Amazed I had so much difficulty finding video coverage of this debacle. This past week the Texas State Board of Education voted on a number of changes to textbooks that will be used NOT just in Texas, but throughout the country. The 10 Republicans plowed through the 5 Democrats on the Board and made some utterly ridiculous changes. At least one of the most vocal conservative christian republicans on the board is a DENTIST WITH NO BACKGROUND IN AMERICAN HISTORY!!!
I'll try to summarize only a few of the items on this HUGE list of disgraceful changes found here -
* Removed references to "the reasons the Founding Fathers protected religious freedom in America by barring government from promoting or disfavoring any particular religion over all others.”
* Removed references to Englightenment thinkers including THOMAS JEFFERSON, in favor of religious icons Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin! So much for the Conservative's claim to honor the Founding Fathers.
* Removed the references to the concepts of “justice” and “responsibility for the common good” as elements of good citizenship. And attempted to remove references to "equality", as well, but failed.
* Attempted to water down instruction on the civil rights movement and the contribution of women and minorities.
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