(Warning - this can be harsh on the eyes and ears with rapid video cuts and loud sounds.)

After only finding two Emergency Broadcast Network videos on the Sift, I thought it proper to introduce a favorite piece from one of the earlier video mashup pioneers (consider that they did these mashups with little digital editing, if any!). EBN was a performance group originating in the Providence, RI area in the early 1990s. I'm told from fans that they used to drive a Ghostbusters-like station wagon around the city and play their music (reinforced by the Wikipedia entry) until they were eventually asked to stop and/or moved on to bigger projects.

Much of EBN's work is of course a commentary, be it TV, politics or anything in-between. "Get Down ver 2.2" is about as wild a remix of the Kool song as you can get, and is from their 1995 album.

And who ever would think to turn Mariah Carey into a perpetually boiling and screeching kettle? Seriously.

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