lucky760 says...

I totally disagree with the bully sentiments.

He was in the middle of the most intense scene in the movie and was deep into character and emotionally invested in the scene when the DP started walking around while everyone else was still, breaking him out of character and his intense focus.

I think his outrage was justified. I too would be upset if I was trying so damned hard and someone very inconsiderately disregarded the weight of the moment by causing a big distraction.

deputydog says...

lucky, i totally disagree with your disagreement.

fair enough, the dp should've taken more care so as to not distract the big man during his big scene. but there's never any reason to completely belittle someone like that, completely blow your top and start acting like an unprofessional, agressive arsehole in front of the crew and extras. i know people like that and i'm pretty sure it isn't an isolated incident. as much as it pains me to say it, it seems the guy's a grade A cock.

however, the dark knight is still fucking awesome.

videosiftbannedme says...

He's got issues alright. It doesn't matter how deep in concentration he was, he can always get back into that state, given time. What you can't do is go around being a prick to everyone just because you consider your work more important that someone else's. If the shot meant that much to him, he should have calmly stopped and relayed that he can't concentrate with a DP who's stumbling around behind the camera, distracting him.

However, he also could have been having a bad day, as we all have had them. And considering what's been happening in his personal life as of late (didn't he get into a fight with his family or something?), I'm sure he's wound up pretty tight. But, that's no excuse for turning into a prima donna.

Hey, the guy is a world class actor; anybody who can go from being "Holocaust-thin" (ie. The Machinist) to packing on the muscle for Batman is grade A in my book. But that doesn't mean he wasn't being a prick and a little, whiny bitch in this instance.

lucky760 says...

Well, dd, I see your disagreement with my disagreement, and I raise you a disagreement.

Acting isn't much like any other profession. If someone distracts you while you're writing a newspaper article or flipping burgers or mopping a floor, your attention can be diverted and you can get back to what you were doing.

But when you're investing a lot of passion, intensity, and emotion into your character, it's not so easy to just turn it on again after someone drags you out of the moment. Yes, he did fly off the handle, and he may be a raging narcissist, but I'm just saying it's understandable under the circumcision.

deputydog says...

lucky - let's not bring circumcision into it.

i still disagree with you. i don't care how much passion etc he invested in the scene, it's still not acceptable or understandable. if he can't handle a disruption like that without turning into a brainless meat-head, he needs to take a break from acting.

lucky760 says...

>> he should have calmly stopped and relayed that he can't concentrate with a DP who's stumbling around behind the camera, distracting him.

Just mentioning because it bears little significance, the DP wasn't just moving around behind the camera, he was directly behind Bryce Dallas Howard who is the actress Bale was doing the scene with.

And I guess the DP had done the same thing multiple times.

campionidelmondo says...

Christian Bale is a prick, so what? I like him as an actor, I don't care if he's a prick or not, don't care at all about his private life. If he's in a good movie I'll probably watch it, that's it. Ever since that overhyped Batman movie he's gotten waaaaay too much attention.

But yes, he's a giant prick in this audio clip, no doubt. Nothing will get you out of character like screaming at the DP for 5 minutes. Seriously, everybody makes mistakes, Bale is the one who's unprofessional. Doesn't make the slightest difference to me tho, I never assumed he was a nice guy anyways.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yep, I would excuse if it was open-heart surgery and the patient died, or say a military technician who accidently spilled coffee on the "drop all bombs" button.

Otherwise, this is a question of man's inhumanity to man. Someone needs to give him a big glass of shut the fuck up.

Oatmeal says...

What a fucking asshole. He's a fucking actor... He gets paid millions of dollars to pretend all day. Pretend he's not there. What the hell do you think stage actors have to put up with? People are constantly moving around off stage, and audiance members may not be entirely silent either... totally unprofessional.

lucky760 says...

>> Someone needs to give him a big glass of shut the fuck up.

Funny thing about that statement is there have been reports from lots of other people who've worked with that DP in the past and they all say that he is a total filet o' prick on a scale only comparable to Christian Bale. They say he'd go around set screaming at people and belittling everyone around him and that he has needed a tall glass of STFU for years and they're elated to learn he's finally received it.


blankfist says...

Ladies! Ladies! No need to argue. I'll be your tie-breaker. Bale was being a cock. Even if the DP willfully strolled across Bale's scene, there are limits to being angry at someone, and those limits tend to begin somewhere right before charging at someone and saying you'll kick their ass. He should've walked off the set for a breather.

To be honest, is there any real proof the DP actually walked through Bale's scene? Maybe he was just walking about off camera but happened to catch Bale's eye? You know, sometimes actors can be huge cocksuckers to the crew. I remember working on set with Judge Reinhold on a sci-fi flick called Last Lives and he had a scene where he was croutched over an actor on the floor of a church. As Judge was flubbing his lines, he tried to cram in an expletive but instead sprayed a big wad of spit into the air. Immediately he tried to catch the spit in his hand before it landed on the other actor's bald head, but he only managed to karate chop it in half and the spit covered the bald man's head. It was hilarious.

Anyhow, I guess he was too embarrassed to say he was sorry, so he instead stood up, took the prop he hand in his hand (called "Lifebands" which I built most of) and tossed it across the room yelling something to the affect of "Goddamn, stupid pieces of shit Lifebands!" I had to go around and pick up all the remaining pieces to glue them back together. I never received so much as an "I'm sorry" from Judge, so... yeah... Bale was being a cock.

gwiz665 says...


"The DP on TERMINATOR SALVATION, Shane Hurlbut, is a apparently a light tweaker. He's a fairly young DP and likes to fiddle with his lights on set during action, which is a big "NO NO" on most productions unless worked out in advance with performers. But apparently Shane was a pretty unrepentant light tweaker.

The scene in question, was a very emotional and tough scene between Christian Bale and Bryce Howard. A scene that required soul bearing and a deep level of immersive concentration. The sort of scene where everyone on set knows not to get in anyone's eye lines, and definitely not to move lights around while FILMING. You lock that shit down before the scene starts.

Bale had indeed warned the DP on multiple occasions about messing with lights while the cameras were rolling, and Bale was in the midst of a painful scene with Bryce, what was described to me as being the emotional center of the film and his character for the film.

Now, the reason I know all of this is because the person that was there, felt that it should be made perfectly clear that Christian Bale was the utmost gentleman and cool guy on set. And the DP really was doing something that professional DPs with experience just don't do. Not during a performance. "

So it seems he was tweaking(?) the lights, not walking through the scene.

gwiz665 says...

I think the mob needs to set down the pitch forks and realize that there most likely is more to it than what's been covered here. He may well have been a dick here, but there's probably a reason for it.

Farhad2000 says...

I think we are all passing judgments on a situation we have very little information on. *shrug*

I still think it was cool, and totally one of the best audio clips I heard in ages. But then again I come from a family where people yell at each other all the time, so my outrage meter is fairly mild towards this.

I worked on making videos and it would also piss me off when someone fucked with the lights/scenery/etc mid way through a shot. It's just ridiculously unprofessional so I kinda understand. Bale says in the clip it's not the first time the DP did this.

Still I think this movie will suck either way, I mean motorcycle tron like robots? Godzilla bot? Will wait for DVDR torrent thank you.

RhesusMonk says...

K. Bale is a method actor whose wife had to threaten to divorce him before he would respond to her calling him anything but "Bruce" or "Mr. Wayne" throughout the prep period and filming of "Batman Begins." He was viciously difficult to manage on the set of "The Machinist" and "American Psycho." He is as well known for his deep method as Brando was during his prime. For most of us, movies are something we do once in a while for a good time, so they seem almost superfluous. But to method actors, knowing and being a character can be the greatest pursuit of their lives--no shit. If this did happen during an intense scene, and the activity of this guy, who seems to have been doing something entirely unnecessary at the time, was taking him out of character, it would truly compromise the integrity of the film. If you think that making a movie is not something to take seriously enough to blow up the way Bale did, think about how comparatively meaningless some of your jobs have been and how emotionally attached you've gotten to your tasks and responsibilities.

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