolved.

Two important issues that need attention:

- BillOreilly isn't banned when he should be. Joedirt hobbled him in the mean time, but his ban needs to be re-instituted.

- Raigen is listed as banned with no explanation, so I'm assuming that's a mistake that needs to be corrected.

And there are two minor issues that I'll mention as well:

- My 'Dead Pool Fixes' number is listed as 366, but that's way too high. It should only be a little over 200 (the exact number I'm unsure of). This is a minor issue to me, i.e., I don't care if that number is right or wrong for my account. However others may care about theirs if their numbers are off too.

- This video of siftbot's originally had over 100 votes, but that number was lost somehow. Siftbot's other video, the light saber duel, had its number corrected, so shouldn't the other video be fixed too?

Has anyone else noticed any other problems besides vote recovery (which has been addressed here)? This would be the place to mention it.
Edeot says...

Using the Giuliani method, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring to run for VS admin.

In a post-3/11 world, we of course all remember the day of 3/11 in which 3/11 happened to all of us. But the 3/11-ey tragedy which occurred on 3/11 could not possibly tear us all apart. 3/11.


Vote for me.

Fjnbk says...

I haven't noticed too many other issues, other than a possible decrease in traffic. But that should pick up again after some time.

This recovery was very smooth and speedy. Thank you, admins, for your hard work.

jonny says...

A number of users have reported lost star points. I'm down 5 and K0MMIE mentioned being down 8 and I'm sure there are others. I haven't been able to figure out what specifically caused it.

In my own case, my star points were:

248 sifted
7 quality talk posts
46 dead fixes
3 applauded comments

joedirt says...

Star points are going to be off. I believe early on there used to be some star points based on various things (quality? applauded?) Anyways, I think star points are back to videos. Or maybe it is the dead pool fixes are missing/ off.

I wouldn't worry about it.

joedirt says...

The only other thing 'broken' is that some people have pqueued videos with more than 10 votes. But if anyone upvotes them the still go to the front page. So I don't think that is anything that needs fixed as it will just work itself out. You can beg or promote them if you can't wait.

Sagemind says...

I don't know if these are issues but I noticed...

My Votes Cast - WAS: 887 NOW: 196
My Profile views - WAS 5645 NOW 268

These are the only 2 places I see that the numbers haven't reverted.
Not that it matters, and I'm sure other people already noticed this as well, I just wanted to make it official!

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