Channel ideas

Well, I recently got my diamond, which means I get to create my own little corner here at the sift. I'm assuming channel creation is still broken, but once it's fixed I'd like to be ready with an idea. That's where you guys come in -- as has become customary at this point, I've got a few different ideas which I'd like to run by everyone:

Short -- This one's pretty obvious (30 seconds or less); there's been some discussion lately as to whether or not a channel like this is needed. Blankfist came up with the idea first, so if he wants it he's got first dibs, obviously.

Trailers -- a channel just for movie trailers, new and old, classic and not-so-classic.

Short Films -- This wouldn't just be for short films per se, but for any video which attempts to tell a story from start to finish, so, for example, certain music videos or even comedy sketches might be able to find a home here.

Classic animation -- I know there's already an animation channel, but I think this would complement it quite nicely. Any cartoon from the golden age of animation (roughly the beginning of the sound era to the mid-to-late '60s) would be welcome here. No TV animation allowed! Good stuff only (ie. Looney Tunes, Disney, Fleischer, MGM, etc.). There are a lot of golden age cartoons on the sift, and this would be a good home for them.

Chimps! -- A channel just for the best and most hilarious members of the animal kingdom, chimps! I'm almost reluctant to start this one, because the sheer disproportionate awesomeness of this channel might just cause the entire sift to implode. Don't ask me how.

So there you go! Let me know what you guys think. Oh, and that last channel is a joke.

Or is it??
blankfist says...

If you want *short, it's all you! I've already picked my channel, so short is sitting out there all pink-and-naked ready for someone to snatch it up. I like the *trailer idea. That's a well needed channel, me thinks.

firefly says...

Right now we have 65 channels, and it's getting more difficult to find something separate or unique without a lot of overlap. For example: Trailers would be covered under Cinema; Classic Animation would be Vintage, History and Animation; Chimps could fit under Dogs&Cats&Others, or Nature.
That said, JoeDirt posted a list of categories from other video sites about a year ago (look in the comments too). There are lots of repeats, but perhaps you can get inspired from one of those. (Automotive? News? Health? Weird?)
p.s. from your list, I like "Short" and "Short Film" the best.

Eklek says...

I like the * short films channel: cinema is generally used only for feature films here AFAIK.
* Trailers falls under * cinema and generally lack the * commercial tag,
just like music videos, which are promotional videos for musicians, are generally tagged * music (and not also * commercial).

* Short shouldn't be a channel, but should be implemented like long, as I argued before

Chimps only? Not apes?, that would be a more general channel. More interesting I think would be an "animals behaving like humans" channel.

gwiz665 says...

Well, maybe we should have some sort of ordering of channels, to see if some were specializations of others. In the end I fear that it would turn into yahoo-hell with endless specializations and channels/topics.

I also think that we should have diamonds be able to suggest channels, but not wholly decide them, such that a really bad channel that is too specific ("bullet types used in saving private ryan"-channel), too general ("life, the universe and everthing"-channel) or too abrasive ("choggie and the lolcats"-channel.. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist) and so on, could be rejected. Such that we don't get a plethora of different channels.

Already some of the channels are sadly sparsely populated.

choggie says...

I started to make an LOLcats channel(2 days ago reading lolcatsbible)-....if it had not been broken, that'd been my latestt-I'd like t' see either Drugs channel or Jazz N' Blues channel (kulpim's suggestion was Jazz....."Black and Beautiful channel" would be great-all the jazz, blues, and hip would be there...)

schmawy says...

I'm thinking that at some point we're going to have to face the possibility that we can't go on adding channels indefinitely. Sarzy has some good ideas that are useful to the Sift, but In the distant future I'm preparing myself to maybe run an existing channel that someone wants to hand over.

Just a thought.

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